Man accused of attacking TV reporter, saying ‘This is Trump’s America now’

Who is Newberry? What is your fascination with NAMBLA? You've brought it up in a dozen or so posts across multiple forums. I'm genuinely curious why you keep bringing it up and, passive-aggressively, link it to members of JPP.

If you don't want to answer, I understand. You have a habit of running away from explaining your own posts. This is just one reason why I know you are both female and a Trunt, Ms. Edwina. :)

all those edwina points are excellent.

you reposting them just makes her look better.

did you know this?

the woke pedo transing shit is dead.

you need to move on.
Think she will show up?

From Top's link ...

But there is a dodge. Just don't turn up.

In 1969, Democratic Vice President Hubert Humphrey recused himself and skipped certification. Instead it fell to the Senate president pro tempore (usually the majority party's most senior member) to announce that Humphrey had lost to Nixon's second run.
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He apparently only makes federal minimum wage and depends on tips (which don't add up enough for him). If that's all you know, economic depression goes unnoticed. He can't afford anything anyway.
Maybe he'd get better tips if he worked harder and wasn't such a sour puss.
You think this has been a depression?
Yes. Economic activity has been depressed during the entire Biden Regime (and even during the very tail end of the Trump admin because of Democrat governors and their seemingly-never-ending COVID-mandates agenda that continued into the Biden Regime).
You are not going to like what comes next.
Why wouldn't I like economic growth?