marijuana vs. alcohol's always someone else's fault...never you people with the attention span of a gnat who for whatever reason can't just pick a name and stick with it like a normal person.

Uh huh, that's what it is Zap. Not us simply having fun. Prole.
Pots relaxes me very much. As I recall, it relaxed me too much sometimes. The only things that would motivate me to move a lot were sex and food.

That was my reaction to pot. When younger and friends would drop by we'd share a joint or two and then someone would say, "So, what do you want to do?" and I was like, "Do?!!" I was struggling just to sit up straight in the living room chair. :lol:
Nope ALL aclohol tastes horrible to me.
I liked the effect on me but the taste is horrible.

So why would PGA taste horrible if it is not contained in most distilled liquers?

Have you tried a cognac and coffee? My father-in-law turned me on to that. A couple of those and you're wide awake and feeling GREAT! Cream and sugar to taste.
Have you tried a cognac and coffee? My father-in-law turned me on to that. A couple of those and you're wide awake and feeling GREAT! Cream and sugar to taste.

If you use B&B (Benedictine & Brandy) you don't need sugar. Smooth delicious taste and a caffeine kick to keep you wide awake with your buzz.
poor 3D

mad hatter zapper is all upsetted at him

Awwwww...lookie who's upset he didn't get included in the discussion.

Yurt is so sad he just had to groan my posts...and as is so very typical of the little baby, he's once again started in with more taunts and insults.