Male Bus Drive Uppercuts Female Passanger


Well-known member
I've always been a big believer that a man should never hit a woman (short of the man getting attacked and truly needing to protect himself). This is video from a school bus where a female passanger pushes the bus driver and then the bus driver hits her in retaliation. Is he out of line here and do you think he will do jail time? (And how does that girl get up from that punch?)

I've always been a big believer that a man should never hit a woman (short of the man getting attacked and truly needing to protect himself). This is video from a school bus where a female passanger pushes the bus driver and then the bus driver hits her in retaliation. Is he out of line here and do you think he will do jail time? (And how does that girl get up from that punch?)

Most "real" men I know would restrain the female, but this was over the top. She is rude and should also face assault charges for pushing the security guard, but the driver was just wrong to hit her the way he did.
Most "real" men I know would restrain the female, but this was over the top. She is rude and should also face assault charges for pushing the security guard, but the driver was just wrong to hit her the way he did.

Yeah there are no winners in this incident. I took the bus for a couple of years when I was young and never saw anything go to this extreme but I did witness several incidents that came close with people yelling at the driver like this. This video gave me a definite flashback.
I'd have done the same thing, regardless of what reproductive organs the offender had. I don't buy into the myth that hitting a woman, based solely on the fact that she is a woman, is wrong. If violence is a justifiable course of action (rare) then why should it matter if it is a man or a women? Because she may be weaker than I? So what. Then she shouldn't be willing to make violence a reasonable course of action. It would not matter to me what the age (excluding children)sex, or physical condition. I truly do not discriminate.
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I'd have done the same thing, regardless of what reproductive organs the offender had. I don't buy into the myth that hitting a woman, based solely on the fact that she is a woman, is wrong. If violence is a justifiable course of action (rare) then why should it matter if it is a man or a women? Because she may be weaker than I? So what. Then she shouldn't be willing to make violence a reasonable course of action. It would not matter to me what the age (excluding children)sex, or physical condition. I truly do not discriminate.

So, you are confessing to being a bully, thanks
There are proceedures bus drivers are supposed to follow in these kinds of incidents...and this driver didn't follow them. I'm sure this video is giving misogynists woodies. Oh and before they can accuse me of condoning the womans actions I'll say here that I don't but this is a day in the life of a bus driver and why they are screened before hire.
There are proceedures bus drivers are supposed to follow in these kinds of incidents...and this driver didn't follow them. I'm sure this video is giving misogynists woodies. Oh and before they can accuse me of condoning the womans actions I'll say here that I don't but this is a day in the life of a bus driver and why they are screened before hire.

What are the procedures when the bus driver has been assulted or attached?
I'm sure he's been trained and it doesn't include what happened here....this is more of the discussion around violence on both sides of this issue. People who carry guns and claim they have the right to kill someone if they feel threatened. We are loosing it in this country.
I'm sure he's been trained and it doesn't include what happened here....this is more of the discussion around violence on both sides of this issue. People who carry guns and claim they have the right to kill someone if they feel threatened. We are loosing it in this country.

If you told me there were never fights previously and it is a new phenomenon then I would agree the country is losing it. But to my knowledge there has always been fighting and young people disrespecting elders (though maybe not to the same level as today). Like I said I saw similar actions (short of the driver punching the girl) when I took the bus to school 25 years ago. The trash talking and disrespect is not new.
If you take action against a weaker opponents, it is being a bully.

So someone deliberately harrasing me and being an asshole is a victim should they pick a fight and lose? The only thing they are a victim of is their own stupidity. Don't be a dick if you have a glass jaw.
So someone deliberately harrasing me and being an asshole is a victim should they pick a fight and lose? The only thing they are a victim of is their own stupidity. Don't be a dick if you have a glass jaw.

This is a juvenile, and she pushed the security guard, not the driver. I would not hit a child in such a manner, even if pushed and I would not hit someone smaller than myself. It is the way I was taught.
This is a juvenile, and she pushed the security guard, not the driver. I would not hit a child in such a manner, even if pushed and I would not hit someone smaller than myself. It is the way I was taught.

A minor and a child are two different things. I got my ass kicked a fee times as a teen because, in part, I thought I was king shit. Well I was wrong. A punch to the face, properly administered, is one of the fastest and best teaching tools in the world. Second I honestly didn't watch the video. I have no idea what happened.
If you told me there were never fights previously and it is a new phenomenon then I would agree the country is losing it. But to my knowledge there has always been fighting and young people disrespecting elders (though maybe not to the same level as today). Like I said I saw similar actions (short of the driver punching the girl) when I took the bus to school 25 years ago. The trash talking and disrespect is not new.
Bus drivers don't punch people, period. The fact that the responses by certain posters here are not surprising is indicative of our society losing it...that this is acceptable to certain people is indicative of our society losing it, that's the point.
Bus drivers don't punch people, period. The fact that the responses by certain posters here are not surprising is indicative of our society losing it...that this is acceptable to certain people is indicative of our society losing it, that's the point.

He was provoked but his response was a total over reaction. No doubt the girl will sue the bus company for shedloads of money.
Bus drivers don't punch people, period. The fact that the responses by certain posters here are not surprising is indicative of our society losing it...that this is acceptable to certain people is indicative of our society losing it, that's the point.

That it's acceptable to Grind is indicitive of our society losing it? I'm sure Grind would appreciate knowing his opinion has that much power but I don't think I'm going out on a limb in saying he doesn't really represent all of society.
That it's acceptable to Grind is indicitive of our society losing it? I'm sure Grind would appreciate knowing his opinion has that much power but I don't think I'm going out on a limb in saying he doesn't really represent all of society.

I'm Billy chief.