Map of Russia's special operations in Ukraine, the advance of Russian troops, militar

Conflict in Ukraine

The Russian Defense Ministry showed footage of the combat duty of the crew of the Nebo-SV radar and the combat work of the Buk-M3 air defense system. The calculation of the 1L13 "Sky-SV" radar station searches and detects targets and determines their nationality by sending a "Friend or Foe" request. Based on the results of the target's response, the radar crew makes a decision to destroy the target and transmits the data to the crew of the Buk-M3 air defense system. The detection range of fighter-type targets at high altitudes reaches 380 km, at low altitudes up to 65 km. The Russian radar "Nebo-SV" was put into service in 1986.

Conflict in Ukraine

New weapons of Ukraine, mobile MLRS and machine guns. Recently, Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, said that a turning point would soon come at the front, but no one understood what he meant. Perhaps it was meant that new types of weapons would appear in the Ukrainian army, if I may say so about them. We have already talked about the homemade Ukrainian MLRS. Now the new MLRS installations have become more perfect, S-8 rockets are launched not from a trailer, as before, but from the body of a Mitsubishi L200 pickup truck. In addition, an installation with a large-caliber machine gun in a trailer is currently being tested, most likely this is the first prototype, apparently, it is still far from being put into production.

Conflict in Ukraine

The Russian Defense Ministry showed footage of a Mi-35 helicopter sortie in Ukraine. Pilots of the Mi-35 in the roll-up mode carried out an attack on targets and at low altitude left the air defense of Ukraine.

Conflict in Ukraine

The blow of Russian soldiers from the Kornet ATGM was caught on video. A group of Ukrainian soldiers moved along the forest belt towards the positions of the Ukrainian army. To strike at the enemy, the Russian crew used the 9M133FM-2 missile with a thermobaric warhead, this type of missile can hit infantry and light equipment at a distance of up to 8000 meters.

Conflict in Ukraine

The militia in Donetsk carried out the modernization of the BMP-2, equipping it with dynamic armor and a Romel box. Also, the protection of the T-64 tank was significantly enhanced, additional elements were added to the standard elements of dynamic protection. "Rommel box" - a turret tank box designed to store ammunition and ammunition, was widely used in the Second World War on the tanks of the African Corps of the German army. The BMP-2 was protected by dynamic armor and equipped with a Romel box, also with dynamic protection. The Ukrainian T-64 tank was reinforced with dynamic protection, and even better than the protection that is on the modernized T-64 tank, and was also equipped with a Romel box.

The militia in Donetsk carried out the modernization of the BMP-2, equipping it with dynamic armor and a Romel box. Also, the protection of the T-64 tank was significantly enhanced, additional elements were added to the standard elements of dynamic protection. "Rommel box" - a turret tank box designed to store ammunition and ammunition, was widely used in the Second World War on the tanks of the African Corps of the German army. The BMP-2 was protected by dynamic armor and equipped with a Romel box, also with dynamic protection. The Ukrainian T-64 tank was reinforced with dynamic protection, and even better than the protection that is on the modernized T-64 tank, and was also equipped with a Romel box.

Yes the Ukrainian army has been modifying hundreds of Russian DMP and Tanks too. :laugh:
New SAM Pantsir-SM-TBM of Russia

Tula Design Bureau. A.G. Shipunova showed a detailed model of the new version of the Pantsir-SM-TBM air defense system. The new air defense system is made in the version of a transport-combat vehicle and received the prefix "TBM". In this version, the air defense system lost its cannon armament, but increased the arsenal of missiles to 24 pieces, in the old versions of the Pantsir- air defense system there were 12 missiles. The increase in the number of missiles is apparently due to the increased role of drones in modern wars and the emergence of swarms of combat drones in the near future. The air defense system is capable of not only storing and transporting missile weapons, but also carrying out combat work for missiles. The developers had to abandon the station for detecting air targets: in combat formations, the Patsir-SM-TBM will receive target designation from other vehicles in the battery or from command posts of a layered air defense system. The air defense system received small-sized anti-aircraft guided missiles against small drones and UAVs, there are four in total. In the maximum load option, the Pantsir-SM TBM air defense system will be able to fire a volley of 96 missiles. The air defense system received a new sighting station with a phased antenna array. Thanks to this, the system sees targets at a distance of up to 75 kilometers. Thus, the effective firing range of the complex is increased to 40 kilometers - twice as much as compared to Pantsir-S1.

Conflict in Ukraine

Separate units of the Ukrainian army began to leave Lisichansk under the blows of Russian artillery. The Ukrainian command ordered the units to leave the city so as not to be surrounded by the Russian army. In order to minimize losses, the Armed Forces of Ukraine were ordered to retreat in small groups with a large interval and distance.” Earlier it became known that the territory of the Lisichansk oil refinery was taken under control by the forces of the Russian Army.

