Man, am I loving the conservative malaise

So Damo is a McCain man?
Not particularly. I was long ago, until he started ignoring the border. I like people that aren't invested in religion as a cause of their conservatism. McCain used to be that way. I am likely to again vote Libertarian this election. I'm swayable though. I think McCain's nomination is a sign of the problems that have been caused by Bush. I'm hoping that we can use that to bring less religion into the realm of elections.
[sarcasm]That middle thought isn't elitist at all.[/sarcasm]

We could have this argument if you like .. and we could start with Saddam, WMD, and the worst military, strategic, and political blunder in American history.

Liberals and the rest of planet earth saw that coming .. how come you and the rest of the right didn't?
As conservative as I am I think he can say it. There are a lot of problems in the republican party right now, otherwise a McCain would never get the nod in a presidential election. And a lot of the problems can be traced to Bush and some of his major policies.

Now, I think the republicans will fix things in the years to come because the democrats can't help but to screw up the good fortune they have found in Bush. But until then, well.......I'll give uscitizen props for what he said.

I agree there are a lot of problems and that many are traced to Bush. Would these problems not be there if Bush lost in '04? I think they would still be there.

It took the Republicans losing Congress in '06 to finally get the numbnuts to start actually more like the fiscally conservative people they claim to be. And it took the Republicans losing Congress for Bush to start talking about fiscal responsibilty and actually trying to do someting about it, like actually vetoing a spending bill.

Sometimes a party needs to go into the dumps to rise again like the Republicans did pre-Reagan. I don't think having Kerry as President would have would have changed much for the Republicans.
You dont get it do you?

They are not acting fiscal they are stunting the Dems so they cant get anything done.

They dont give a rats ass about our country.
I presented my counter argument in reponse to desh. Her and, apparently, your whole argument is based on dehumanizing your opponent with some silly nonsense where they are all seemingly tapped in to some hive mind. You're a lunatic, dude. Republicans, democrats, libertarians, mexicans, jews, arabs, blacks, southerners, on and on, do not all think alike.


If I'm not mistaken I have read you post negatively about "liberals" on more than one occassion.

But now everybody is different.

Exactly who told you that criticisms of a political party was out of bounds solely because you don't want to hear it?

Like to discuss why you're so correct and why I'm not .. or are you more comfortable hurling stupids?
You dont get it do you?

They are not acting fiscal they are stunting the Dems so they cant get anything done.

They dont give a rats ass about our country.

Oh, ok Desh. They exist strictly to stop the Dems from being able to save our country.
Oh, ok Desh. They exist strictly to stop the Dems from being able to save our country.

Unfortunately it does appear that if it comes down to country or party most republicans choose party. Many of them seem to convince themselves that they are the same thing.
Whatever is good for the Republican party is good for the country.
Not particularly. I was long ago, until he started ignoring the border. I like people that aren't invested in religion as a cause of their conservatism. McCain used to be that way. I am likely to again vote Libertarian this election. I'm swayable though. I think McCain's nomination is a sign of the problems that have been caused by Bush. I'm hoping that we can use that to bring less religion into the realm of elections.

But the republicans can not win any election without these people.
Unfortunately it does appear that if it comes down to country or party most republicans choose party.

Where is the news?

This is how it has been with republicans since Nixon when they chose to get in bed with the devil. Kicked into overdrive with Reagan .. who ushered in the neocons.
Are you a gambling man?

Do you really need a poll to see what's coming? I refuse to believe that you do. I think you're an intelligent poster and politically astute .. thus, I don't think it possible for you to not see what is right in front of you.

Two-thirds of all who voted tuesday voted democratic.

I don't act like the republicans are going to fold .. they've already folded by regurgitating McCain as the nominee. If you think this nation hates Clinton more than they fear a McCain presidency, then my brother, you are not as astute as I believe you are.

Do you really believe Americans are lusting for more war?

1) Who cares about the two thirds number. 22.8mm people voted in the primaries. Over 120 million voted in the national elections. As I mentioned on other threads, the Reps tend to get behind their candidate early and have a history of not voting strong in the primaries. So that is not an indication of turnout in the general.

2) Again, how is it folding to put forth the candidate that the far right hates and that polls at a tie with your two leading candidates?

3) No, I do not believe anyone is lusting for war. I think that is a load of crap issued by the left in a standard fear monger attack on McCain.
Unfortunately it does appear that if it comes down to country or party most republicans choose party. Many of them seem to convince themselves that they are the same thing.
Whatever is good for the Republican party is good for the country.

