Man accused of attacking TV reporter, saying ‘This is Trump’s America now’

I know, isn't it both hilarious and pitiful? There's one here who is a lonely shut-in spinster who nevertheless uses "we" constantly, even in instances where it makes no sense. We're supposed to believe that there really is another human being in her life, rather than just an ever-revolving bunch of dogs. Makes sense: "We're going to watch a basketball game tonight." Makes no sense and just looks pathetic: "We have a doctor appointment to remove the log from our eye." :rofl2:
You're just describing yourself again.
lol indeed.

They must have been banned or ignored at new leftist and deviant friendly BlueButt or Bluesky or whatever, since they only left for a couple of days or so and then came back here to be abused and mocked. I note a couple of others never came back, though, so it's still good. Get some serious topics going, attract more mentally balanced and informed people, paleo- liberal and paleo-conservative both.
It doesn't take banning. It just takes getting bored talking to themselves and no one else.
I've noticed that. What is it about Democrats about this??? Such selfish people.

they went really spastic over Newberry's description of their 'logic'; they acted as if Newberry knew them personally and was talking specifically about them, so it's clear they have issues.
they went really spastic over Newberry's description of their 'logic'; they acted as if Newberry knew them personally and was talking specifically about them, so it's clear they have issues.
Which "Newberry"?

They DO have a lot of issues.

* They are nothings, each thinking they are significant and Elite.
* They are losers. Leftists always go for word games, projections, and insults when they lose. Some, like Sybil, go for mimicry like a little todder.
* They are illiterate. They do not speak or understand English. They ignore mathematics, science, logic, history (even recent history!) and philosophy.
* They are liars, constantly denying what they said and even who they are, and trying to blame what they said or did on someone else.
* They are filled with hate. They hate Trump, they hate any conservative, they hate the republic, they hate anyone but themselves.
* They are perverts, shoving sexual deviancy out in public.
* They hate children, aborting them, mutilating them, and putting them in "gun free zones" for them to be murdered. Children are just pawns to them.
* They hate women, undefining them, using men to beat up women in sports, and council them to murder their own offspring. Women are just pawns to them.
* They are racist, constantly trying to split people up by skin color, gender, even hair or eye color.
* They are bigots, constantly trying to split people up by religion, financial means, etc.
* They support invasion of the United States, calls for civil war against citizens of the United States, and support people that have committed such treason.
* They hate the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.
* They ignore the law.
* They are violent, even willing to kill for the agenda.
* They think they speak for everyone.
* Like a bunch of Karens, they get twisted up on the most trivial things. It's a collective, "Reeeeeeeeee!".

Oh yes...Democrats have a LOT of issues!
You are projecting again, Sybil. Inversion fallacy.
Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.Inversion fallacy.

Agreed on both. It's one of the fascinating things about JPP and the #1 reason I never put anyone on ignore. The fact Lesion Lameless convinced Damo to put me on Forced Ignore and then immediately violated it so he could monitor my posts is a revelation in itself.

@TOP clearly lives a fantasy life online. She claims several things but her actions and words never back up her claims. This indicates to me that she is either lying or is simply so delusional and/or demented that she believes her fantasy life is real. Regardless, that fact she doesn't have a college education much less a teaching degree is evident in her posts.

LOL on "log from our eye".

^^^ Truthiness!

I've been enjoying watching JPPer after JPPer take her down, spank her hard, and leave her mewling in the ditch. She has whined privately and copiously to her former buddies that ppl are "mean" to her and hate her because of me. Hopefully she's beginning to get a glimmer of the truth, after being told by so many that she condemns herself with her own words. She doesn't really care if ppl like her or not though. That whining is just seeking to be seen as the perennial victim. She's only here for attention. Even if it's negative, she knows someone, somewhere, "cares." How depressing. :(
She really is a mental case. I'd report that shit to my local police if I was you.

Nah, not a crime, just a violation of terms of service for most Internet discussion forums. She whines a lot while wringing her victim hands about being paid back in spades for her doxing of others. That self-doxing incident, when she posted a link to another forum, was classic Toxic Stupidity. She tried to get those of us who went to it and saw it banned for discussing it. I think she believed that she was somehow proving that I made the site where her info is/was, and so I would be banned for it (even though it wasn't ME who posted that link). Since then I found out who posted that info on that other forum, and apparently here as well although I missed that part. She is so far off base she's on the dark side of the moon. lol

As Forrest Gump once said, "Stupid is as stupid does."
^^^ Truthiness!

I've been enjoying watching JPPer after JPPer take her down, spank her hard, and leave her mewling in the ditch. She has whined privately and copiously to her former buddies that ppl are "mean" to her and hate her because of me. Hopefully she's beginning to get a glimmer of the truth, after being told by so many that she condemns herself with her own words. She doesn't really care if ppl like her or not though. That whining is just seeking to be seen as the perennial victim. She's only here for attention. Even if it's negative, she knows someone, somewhere, "cares." How depressing. :(
@TOP is a trainwreck and, IMO, clearly lowe IQ and mentally ill. It's one reason why I forgive most of her BS.