Where have you heard me argue that ALL Dems are all mindless zombies controlled by party hacks.
Further, I don't use liberal to describe the left. I call them lefties. The only time I use Liberal in that way is to poke fun at the right or maybe by accident. Like, for instance, the "Liberals Say no Fatties Allowed" thread. It's funny to me because Dano and other righties always make it seem as if anything that is done or happens in certain areas can be blamed on "liberals." So when it happens in Miss.
I hate the Republicans. Criticize them all you like. But pretending they are all going to march on orders from some dark and secret force is stupid and does not further your cause.
I think it quite telling that you and desh here display thinking similar to that of asshats. Asshat does this sort of thing with Jews, Chinese and Mexicans. All of you are also highly disposed to crackpot conspiracies. Funny that you all act in different ways in other areas though. Even nutjobs don't all think alike.