If that's the case would you like to share with me how the Democrats are any different?
1) Who cares about the two thirds number. 22.8mm people voted in the primaries. Over 120 million voted in the national elections. As I mentioned on other threads, the Reps tend to get behind their candidate early and have a history of not voting strong in the primaries. So that is not an indication of turnout in the general.

2) Again, how is it folding to put forth the candidate that the far right hates and that polls at a tie with your two leading candidates?

3) No, I do not believe anyone is lusting for war. I think that is a load of crap issued by the left in a standard fear monger attack on McCain.

Hmm I seem to recall pro war posts from you recently.

If I'm not mistaken I have read you post negatively about "liberals" on more than one occassion.

Where have you heard me argue that ALL Dems are all mindless zombies controlled by party hacks.

Further, I don't use liberal to describe the left. I call them lefties. The only time I use Liberal in that way is to poke fun at the right or maybe by accident. Like, for instance, the "Liberals Say no Fatties Allowed" thread. It's funny to me because Dano and other righties always make it seem as if anything that is done or happens in certain areas can be blamed on "liberals." So when it happens in Miss. :)

But now everybody is different.

Exactly who told you that criticisms of a political party was out of bounds solely because you don't want to hear it?

I hate the Republicans. Criticize them all you like. But pretending they are all going to march on orders from some dark and secret force is stupid and does not further your cause.

I think it quite telling that you and desh here display thinking similar to that of asshats. Asshat does this sort of thing with Jews, Chinese and Mexicans. All of you are also highly disposed to crackpot conspiracies. Funny that you all act in different ways in other areas though. Even nutjobs don't all think alike.
1) Who cares about the two thirds number. 22.8mm people voted in the primaries. Over 120 million voted in the national elections. As I mentioned on other threads, the Reps tend to get behind their candidate early and have a history of not voting strong in the primaries. So that is not an indication of turnout in the general.

Perhaps you need a poll to tell you about which electorate will be far more .. make that FAR MORE energized during the general .. but I don't.

Call it a gift.

2) Again, how is it folding to put forth the candidate that the far right hates and that polls at a tie with your two leading candidates?

Again, my evidence is not what the polls say.

You hold onto that raft real tight.

3) No, I do not believe anyone is lusting for war. I think that is a load of crap issued by the left in a standard fear monger attack on McCain.

Laughable at best.

I suppose the left told McCain to talk about staying in Iraq for 100 years .. and the specter of more and more wars.

Oh yeah, republicans are looking real good right now .. that's why they're jumping ship like rats .. because prospects are so promising.
Where have you heard me argue that ALL Dems are all mindless zombies controlled by party hacks.

Further, I don't use liberal to describe the left. I call them lefties. The only time I use Liberal in that way is to poke fun at the right or maybe by accident. Like, for instance, the "Liberals Say no Fatties Allowed" thread. It's funny to me because Dano and other righties always make it seem as if anything that is done or happens in certain areas can be blamed on "liberals." So when it happens in Miss. :)

I hate the Republicans. Criticize them all you like. But pretending they are all going to march on orders from some dark and secret force is stupid and does not further your cause.

I think it quite telling that you and desh here display thinking similar to that of asshats. Asshat does this sort of thing with Jews, Chinese and Mexicans. All of you are also highly disposed to crackpot conspiracies. Funny that you all act in different ways in other areas though. Even nutjobs don't all think alike.

What a amazing reach for the slightest bit of "logic" .. WOW.

Now we're "racists" because we say bad things about republicans !!!

I've been told that I have no sense of humor and I fail to recognioze satire .. surely that bullshit MUST be satire.

Ok .. I'm laughing.
The republican base has denied a plethora of evidence and testimony by completely reliable sources to maintain that Bush was in the right over several years.

These are the people we are talking about.

You can pretend they dont exsist but that would just make you exactly like them.
Perhaps you need a poll to tell you about which electorate will be far more .. make that FAR MORE energized during the general .. but I don't.

Call it a gift.

Again, my evidence is not what the polls say.

You hold onto that raft real tight.

Laughable at best.

I suppose the left told McCain to talk about staying in Iraq for 100 years .. and the specter of more and more wars.

Oh yeah, republicans are looking real good right now .. that's why they're jumping ship like rats .. because prospects are so promising.

1) put up Obama and I agree, the Dems will be more energized.

put up Hitlary.... whole other story.

2) Again... you have NO evidence, just your opinion. There is a huge difference.... but continue believing it will be a cake walk. Spread the word among Dems how easy a victory it will be. I would appreciate it.

3) Again with the left bullshit spin with regards to McCains comment. Thanks for proving my point.