Matt Gaetz Elopes

Makes sense that Gaetz would have been trolling for college age girls

...and younger. As long as they "looked over 18ish" appears to be his motto.

All evidence points that Luckey Ginger is perfectly fine with Matt's sexual peccadilloes and an indicator she shares his interests.
Okay 26 years old is age appropriate. He may have curbed his penchant for high school seniors

Unless she like 16 year olds too. Dude, it's 2021. Rich people can do anything. Now, under most laws, they can't be forced to testify against each other.

...they still each have the free to report a crime. Funny how that works. LOL
I think you just answered your own question. Someone with absolutely no self respect or integrity.

She could be in it solely for the money, not that Matt has much per se, but his family is loaded. So, as a pay off to avoid being a witness, marriage and a nice pre-nup, plus lax rules, might just be up Luckey's dark alley.

OTOH, I'm think sex is included too; she likes the hedonistic lifestyle of rich Miamians.
the Gaetz family, prominent in Florida politics, has it. Forbes estimates that Gaetz and his parents are worth about $30 million, based on financial disclosures filed with the state of Florida and the United States House of Representatives.

Matt Gaetz reported assets of just $235,000 to $625,000 on his most recent Congressional disclosure form, which requires representatives to list most, but not all, of their holdings. That makes him wealthy enough, but his parents, Don and Victoria Gaetz, are among the nation’s top 1% of ultra-high net worth individuals. Don, who sits on the board of Florida nonprofit Triumph Gulf Coast, reported that the couple’s net worth was $29.6 million as of June 2020, according to a document he submitted to the state’s ethics commission. They own a portfolio of publicly-traded stocks, 13 pieces of real estate, seven-figure stakes in three private companies, as well as $375,000 worth of “antiques, imported rugs, furniture, books” and a 2013 Mercedes-Benz S550.
Odd how the left holds republicans to a higher standard than their own.

They are pissed because Matt wet his tool over and over and over and over this past weekend, while they sat at home trying to make up excuses for their own sorry lives.
Her sister once claimed Matt is a creep! I’m with the sister.

Ugh, I hope it wasn't "creep" like that disgusting brother of the reality show family who molested his sisters, Josh Duggar. He's still awaiting trial for child porn. Wikipedia's last paragraph on his entry says this about that:

"Gerald Faulkner, a special agent for Homeland Security Investigations, stated the images on the computer were "in the top five of the worst of the worst that I've ever had to examine".[94][95] >An HSI agent stated on oath during Duggar’s bond hearing that, “Daisy’s Destruction,” one video, was one of the, “Top Five Worst of the Worst” that he had ever viewed since it showed an 18-month-old girl being assaulted.[96] The toddler was raped while hanging upside down from a hook in the ceiling.[97] Matthew Carney of Australian Broadcasting Corporation said about the video, "I’ve covered 25 years upon six and seeing the most horrendous things, but what this man did to this 18-month-old child just beggars—it’s inexpressible,"[98]"
Has anyone considered that the Matt's underage dates may have either been for his new bride or shared with her?

It's not all that uncommon to find women who are not only okay with their guy raping/molesting but who also help procure victims, and participate.
Ugh, I hope it wasn't "creep" like that disgusting brother of the reality show family who molested his sisters, Josh Duggar. He's still awaiting trial for child porn. Wikipedia's last paragraph on his entry says this about that:

"Gerald Faulkner, a special agent for Homeland Security Investigations, stated the images on the computer were "in the top five of the worst of the worst that I've ever had to examine".[94][95] >An HSI agent stated on oath during Duggar’s bond hearing that, “Daisy’s Destruction,” one video, was one of the, “Top Five Worst of the Worst” that he had ever viewed since it showed an 18-month-old girl being assaulted.[96] The toddler was raped while hanging upside down from a hook in the ceiling.[97] Matthew Carney of Australian Broadcasting Corporation said about the video, "I’ve covered 25 years upon six and seeing the most horrendous things, but what this man did to this 18-month-old child just beggars—it’s inexpressible,"[98]"
I knew he was a disgusting human when he molested his own sister and his parents are worse because they covered it up. They are very damaged humans.
I knew he was a disgusting human when he molested his own sister and his parents are worse because they covered it up. They are very damaged humans.

Yep, yet his wife stays with him and lets him be around their kids. She's got shit for brains -- and morals -- too.

