Massad Ayoob explains why 2nd amendment gun rights are not about creating the National Guard.

Simply put, The Bill of Rights is about individual rights, ... not State rights.

In the video, he dispels many other white lib myths about guns.
With murder gangs being let into our country by Harris, now more than ever, citizens need to be armed.
Massad has done a lot of videos. I like his no nonsense approach.
Mass is a straight shooter that knows his stuff. He has been teachind for decades.
Yep, figuratively and literally.

The winner of the Outstanding American Handgunner of the Year Award in 1998, Mas has won several state and regional handgun shooting championships. Ayoob was the first person to earn the title of Five Gun Master in the International Defensive Pistol Association. He served 19 years as chair of the Firearms Committee of the American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers, and several years as a member of the Advisory Board of the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association. In addition to teaching for those groups, he has also taught for the International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors and the International Homicide Investigators seminars.

Mas has received judicial recognition as an expert witness for the courts in weapons and shooting cases since 1979, and served as a fully sworn and empowered, part time police officer for 43 years, mostly at supervisor rank."

Yep, figuratively and literally.

The winner of the Outstanding American Handgunner of the Year Award in 1998, Mas has won several state and regional handgun shooting championships. Ayoob was the first person to earn the title of Five Gun Master in the International Defensive Pistol Association. He served 19 years as chair of the Firearms Committee of the American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers, and several years as a member of the Advisory Board of the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association. In addition to teaching for those groups, he has also taught for the International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors and the International Homicide Investigators seminars.

Mas has received judicial recognition as an expert witness for the courts in weapons and shooting cases since 1979, and served as a fully sworn and empowered, part time police officer for 43 years, mostly at supervisor rank."

I like him because he works with both semi-auto handguns and revolvers. His book "In Gravest Extreme" is 43 years old and is still relevant today.
I like him because he works with both semi-auto handguns and revolvers. His book "In Gravest Extreme" is 43 years old and is still relevant today.
Revolvers work, too :)

What were the main points you gleaned from the book, Lionfish?
White libs refuse to educate themselves on the Constitution.
Who the f*ck is Massad whoever and why anyone care what Mossad thinks? My barber has all kinds of opinions, want to hear his views?
Simply put, The Bill of Rights is about individual rights, ... not State rights.

In the video, he dispels many other white lib myths about guns.
And once again, no right in the Constitution is absolute, they all, and have always been, regulated, to deny such is to deny American History
“Wilson Combat” is a gun manufacturer

Talk about swallowing propaganda put out by businesses to promote and sell their own product, as Barnum said, a sucker born every minute
And once again, no right in the Constitution is absolute, they all, and have always been, regulated, to deny such is to deny American History
what you should find amusing is that every single founding father considered all of our rights as absolute, until they became someone in government power. then they didn't care for their limitations on governing. that alone should tell you where you stand in regards to freedom and liberty. Hint: you hate it.