Map of Russia's special operations in Ukraine, the advance of Russian troops, militar

Conflict in Ukraine

There was a video of the strikes of the Russian army, on the soldiers of the Ukrainian army using anti-tank systems. Judging by the footage, in this episode, the Ukrainian ATGM "Stugna" is mainly used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The events shown in the video took place in Mariupol, in addition, the video gives an answer why there is so much destruction as a result of hostilities. The Ukrainian army actively uses residential buildings to shelter its military personnel.

Conflict in Ukraine

The destruction of the Ukrainian UAV A1-SM "Fury" by the Russian air defense system 9K35 "Strela-10" was caught on video. The Strela-10 air defense system was put into service in 1976, after which it was repeatedly upgraded. The ammunition of the installation is 8 missiles, 4 on rails and 4 in the hull. The firing range of the air defense system is 5 km, the height of the target is 4 km. The advantages of the Strela-10 air defense system are its low cost, immunity to radio interference and invulnerability to anti-radar missiles. Disadvantages - the impossibility of firing at targets in bad weather conditions and sensitivity to optical interference. UAV A1-SM "Fury" of Ukraine is a drone designed for aerial reconnaissance day and night. The range of the UAV is up to 50 km, the maximum speed is 130 km / h, the time spent in the air is up to 3 hours, the height of use is a maximum of 2.5 km. The cost of the complex is 85 thousand dollars.

Conflict in Ukraine

The Russian armored train "Brave" appeared in Ukraine. There are no exact characteristics of the Russian armored train yet. Russian BMP-2 and other weapons are installed on the armored train

Conflict in Ukraine

The Ukrainian small anti-submarine ship "Vinnitsa", of the Soviet project 1124P, corvette according to NATO classification, was sunk in the port of Ochakov. On the video from the drone, the tail number U206 is clearly visible. It is not completely clear why the ship sank, whether it was the blows of the Russian army or Ukraine itself flooded it. The medium landing ship of Ukraine "Yury Olefirenko", of the Soviet project 773, came under fire from the Russian military, you can see it in the video, whether it sank or not is still unknown.

Conflict in Ukraine

A fragment of the battle of Russian special forces in Ukraine against a company of the 63rd brigade of the armed forces of Ukraine in the Nikolaev-Kherson direction has been published. In the video, you can see that one Ukrainian soldier surrenders and asks to stop shooting. As a result of the battle with the Russian special forces, ninety Ukrainian soldiers from the company of the 63rd brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were killed, some of the results of the battle are shown at the end of the video.

A fragment of the battle of Russian special forces in Ukraine against a company of the 63rd brigade of the armed forces of Ukraine in the Nikolaev-Kherson direction has been published....]

I'm looking forward to the video of Russian patriots blowing Putin's head clean off his shoulders. LOL

Conflict in Ukraine

A fragment of the battle from the Ukrainian side, soldiers of the Ukrainian army were surrounded in Severodonetsk. One of the soldiers of Ukraine shouts for the detachment to descend, in response another shouts to him that they cannot, as they are being shot

Conflict in Ukraine

British mercenary and sniper Sean Pinner, sentenced to death, told why you should not go to fight in Ukraine. Interview in English.

Conflict in Ukraine

Details have appeared about the Russian armored train "Yenisei" created by soldiers of the railway troops of the "Brave" group. The armored train can restore railway tracks, carry out mine clearance, conduct technical reconnaissance and escort military cargo and echelons.

Conflict in Ukraine

The air defense crew of the Russian Osa air defense system 9K33M3 spoke about his combat work in Ukraine. The interview is quite interesting, as their combat service in Ukraine is described simply and in detail. The 9A33BM3 combat vehicle, very old, developed in the eighties, despite this, the air defense system consistently hits the UAVs of the Ukrainian army at a distance of up to 10 km and an altitude of 5000 meters. The Osa air defense system in Iraq was a priority target for US special forces, as it confidently hit Tomahawk cruise missiles. The development of the Osa air defense system began in 1960. The complex was designed to hit targets flying at an altitude of 50-100 to 5000 meters at a speed of up to 500 meters per second at a distance of 800 to 10,000 meters. The Osa air defense system has been modernized many times. The developers were tasked with developing an autonomous complex with placement on one floating self-propelled chassis not only of all military equipment, including a launcher with missiles and radar stations, but also of control, navigation, topographic referencing, communications, and power supplies. The new requirements also included the detection of air targets in motion with further destruction of their fire during short stops. The weight of the Osa anti-aircraft guided missile is 65 kilograms, which allows two servicemen to manually charge the launcher. The main purpose of the Osa air defense system is to cover troops from low-flying targets.

Conflict in Ukraine

The work of military topographers in Ukraine was shown by the Russian Ministry of Defense. Without these people, the operation of the Iskander missile systems is not possible, since they need precise coordinates for delivering strikes. The calculation of military topographers moves on a KAMAZ 4350 vehicle with a geodetic complex PNGK-1 installed on it. The car is equipped with an inertial navigation system, as well as a rangefinder-goniometer device that performs the functions of geodetic binding of objects. The complex is equipped with video cameras, thanks to which you can determine the coordinates and use them later for target designation. PNGK-1 is able to determine coordinates on the move with an accuracy of up to 15 meters, create electronic maps and immediately transfer them to the command. In the field, topographers use the Topcon Positioning System's GB-500 40-channel remote GPS satellite receiver.

