Massad Ayoob explains why 2nd amendment gun rights are not about creating the National Guard.

Article I, IV, and V, and the 9th and 10th amendments.

Remember the States created the Constitution. They own it. They are the only ones that can modify it.
Amendment 1 Freedoms, Petitions, Assembly
Amendment 2 Right to bear arms
Amendment 3 Quartering of soldiers
Amendment 4 Search and arrest
Amendment 5 Rights in criminal cases
Amendment 6 Right to a fair trial
Amendment 7 Rights in civil cases
Amendment 8 Bail, fines, punishment
Amendment 9 Rights retained by the People
Amendment 10 States' rights (or to the people)
He's very good with pistols and rifles.
You don't get to declare 'credibility' for everyone. Omniscience fallacy.
'Expert' worship. You don't have to be an 'expert' to read the Constitution of the United States or any State constitution.
And he has been studying his constitutional right to self defense as part of his work for decades.
And he has been studying his constitutional right to self defense as part of his work for decades.
The right of self defense does not come from the Constitution. It does not come from any piece of paper. It is an absolute and inherent right.

The 2nd amendment does not give you any right. It DOES prevent the government from messing with the right of self defense. This is to prevent a civil war. The States have similar clauses in their own constitutions for the same reason.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

This amendment discusses two examples of the right of self defense. The right of a State to defend itself, using militias; and the right of the people to defend themselves, using any weapon. The federal and State governments are barred from passing any law that infringes on these rights in any way. No weapon is named by type or size or magazine size or how 'scary' it looks. The federal government and the State governments are not authorized to ban or limit any weapon or any accessory to any weapon.

If they go far enough, the people (and quite possibly the States) will stand up and defend themselves. NOTHING can prevent that.