Make No Mistake...

So the Tea party likes guns, and apparently so did this guy, ALSO so do Muslim extremists, South American drug cartels, Russian criminals, pretty much every soldier in the world and a large number of people who don't have guns but wish they did so they could get rid of the dictators running their country. Your point?

My point is that American Christian conservatives (Teabaggers) undeniably share many positions with the Norwegian conservative Christian killer. Too complex for you?

Spewing similar rants doesn't make them friends, Hitler and Stalin both thought that the world would be better under them, result of that friendship? Millions dead and a devastated Russia, both 19th century England, Prussia, Russia and Austria thought Napolean would look better without a head but spent almost as much time backstabbing eachother as fighting him. Christian conservatives and Nazi's (German nazi's not the home grown racists we have here, though they don't like gays either) are/were anti gay.

How is this relevant?

And for the final point, just because he agreed with some of their stufff doesn't make them behind it, most people don't like terrorist but are you a fan of the Abu Ghraib prison?

Who said they're "behind it"" I didn't. Learn to read.

As a side note the quote about watering the tree of liberty always makes me giggle because it's so close to Mussolini's quote about "Blood alone turning the wheels of history"

I'm glad you giggle at the quote, which many gunlovers like to spout while they make veiled threats against society. Are you saying the Fascist dictator was influenced by slavefucker Tom, or just failing to be clever?
My point is that American Christian conservatives (Teabaggers) undeniably share many positions with the Norwegian conservative Christian killer. Too complex for you?

This is the first time I've seen Legion actually take a position. He fails with a logical fallacy, but at least he took a stand.:good4u:
LOL. Wow, Dune. Just wow. :shakes head:

It is simply a short version of the premise of the thread.

Still have not learned Damocles? Must be some unconcious bias you are unaware of combined with whatever blindness allows you to continue as a conservative.

The "simple (sic) short version of the premise of the thread" is simply the original widely circulated propaganda lie distributed by fascist arm of the GOP.

To put it out here as a relevant point rather than a worn out talking point, most certainly is trolling.
Still have not learned Damocles? Must be some unconcious bias you are unaware of combined with whatever blindness allows you to continue as a conservative.

The "simple (sic) short version of the premise of the thread" is simply the original widely circulated propaganda lie distributed by fascist arm of the GOP.

To put it out here as a relevant point rather than a worn out talking point, most certainly is trolling.

Ah I see, and the talking points memo that created the OP was official unbad newspeak from the ministry of love?

They've taken a skinhead from Norway and have tried to make him into the SuperChristian leader of the TEA Party movement... seriously... That's some talking point propaganda...

And yeah, "simple" is sic... correctly. Or are you upset that I didn't add a comma or the word "and"? What's happening to you? This is the best you have for us now, all you can do is run around saying anything DY says is anti-Legion propaganda?
Ah I see, and the talking points memo that created the OP was official unbad newspeak from the ministry of love? They've taken a skinhead from Norway and have tried to make him into the SuperChristian leader of the TEA Party movement... seriously... That's some talking point propaganda...And yeah, "simple" is sic... correctly. Or are you upset that I didn't add a comma or the word "and"? What's happening to you? This is the best you have for us now, all you can do is run around saying anything DY says is anti-Legion propaganda?

LOL, so now Breivik is a "skinhead"?

Who's said that - apart from you?

LOL, "and named him Christ"? That got changed rather quickly.

What's been said - correctly- is that Teabaggers and Breivik share a lot of beliefs. I've listed some in other threads. Dispute the point if you can, but stop claiming that anyone on this forum said he was a Super Christian leader of the Tea Party movement, because it's not the case.

He named himself a Christian in his manifesto.

You know that, since you claimed to be reading it for yourself.


You're better than this.
LOL, so now Breivik is a "skinhead"?

Who's said that - apart from you?

LOL, "and named him Christ"? That got changed rather quickly.

What's been said - correctly- is that Teabaggers and Breivik share a lot of beliefs. I've listed some in other threads. Dispute the point if you can, but stop claiming that anyone on this forum said he was a Super Christian leader of the Tea Party movement, because it's not the case.

He named himself a Christian in his manifesto.

You know that, since you claimed to be reading it for yourself.


You're better than this.

Neo Nazi morons are not TEA Party Patriots... It's retarded to pretend they are. Yeah, I called him a skinhead because it is accurate, he's a NeoNazi moron who went nuts and killed children. Abhorrent as the attacks are, the attempt to blame people who had nothing to do with it is pretty disgusting. You should eat more of that rotting rubbish so you can continue to spew it here, it makes you so respected.
Neo Nazi morons are not TEA Party Patriots... It's retarded to pretend they are. Yeah, I called him a skinhead because it is accurate, he's a NeoNazi moron who went nuts and killed children. Abhorrent as the attacks are, the attempt to blame people who had nothing to do with it is pretty disgusting. You should eat more of that rotting rubbish so you can continue to spew it here, it makes you so respected.

Anger management issues?

Who said Breivik was a "Tea Party Patriot"?

Who said he is a "skinhead"?

Who said he is a "Neo-Nazi"?

Please explain how pointing out facts - Breivik says he's a Christian - and many of his beliefs are shared by Teabaggers - is an attempt to place blame.

Perhaps some meditation and self-examination is in order.
You're just being trolled. No sane person really believes that this nut is a tea partier. Hell he probably hasn't a clue what that is. Their just saying that shit to get under tea party supporters skin. Seems to be working too.

