Massad Ayoob explains why 2nd amendment gun rights are not about creating the National Guard.

He's a guy who shoots pistols well.

Not a lawyer or constitutional scholar.

He has zero credibility.
He's very good with pistols and rifles.
You don't get to declare 'credibility' for everyone. Omniscience fallacy.
'Expert' worship. You don't have to be an 'expert' to read the Constitution of the United States or any State constitution.
what you should find amusing is that every single founding father considered all of our rights as absolute, until they became someone in government power. then they didn't care for their limitations on governing. that alone should tell you where you stand in regards to freedom and liberty. Hint: you hate it.
Nope. Franklin said the Constitution should be rewritten every 19 years. The 19 years always struck me as odd. They were not stupid like so many are today. They knew what they crafted would have to be changed over time. I doubt the founders would have any trouble making military weapons illegal for the people. The idea that what they wrote in 1776 was immutable or that anyone of today can understand what they were intending and thinking is laughable. Scalia was wrong.
Nope. Franklin said the Constitution should be rewritten every 19 years. The 19 years always struck me as odd. They were not stupid like so many are today. They knew what they crafted would have to be changed over time. I doubt the founders would have any trouble making military weapons illegal for the people. The idea that what they wrote in 1776 was immutable or that anyone of today can understand what they were intending and thinking is laughable. Scalia was wrong.
you're daft. almost every single one of the founders, including franklin, considered private firearms ownership the mark of a free society. that government was a necessary evil, that government was to remain a servant of the people and that the ONLY way to do that was to keep the people better armed and trained than the government. anything else is a pile of horseshit
He's very good with pistols and rifles.
You don't get to declare 'credibility' for everyone. Omniscience fallacy.
'Expert' worship. You don't have to be an 'expert' to read the Constitution of the United States or any State constitution.
Nothing you have said changes my post.
He's a guy who shoots pistols well.

Not a lawyer or constitutional scholar.

He has zero credibility.
The Constitution was written for the common man, not lawyers.

Simply put, The Bill of Rights is about individual rights, ... not State rights.

Refute it if you can.
The Constitution was written for the common man, not lawyers.

Simply put, The Bill of Rights is about individual rights, ... not State rights.

Refute it if you can.
DeCrepitus is a card carrying moron.

Nothing about that dude honest.
Nope. Franklin said the Constitution should be rewritten every 19 years. The 19 years always struck me as odd. They were not stupid like so many are today. They knew what they crafted would have to be changed over time. I doubt the founders would have any trouble making military weapons illegal for the people. The idea that what they wrote in 1776 was immutable or that anyone of today can understand what they were intending and thinking is laughable. Scalia was wrong.
You don't get to speak for the dead, Sybil. The right of self defense is absolute. It is unconstitutional to ban or limit any weapon.
The Constitution was written for the common man, not lawyers.

Simply put, The Bill of Rights is about individual rights, ... not State rights.

Refute it if you can.
Article I, IV, and V, and the 9th and 10th amendments.

Remember the States created the Constitution. They own it. They are the only ones that can modify it.
Nope. Franklin said the Constitution should be rewritten every 19 years. The 19 years always struck me as odd. They were not stupid like so many are today. They knew what they crafted would have to be changed over time. I doubt the founders would have any trouble making military weapons illegal for the people. The idea that what they wrote in 1776 was immutable or that anyone of today can understand what they were intending and thinking is laughable. Scalia was wrong.
What? What are you babbling about? ... Christopher Franklin???? ... what is the quote, and what is your source link?