Conflict in Ukraine

The Russian Navy will abandon an additional series of six Project 22160 patrol ships. The series of Project 22160 corvettes will not be continued and will end with the delivery of the last ship of the series to the Black Sea Fleet. The official version, inconsistencies in their tactical and technical qualities of combat operating conditions. In particular, the military is not satisfied with the seaworthiness and armoring of ships, as well as the vulnerability of their power plants and weak anti-aircraft weapons. Most likely, the key role in the decision to abandon was played by the fact that the ships have almost no air defense, it is represented by manual MANPADS, why the ships went into series this way is not clear. Recently, the Black Sea Fleet of Russia was forced to install Tor-M2KM land-based air defense systems on ships of project 22160 to strengthen the ship's air defense. Additional air defense systems were installed at the stern of the ships of the Russian fleet "Vasily Bykov", and then "Pavel Derzhavin".

Conflict in Ukraine

The Russian Defense Ministry has published footage of a combat sortie of a pair of Su-25 attack aircraft in Ukraine. The pilots attacked strongholds of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The video shows mainly the view of the flight from the cockpit

Conflict in Ukraine

The work of the Mi-8MTPR-1 electronic warfare helicopter equipped with the Rychag-AV active jamming station in Ukraine was shown by the Russian Ministry of Defense. The Rychag-AV jamming station completely “blinds” the enemy within a radius of several hundred kilometers. The Rychag system is equipped with a database that stores information about the military equipment of many armies of the world. The station selects the most effective interference for each target and can provide electronic suppression of several targets at once. In conditions of interference, the enemy's air defense systems, as well as his aircraft, are deprived of the ability to detect targets and direct missiles at them. The radiation power of the station is very high, so the cockpit is protected from it by a special grid. The cost of the Russian Mi-8MTPR-1 helicopter is about 600 million rubles. The exact data of the Lever-AV system are classified.

The work of the Mi-8MTPR-1 electronic warfare helicopter equipped with the Rychag-AV active jamming station in Ukraine was shown by the Russian Ministry of Defense. The Rychag-AV jamming station completely “blinds” the enemy within a radius of several hundred kilometers. The Rychag system is equipped with a database that stores information about the military equipment of many armies of the world. The station selects the most effective interference for each target and can provide electronic suppression of several targets at once. In conditions of interference, the enemy's air defense systems, as well as his aircraft, are deprived of the ability to detect targets and direct missiles at them. The radiation power of the station is very high, so the cockpit is protected from it by a special grid. The cost of the Russian Mi-8MTPR-1 helicopter is about 600 million rubles. The exact data of the Lever-AV system are classified.


A 1960s helicopter with 1990s electronic equipment will be blown out of the air by American 21st century Stingers. LOL

Putin will be dead soon. Sooner if a Russian patriot stands up and caps the sick bastard in the back of his head. Fuck Putin and his supporters.

Conflict in Ukraine

The Ukrainian army continues to use limited aircraft in some places. A video of an operational airfield of the Ukrainian army created in the field in the area between Ivanovka and Ryasnopol in the Odessa region has appeared. It is possible that the spontaneous airfield has already disappeared, since Russian intelligence is working quickly. In the video, you can see three Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopters and one Mi-2 helicopter. The video also shows the combat operation of the Mi-8 helicopter of Ukraine, the pilots attack from afar, in the nose-up mode, just like Russian pilots do in Ukraine.

Conflict in Ukraine

A new batch of Western weapons has arrived in Ukraine, a trainload of British Warrior MCV-80 armored personnel carriers has been spotted. Serial production of the BMP Warrior MCV-80 began in 1985. The armored vehicle is equipped with a 30 mm L21A1 automatic cannon, with which a 7.62 mm machine gun is paired. The Warrior BMP has a significant drawback - the lack of stabilization of the 30-mm cannon, because of this, it is advisable to fire while stopped. Despite this, Warrior in terms of reliability and survivability has proven itself well in the war in Iraq. Some versions of the armored personnel carrier were equipped with Chobham armor; there is a known case when such armor withstood 12 RPG hits in Iraq, but these versions were not delivered to Ukraine. Now the Warrior MCV-80 is in service with Britain and Kuwait, but is gradually being replaced by the German BMP Boxer. The speed on the highway BTR Warrior 75 km / h, cruising range 500 km. The crew of the BMP is 3 people, the number of soldiers transported is 7.

Conflict in Ukraine

The Ukrainian army shot down its helicopter. The Ukrainian military said they shot down a Russian helicopter. But the authors of the video did not take into account that only the Ukrainian Air Force has white Mi-24s; they were used in UN humanitarian missions in the Congo. Zooming in on the camera, you can clearly see that the color of the helicopter that is shot down is white, Russian Mi-24 and Mi-35M helicopters are not painted white.

Conflict in Ukraine

Russian troops launched a massive missile attack with six missiles on Ukrainian defense infrastructure facilities in the city of Kremenchuk.