(He molested four of his sisters.)
Good grief, I hadn’t heard four. I’d never trust him around my children.

And here's what's wrong with our justice system, from the same Wikipedia entry. I left the source footnote numbers in for verification:

"The federal grand jury's indictment accuses Duggar of having "knowingly" received pornographic images of children who were under 12 years old.[85] Following his arrest, Duggar was booked into the Washington County Jail.[86][83] On April 30, 2021, Duggar pleaded not guilty to one count each of charges of receiving and possessing child pornography,[87] with his attorneys indicating that he would "fight back in the courtroom" against the charges.[85]

"U.S Chief Magistrate Judge Erin L. Wiedemann said that, if Duggar were to be awarded bail, he would have to be "in a residence where there's no minor in the home".[88] At that time, Duggar's six children were under the age of 11,[89] and his wife Anna was pregnant with a seventh child.[90] Duggar was granted conditional bail at a bond hearing on May 5, and he was released from jail and transferred into the custody of a third-party custodian.[91] As part of the conditions for his bail, Duggar was permitted to have contact with his children only in the presence of his wife.[91] He must also wear an ankle monitor, have a probation officer's permission to leave the third-party custodians' home, cannot access the internet, and cannot be inside a residence where firearms are stored.[91]"

WTF. How do we know that, like his parents, she isn't aware of his activities but stays with him anyways, and wouldn't look the other way?
And here's what's wrong with our justice system, from the same Wikipedia entry. I left the source footnote numbers in for verification:

"The federal grand jury's indictment accuses Duggar of having "knowingly" received pornographic images of children who were under 12 years old.[85] Following his arrest, Duggar was booked into the Washington County Jail.[86][83] On April 30, 2021, Duggar pleaded not guilty to one count each of charges of receiving and possessing child pornography,[87] with his attorneys indicating that he would "fight back in the courtroom" against the charges.[85]

"U.S Chief Magistrate Judge Erin L. Wiedemann said that, if Duggar were to be awarded bail, he would have to be "in a residence where there's no minor in the home".[88] At that time, Duggar's six children were under the age of 11,[89] and his wife Anna was pregnant with a seventh child.[90] Duggar was granted conditional bail at a bond hearing on May 5, and he was released from jail and transferred into the custody of a third-party custodian.[91] As part of the conditions for his bail, Duggar was permitted to have contact with his children only in the presence of his wife.[91] He must also wear an ankle monitor, have a probation officer's permission to leave the third-party custodians' home, cannot access the internet, and cannot be inside a residence where firearms are stored.[91]"

WTF. How do we know that, like his parents, she isn't aware of his activities but stays with him anyways, and wouldn't look the other way?
We don’t, the court is stupid to allow his visitations with his children but restrict them for his nieces and nephews WTF?
And here's what's wrong with our justice system, from the same Wikipedia entry. I left the source footnote numbers in for verification:

"The federal grand jury's indictment accuses Duggar of having "knowingly" received pornographic images of children who were under 12 years old.[85] Following his arrest, Duggar was booked into the Washington County Jail.[86][83] On April 30, 2021, Duggar pleaded not guilty to one count each of charges of receiving and possessing child pornography,[87] with his attorneys indicating that he would "fight back in the courtroom" against the charges.[85]

"U.S Chief Magistrate Judge Erin L. Wiedemann said that, if Duggar were to be awarded bail, he would have to be "in a residence where there's no minor in the home".[88] At that time, Duggar's six children were under the age of 11,[89] and his wife Anna was pregnant with a seventh child.[90] Duggar was granted conditional bail at a bond hearing on May 5, and he was released from jail and transferred into the custody of a third-party custodian.[91] As part of the conditions for his bail, Duggar was permitted to have contact with his children only in the presence of his wife.[91] He must also wear an ankle monitor, have a probation officer's permission to leave the third-party custodians' home, cannot access the internet, and cannot be inside a residence where firearms are stored.[91]"

WTF. How do we know that, like his parents, she isn't aware of his activities but stays with him anyways, and wouldn't look the other way?

The other prisoners are going to loooove him. LOL He'll have to be separated from the other prisoners and put in the Jeffrey Epstein suite.
The other prisoners are going to loooove him. LOL He'll have to be separated from the other prisoners and put in the Jeffrey Epstein suite.


Anyone who possesses and watches that sort of child porn is a danger to society and should either be executed if they committed similar crimes, or locked up for life.