Matt Gaetz Elopes

We don’t, the court is stupid to allow his visitations with his children but restrict them for his nieces and nephews WTF?

I don't understand that either. IMO it's impossible to be married to and live with someone and not have a single clue what they are up to. She knows. The last I read she doesn't work and is dependent on him/his family. With seven or eight kids, she really has few options. That makes it a lot easier to look the other way.
Removes a witness. Unfortunately for Gaetz, polygamy is illegal.
Good point, although it was her sister (if memory serves) that can't stand Gaetz. I'm thinking that he kept his rapes a secret from his fiancee?
And here's what's wrong with our justice system, from the same Wikipedia entry. I left the source footnote numbers in for verification:

"The federal grand jury's indictment accuses Duggar of having "knowingly" received pornographic images of children who were under 12 years old.[85] Following his arrest, Duggar was booked into the Washington County Jail.[86][83] On April 30, 2021, Duggar pleaded not guilty to one count each of charges of receiving and possessing child pornography,[87] with his attorneys indicating that he would "fight back in the courtroom" against the charges.[85]

"U.S Chief Magistrate Judge Erin L. Wiedemann said that, if Duggar were to be awarded bail, he would have to be "in a residence where there's no minor in the home".[88] At that time, Duggar's six children were under the age of 11,[89] and his wife Anna was pregnant with a seventh child.[90] Duggar was granted conditional bail at a bond hearing on May 5, and he was released from jail and transferred into the custody of a third-party custodian.[91] As part of the conditions for his bail, Duggar was permitted to have contact with his children only in the presence of his wife.[91] He must also wear an ankle monitor, have a probation officer's permission to leave the third-party custodians' home, cannot access the internet, and cannot be inside a residence where firearms are stored.[91]"

WTF. How do we know that, like his parents, she isn't aware of his activities but stays with him anyways, and wouldn't look the other way?

I think in their religious sect the wives are subservient, so he could tell her to leave the room when he was with the kids and she'd obey.
I think in their religious sect the wives are subservient, so he could tell her to leave the room when he was with the kids and she'd obey.

Of course he could, and prob. would as well. One of my CNAs, a jillion moons ago, came to work one evening in tears. Cops had raided their apartment and took her computer and significant other. He was accused of and eventually confessed to possessing child porn. He was allowed out on bond before sentencing (he ended up with three years in prison), but he was not allowed to live in their apartment or see their 3-yo little boy. She insisted, even though he had confessed, that he was innocent. WTF.