Conflict in Ukraine

Footage has emerged of the Russian helicopter KA-52 pursuing and destroying a vehicle of the Ukrainian armed forces. The video at the end is changed, because after the destruction of the car, the footage is too hard.

Conflict in Ukraine

The Russian Ministry of Defense showed the combat work of the T-80BV tank and the BTR-82A armored personnel carrier of the Marine Corps in Ukraine. The crew of the T-80BV uses a complex tactical element - "flank shooting" and suppresses the strongholds of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with fire.

Conflict in Ukraine

Former President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, who is now in the UK, bought used DAF military trucks for the Ukrainian army with the money of his foundation

Conflict in Ukraine

The Russian army began preparations for the assault on Slavyansk. Massive attacks on the positions of the Ukrainian army on the outskirts of Slovyansk have already begun

Conflict in Ukraine

At about 3 o'clock Belgorod was subjected to massive shelling of the Ukrainian army. Almost all targets were shot down by the Russian air defense system. The governor of the Belgorod region Vyacheslav Gladkov reported a series of pops in the sky of the city and damage to houses. According to Gladkov, at least 39 private residential buildings in Belgorod were partially damaged, five of them were completely destroyed, 11 apartment buildings were also damaged, mostly windows were broken. According to preliminary information, 3 people died.

Conflict in Ukraine

During the hostilities in Ukraine, the Russian armored car "Tiger" confirmed its high booking quality. Developed in 2005, the Russian armored car "Tiger" and equipped with heat-treated armor plates with a thickness of 5 mm to 7 mm, having hit an anti-tank mine in Ukraine, withstood its explosion, people remained intact

Conflict in Ukraine

Russia uses guns against PAX STUPOR drones in Ukraine. To combat the drones, the allied forces of the Russian military began to use guns against the STUPOR drones in Ukraine. The complex against drones PARS "STUPOR" emits electromagnetic impulses and suppresses the control channels of drones. To neutralize the drone, you need to press and hold the button on the weapon, the drone loses contact with the operator and, depending on the drone model, can smoothly land, hover, or return to the operator. Weapons against drones operate at ranges up to 1500 meters and suppress the reception of signals from all types of navigation satellites. The charge of the weapon is enough for 4 hours and it is available for free sale, the price is about 10 thousand dollars.

Conflict in Ukraine

Russian army units, the Chechen Akhmat regiment, captured four Ukrainian Varta armored vehicles. The vehicles are based on the MAZ-5434 truck and have enhanced mine protection, the armored vehicle is capable of transporting eight soldiers, including crew members. It is not clear for what reason the vehicles were abandoned, the Varta armored vehicles are 2018 and fully operational. According to preliminary data, the trophies of the Russian army will be sent to the front to strengthen the units of the Russian army.

Conflict in Ukraine

Published footage of the impact of the Russian ATGM crew from a distance of 3500 meters on a military truck of the Ukrainian army.

Conflict in Ukraine

The Russian military used the latest Izdeliye-305E missile in Ukraine. On the published footage, you can see how the rocket flies up to the window of the building. The Russian Izdelie-305E air-to-surface missile is designed to equip modernized versions of Russian Ka-52M and Mi-28NM helicopters and some aircraft. The 305E missile can be used at a range of up to 14.5 kilometers, so it surpasses the American AGM-114 "Hellfire" missile, which has a range of no more than 10 km. The missile has a high-precision inertial on-board navigation system and is equipped with a homing head, it implements the "fire and forget" principle. Rocket weight 105 kg, length 1945 mm, body diameter 200mm.

Conflict in Ukraine

Incredibly, a Russian soldier destroyed an S-300 SAM launcher of Ukraine with one shot, the cost of the S-300 SAM system was $250 million.

Conflict in Ukraine

What Russia is storming in Ukraine, the defensive structures of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. When they say that the advance of the Russian army in Ukraine is slow, no one usually mentions the built defensive structures of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is also worth noting that now is not the Second World War and soldiers are not thrown into attacks on machine gun embrasures. For 8 years, the engineering troops of Ukraine have built many kilometers of defensive systems, this is of course not the Mannerheim Line, but these structures still need to be captured by the troops. Caponiers for heavy military equipment have been prepared in many places, where tanks or armored vehicles can be placed. Built concrete bunkers and bunkers that are even difficult to destroy artillery. You can keep the defense in them for several months in a row, even underground tunnels have been built. War correspondents showed the concrete structures of the Ukrainian army in the Donbass. Some examples of Ukrainian fortifications in the video.
