He was outed from service for telling his fuck buddy national secrets

Then he lied about taking cash from Turkey to do their bidding

Then he lied under oath about it

Then he admitted to it under oath


Then he lied about that

The hero’s of the Republican Party are skeeze assed scum

Exactly the kind of guy our trump-worshipping friends would admire.
No my dear, its exactly what you want- SEDITION!

Nice try cunt face this is the level that you funds set the bar at. Not sure why you aren't embracing it. Are you one of those pussys that likes it when things go your way but when others do the shit you do you suddenly dont like it? Fuck you you stupid cunt.
Nice try cunt face this is the level that you funds set the bar at. Not sure why you aren't embracing it. Are you one of those pussys that likes it when things go your way but when others do the shit you do you suddenly dont like it? Fuck you you stupid cunt.

As always my little shitstain. you fucking change the subject.
No. Only one side is dangerous. That would be the side that is basing their 'truth' on a demonstrably false premise, and using that to undermine our elections. You? Thanks for the laugh. You and your ilk are feckless. All talk, no action. How'd your candidate do? LOL at you.

both sides are dangerous, that includes you, at least to each other.............
how extreme, radical, and corrupt has the RIGHT become to claim -without any evidence - widescale voter fraud to the extent that they are willing to sacrifice our democracy in order to overthrow a presidential election. How truly Un-American this Right Wing cult worshipping segment has become.

every bit as much as the left..........duh
do you even know who I voted for, retard?

Well, you profess to be a Libertarian, I assume you voted for the Libertarian. I couldn't care less. It's irrelevant. Libertarianism is coffee house crap. It has no practical application. You can't even argue FOR your position, all you ever do is argue against everyone elses. Your principles are that you have no principles. You are lazy and ignorant. It is what it is.