Male Bus Drive Uppercuts Female Passanger

That it's acceptable to Grind is indicitive of our society losing it? I'm sure Grind would appreciate knowing his opinion has that much power but I don't think I'm going out on a limb in saying he doesn't really represent all of society.

Don't you mean Billy?
the punch seemed a bit too much. I was ready to go "boom owned" but instead i was like "....damn O_O"

A good shove probably would have gotten the job done. Or he could have just tossed her ass off the bus.

As to the hitting another sex aspect, I don't know, seems stupid to me, guy or girl, a punch to the jaw like that is going to hurt the same for both sexes.
So, you are confessing to being a bully, thanks

I think what he is saying is that responding with violence, when appropriate, is not based on gender. I have been attacked by two different women. Should I have simply stood and accepted whatever punches they throw?
This is a juvenile, and she pushed the security guard, not the driver. I would not hit a child in such a manner, even if pushed and I would not hit someone smaller than myself. It is the way I was taught.

The video has been removed, so I could not see it. The woman is a juvenile? How old?
I'd have done the same thing, regardless of what reproductive organs the offender had. I don't buy into the myth that hitting a woman, based solely on the fact that she is a woman, is wrong. If violence is a justifiable course of action (rare) then why should it matter if it is a man or a women? Because she may be weaker than I? So what. Then she shouldn't be willing to make violence a reasonable course of action. It would not matter to me what the age (excluding children)sex, or physical condition. I truly do not discriminate.

So you think that the strong have an implicit right to have their will followed? That there is no such thing as justice in the world, there are the strong, and the weak, and the weak should fall in line?
So if a weaker opponent attacks me it is up to me to show restraint? The weaker opponent has no responsibility for what happens when they attack someone? I'm sorry, but that is nonsense.

Oh, come on, I serious doubt you would smack a grl as hard as the driver did this female minor. Sensible people deal with weaker opponents by restraint, not the way this diver reacted. You disappoint me.
Oh, come on, I serious doubt you would smack a grl as hard as the driver did this female minor. Sensible people deal with weaker opponents by restraint, not the way this diver reacted. You disappoint me.

if that is the case then you should apply that standard to weaker men as well. Your original comments only allowed for sticking up for weaker women.