Man, am I loving the conservative malaise

Again... you have NO evidence, just your opinion. There is a huge difference.... but continue believing it will be a cake walk. Spread the word among Dems how easy a victory it will be. I would appreciate it.

This is the statement of someone who supports the right.
well it is remotely possible I am wrong, but I don't care enough to go dig it up.

as I recall something about securing our national interests in the area.

typical... toss out bullshit and then fail to back it up. Perhaps you should go back to the country store and whittle something with the other yokles.

Again... you have NO evidence, just your opinion. There is a huge difference.... but continue believing it will be a cake walk. Spread the word among Dems how easy a victory it will be. I would appreciate it.

This is the statement of someone who supports the right.

because if you were on the left you know it will be a cake walk?
Super you are right leaning wether you even know it or not.

We all see it and even the righty cowacko is defending you.
But the republicans can not win any election without these people.
And the Ds can't win without... <insert group here>.

It doesn't mean they have to pander to them during elections. Where are they going to go?
Super you are right leaning wether you even know it or not.

We all see it and even the righty cowacko is defending you.

Yes desh, I have always stated that economically I am conservative. Socially it depends on the issue, but overall moderate.

I have never pretended to be otherwise. I refuse to register with either party because I do not believe either represent me. NEITHER are economically conservative enough for me. Thus, I am an independent, but very rarely will I vote Dem over Rep because they typically are further to the left economically and too far to the left socially.

Similar to BAC being left leaning but not a Dem.
Yes desh, I have always stated that economically I am conservative. Socially it depends on the issue, but overall moderate.

I have never pretended to be otherwise. I refuse to register with either party because I do not believe either represent me. NEITHER are economically conservative enough for me. Thus, I am an independent, but very rarely will I vote Dem over Rep because they typically are further to the left economically and too far to the left socially.

Similar to BAC being left leaning but not a Dem.

Yeah right.
1) put up Obama and I agree, the Dems will be more energized.

put up Hitlary.... whole other story.

2) Again... you have NO evidence, just your opinion. There is a huge difference.... but continue believing it will be a cake walk. Spread the word among Dems how easy a victory it will be. I would appreciate it.

3) Again with the left bullshit spin with regards to McCains comment. Thanks for proving my point.

I'm sorry but you can't hide like that anymore. You've proven yourself to be intelligent and I refuse to believe that you think the left told McCain to talk about war. I refuse to believe you can't see.

"Cake walk" ... that's the language of the right, isn't it.

I call the right a disaster .. and you can quote me one it.
Where did I make that claim? You display a thinking that is similar to racists, but no you are not racists.

We are the opposition to the macinations of the right .. and in the opposition, we fight against it. I'm not here to make nice with the political element that is destroying America and sending our young men and women in uniform off to die in a useless and demonic war profit.
I'm sorry but you can't hide like that anymore. You've proven yourself to be intelligent and I refuse to believe that you think the left told McCain to talk about war. I refuse to believe you can't see.

"Cake walk" ... that's the language of the right, isn't it.

I call the right a disaster .. and you can quote me one it.

Please show me where I said the left told McCain to talk about war. I said no such thing. I said it is leftwing bullshit spin on McCains comments that you are trying to use to claim he is lusting for war.

McCain did not say he wanted war for another 100 years or that it would last another 100 years.

He said quite clearly that IF Iraq was as stable as Germany or Japan, that Americans would not care if we had troops based in Iraq anymore than they care that we have had troops based in Germany and Japan for the past 60 years.

He did not say Iraq WAS that stable, nor did he imply that it would be any time soon.

So enough of the bullshit spin.
typical... toss out bullshit and then fail to back it up. Perhaps you should go back to the country store and whittle something with the other yokles.


Yep about 6 of the yokels are multi millionaires. But still good people.
Unlike some people...
We are the opposition to the macinations of the right .. and in the opposition, we fight against it. I'm not here to make nice with the political element that is destroying America and sending our young men and women in uniform off to die in a useless and demonic war profit.

Ooookay, whatever. The point I am criticizing is not being against Republican policies or republicans in general and no matter how many strawmen you trot out to try and cover your tracks, BACkpedal, that's not changing. The point is that it is stupid and even dangerous to your cause to pretend that all Republicans are identically minded robots in pursuit of the same cause. They are not. They are individuals of varied interests.
Ooookay, whatever. The point I am criticizing is not being against Republican policies or republicans in general and no matter how many strawmen you trot out to try and cover your tracks, BACkpedal, that's not changing. The point is that it is stupid and even dangerous to your cause to pretend that all Republicans are identically minded robots in pursuit of the same cause. They are not. They are individuals of varied interests.

At least 30% of the republicans are bushbots according to the polls.
And those are the ones that will still admit to approving of Bush.
At least 30% of the republicans are bushbots according to the polls.
And those are the ones that will still admit to approving of Bush.

At least 65.4 percent of Democrats are mindless socialists according to polls.

And those are the ones that will still believe the Democratic Party isn't just as bad as the Republicans.

See, I can say shit too.
Ooookay, whatever. The point I am criticizing is not being against Republican policies or republicans in general and no matter how many strawmen you trot out to try and cover your tracks, BACkpedal, that's not changing. The point is that it is stupid and even dangerous to your cause to pretend that all Republicans are identically minded robots in pursuit of the same cause. They are not. They are individuals of varied interests.

Feel free to characterize republicans in any manner you choose .. but they've left a hell of a lot of dead innocent people in their wake. Part of the reason republicans were able to get away with the destruction of American respect and honor is because of weak-ass timid non-republicans who were too timid to call evil what it was.

You shouldn't be too concerned about what is "dangerous" to my cause, because my cause is looking real good .. in fact, better than perhaps it has ever looked and the prospects for greater improvement are excellent.

Now perhaps such a road for your cause may require you to kiss the republican ass .. but mine does not sir.

Thanks for the advice anyway.