Male Bus Drive Uppercuts Female Passanger

Oh, come on, I serious doubt you would smack a grl as hard as the driver did this female minor. Sensible people deal with weaker opponents by restraint, not the way this diver reacted. You disappoint me.

Equality disappoints you? Thats a shame. It looked to me like she attacked the driver. Her age should be a factor, but not her gender. I agree that a man should never strike a lady. But that woman was anything BUT a lady. She was the aggressor. She started the fight. For her to whine about it because she is female is nuts.

Did the driver overreact? Yeah, I think he did. But since we only have a few minutes of video on which to base our opinions, there is no hard answer.

Remember the female bus driver who was traumatized by the verbal abuse? If she had knocked the shit out of one of those boys, would you have cheered?
So you think that the strong have an implicit right to have their will followed? That there is no such thing as justice in the world, there are the strong, and the weak, and the weak should fall in line?

No, but in social interaction the proper application of an ass kicking has its place.

Additionally, how am I to know they are weaker? Because they are smaller? That's all I've been beaten by, as there aren't many people bigger than I am in the first place. Suppose they have superior strength, or training, or are on drugs or armed or any combination thereof? A response the requires violence (which I initially state is a rare occurance) requires enough violence to quickly and wholly end the encounter.
I'd have done the same thing, regardless of what reproductive organs the offender had. I don't buy into the myth that hitting a woman, based solely on the fact that she is a woman, is wrong. If violence is a justifiable course of action (rare) then why should it matter if it is a man or a women? Because she may be weaker than I? So what. Then she shouldn't be willing to make violence a reasonable course of action. It would not matter to me what the age (excluding children)sex, or physical condition. I truly do not discriminate.
I believe in chivalry but it is incumbant upon both genders to behave as Gentleman and a Lady. Now I would not have personally have retalliated in such a manner for being pushed. Having said that, once a lady strikes a gentleman she loses her right to be a lady and consequently if it turns out the man she hit was not a gentleman and she gets decked, meh, that's her problem.
Holy Shit, just saw the video. Hell ya'll are just a bunch of weak sisters. He just gave her a Cleveland love tap is all. $10 says if they hadn't of restrained the sister she'd of dropped his old ass like a bad habit! WELCOME TO CLEVELAND BABY!!!

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No, but in social interaction the proper application of an ass kicking has its place.

Additionally, how am I to know they are weaker? Because they are smaller? That's all I've been beaten by, as there aren't many people bigger than I am in the first place. Suppose they have superior strength, or training, or are on drugs or armed or any combination thereof? A response the requires violence (which I initially state is a rare occurance) requires enough violence to quickly and wholly end the encounter.
Well I can't speak for the ladies but a guy needs to get his ass kicked at least once in his life to give him, shall we say, a proper perspecitve.
Well I can't speak for the ladies but a guy needs to get his ass kicked at least once in his life to give him, shall we say, a proper perspecitve.

It doesn't bear thinking about!!

if that is the case then you should apply that standard to weaker men as well. Your original comments only allowed for sticking up for weaker women.

I would not assault anyone weaker than myself. There are wys to restrain people with assaulting them. Men or women. Even with more details of this incident coming out, she wasn't a minor, there is no way I would have reacted to her in such a violent manner. There are techniques to use to retrain people.
I think what he is saying is that responding with violence, when appropriate, is not based on gender. I have been attacked by two different women. Should I have simply stood and accepted whatever punches they throw?

No, just take your gun out and shoot them, that will teach them.