You are sooo clairvoyant! These astonishing observations are so "other worldly", so psychic, so prophetic!

Ah I see, and the talking points memo that created the OP was official unbad newspeak from the ministry of love?

They've taken a skinhead from Norway and have tried to make him into the SuperChristian leader of the TEA Party movement... seriously... That's some talking point propaganda...

And yeah, "simple" is sic... correctly. Or are you upset that I didn't add a comma or the word "and"? What's happening to you? This is the best you have for us now, all you can do is run around saying anything DY says is anti-Legion propaganda?

Are you fucking stoned right now? Did you respond to the wrong post or something?

Where the hell did DY and anti legion propaganda come from? Are you just pissed at me for pwning so many conservatards lately?

The GOP propaganda machine generated the falsehood comparing the unibomber to Al Gore.

Stalin referenced the the Gore/unibomber talking point and I called him out for trolling then had to explain it to you as well.

Are you O.K.?
Are you fucking stoned right now? Did you respond to the wrong post or something?

Where the hell did DY and anti legion propaganda come from? Are you just pissed at me for pwning so many conservatards lately?

The GOP propaganda machine generated the falsehood comparing the unibomber to Al Gore.

Stalin referenced the the Gore/unibomber talking point and I called him out for trolling then had to explain it to you as well.

Are you O.K.?

But it is ok to compare the psycho in norway to the Tea Party?
As far as trolling? You are doing fine. Carry on.

But it is not trolling to compare Breivik to the Tea Party?

I've got you figured out. It is only trolling when it is done by someone you don't agree with. When \(\(\/)/)/ doesn't answer questions, it is not trolling, but when someone you don't agree with doesn't answer your deflecting question, they are trolling. Accurately stating that the unibomber and Al Gore shared ideas is trolling, but of course \(\(\/)/)/ comparing Brevik to the Tea Party is not trolling.
Anger management issues?

Who said Breivik was a "Tea Party Patriot"?

Who said he is a "skinhead"?

Who said he is a "Neo-Nazi"?

Please explain how pointing out facts - Breivik says he's a Christian - and many of his beliefs are shared by Teabaggers - is an attempt to place blame.

Perhaps some meditation and self-examination is in order.

Many Neo-nazi idiots refer to themselves as "Christian", that isn't evidence against my accurate description, it is more evidence in its favor. I do wonder if you practiced meditation and introspection what you would be like as a poster, you should try it.

BTW - I finished the manifesto. It does not at any time claim that religion is his driving factor, it does suggest a religion for Europe, but then dismisses that same religion as one he doesn't really believe... The guy was everywhere on that issue, and mentioned it rarely.
Awesome. Did Goebbels say that repeating a strawman through a variety of sock puppets makes a lie true?

Comparing Breivik to the Tea Party? Who did that?

Comparing Breivik's stated beliefs to those shared by Teabaggers? Absolutely.
Awesome. Did Goebbels say that repeating a strawman through a variety of sock puppets makes a lie true?

Comparing Breivik to the Tea Party? Who did that?
You did.

Comparing Breivik's stated beliefs to those shared by Teabaggers? Absolutely.
I am comparing them to what I saw in the manifesto, he is a neo-nazi moron. A stupid skinhead, even crazier than most of those.
You did. I am comparing them to what I saw in the manifesto, he is a neo-nazi moron. A stupid skinhead, even crazier than most of those.

Link up. I said there are similarities between what he's written and Teabagger beliefs. I certainly don't recall saying Breivik was a member of "the Tea Party". If I did, show me the post.

Cite the page number in the manifesto where you saw Anders Breivik announce that he's a neo-Nazi or skinhead.

On page 370 he says "That nearly one quarter of British people might vote for a neo-Nazi party with views inimical to democracy, human rights and common decency is truly appalling."

On page 550 he says "Swedish newspaper Expressen warned against the “low intensity terrorism” conducted by extreme Leftists and neo-Nazis."

On page 620 he repeats "The Swedish newspaper Expressen finally warned against the “low-intensity terrorism” conducted by extreme Leftists and neo-Nazis."

On page 638 he says "In 1937, the Swedish government was controlled by the Social Democrats, yet despite this evidence that they applied Nazi race laws, party members still get away with denouncing critics of their immigration policies as neo-Nazis, racists or Fascists."

On page 1355 he says "First of all, I don’t consider 70-80% of so called neo-Nazis to be actual Nazis, but rather misguided individuals. I believe many of these youngsters have made an
unfortunate mistake by being drawn to the Nazi symbols due to lack of alternatives and because it is the strongest and most well known anti-Marxist banner. But I don’t believe the majority of so called neo-Nazis really support the slaughtering and genocide of all Jews, a one party state and an imperialistic policy of conquest."

On page 1366 he says "Assuming of course that you are referring to the Jewish holocaust under Nazi Germany; no, I have reviewed the evidence, both the evidence presented by the Allied
powers and the anti-holocaust evidence presented by the Axis Powers and neo-Nazi movements."

In fact, on page 1367 he states "Everyone who wants to contribute to save Europe from cultural genocide should reject National Socialism and instead chose the Anti-Eurabian, Christian cultural conservative stance."

Have you any evidence that he said he's a neo-Nazi or skinhead? Show it.

In the meantime, enjoy watching his video...
