Marxism: a cynical abstraction of base tribalism.

How can you go wrong with somebody named 'AssHat'. :dunno:
Capital is possibly the most difficult read there is but the first volume should be mandatory in every high school. It explains why we the people deserve something better than capitalism. Young folk have already figured that out because they don't have the same opportunities as we did.
Well, in a sense, Marx and being Marx-like, would be to live as a Hikikomori in your parent's basement or in a Section 8 slum apartment where you associate other likeminded NEET losers on Twitter, Discord, Tic Tok, on your government given smart phone, and the like about how life sucks while waiting for your government disability check--because you found out that being stupid, lazy, and obese made you eligible--so you can then get an Uber driver to go down to the marijuana store to pick up and deliver your 'medicine' along with the pizza you ordered on your EBT card...
Like you have room to talk, you've never read Marx either...

I read the Communist Manifesto. But I did not need to in order to know that Marx did not advocate heavy nationalism, or any form of nationalism; classism yes, but not nationalism. It is all there in the Marxist slogan "workers of the world unite!!!"

Accusing Marx of "cynical abstraction of base tribalism" is the furthest from the truth you can be. That would be fascism.
I have my issues with Marx, but tribalism is not one of them. It is like accusing Hitler of being too Jewish.

marxism takes legitimate complaints, conspiracy of elites against the people, and then prescibes lies, violence and compultive denigration of other as the cure.

now the new twist on marxism is they've taken the original core legitimate complain (conspiracy of elites against the peope) and made THAT the solution.

but that's not actually new.

communism was devised by aristocrats / elites in the first place, as they recognized the instability their elitism causes and got in front of the issue.

control both sides is their motto.
Marx coined the term, "species-being."

but like you libs say about crt, marx didn't understand the racial aspects of class in the west, so he didn't understand how important it was to divide and conquer along racial lines.

you now say racism and sexism are inescapable, so we must build in anti white anti male discrimination to the systemic escape it.