Matt Gaetz Is Said to Be Investigated Over Possible Sexual Relationship With a Girl,

Hello Dutch Uncle,

Just 30 years?
Yes. The major change for both parties was the end of the Cold War. It was a significant event because from WWII to the collapse of the Soviet Union, the US was the world's foremost powerhouse and leader of the Free World.

Since then we've been like the star High School quarterback, winner of two State championships, who is dropped out of college and is working in his dad's small construction company or furniture store.

The good news is that it wasn't the first time the US has reinvented itself. I'm confident we'll do so again, but it takes time. Teenagers are anxious to grow up and prove they are adults, but it's not an instantaneous process. It's a growth process and United States of America is currently in a process of growing into a good partner with other nations, not just the biggest, toughest kid in the neighborhood like we'd been doing from 1945 to 1991.
[the] United States of America is currently in a process of growing into a good partner with other nations, not just the biggest, toughest kid in the neighborhood like we'd been doing from 1945 to 1991.

Hopefully, the United States of America are examining the prospects for partitioning just as the Soviet Union and other eastern European nations did a few decades ago.
New York and Texas don't need to be parts of the same nation when they don't share any social values whatsoever.
What we have now cannot and will not endure.
The only choices are anarchy or partition.
Most of this forum seems to be going with anarchy, and frankly, it makes no sense.
Hopefully, the United States of America are examining the prospects for partitioning just as the Soviet Union and other eastern European nations did a few decades ago.
New York and Texas don't need to be parts of the same nation when they don't share any social values whatsoever.
What we have now cannot and will not endure.
The only choices are anarchy or partition.
Most of this forum seems to be going with anarchy, and frankly, it makes no sense.

Dude, the USSR didn't partition. It fell apart. That's why your murdering hero Putin attacked Georgia, Chechnya and Ukraine. He was trying to force them all back into the Russian sphere of control.
Dude, the USSR didn't partition. It fell apart. That's why your murdering hero Putin attacked Georgia, Chechnya and Ukraine. He was trying to force them all back into the Russian sphere of control.

When did Putin become my hero?
Am I a trumpanzee?
Putin and Trump enjoyed fellating one another until Putin knew Trump couldn't hold up his end, but that sure doesn't involve me.

If you had said Fidel Castro or Hugo Chavez, I'd at least know where you were coming from, but Putin?

The USSR partitioned. If it had fallen apart, the pieces would have crumbled with it.
Our pieces will crumble if we DON"T partition.
" According to ABC News, the Justice Department began to investigate the alleged relationship last summer. The New York Times originally reported that Gaetz allegedly had a relationship with a 17-year-old girl and paid for her to travel with him, which may constitute as a violation of federal sex trafficking laws.

“The New York Times is running a story that I have traveled with a 17-year-old woman and that is verifiably false. People can look at my travel records and see that that is not the case,” Gaetz insisted."

The one *big* problem with Matt Gaetz's explanation

(CNN) In response to stunning New York Times reporting that the Justice Department is investigating a possible sexual relationship between Matt Gaetz and a 17-year-old girl, the Florida Republican congressman vehemently denied the accusation and told a broader story of intrigue involving himself and his father.

Here's how Gaetz explained it to CNN:
"Over the past several weeks my family and I have been victims of an organized criminal extortion involving a former DOJ official seeking $25 million while threatening to smear my name. We have been cooperating with federal authorities in this matter and my father has even been wearing a wire at the FBI's direction to catch these criminals."

"The planted leak to the New York Times tonight was intended to thwart that investigation. No part of the allegations against me are true, and the people pushing these lies are targets of the ongoing extortion investigation. I demand the DOJ immediately release the tapes, made at their direction, which implicate their former colleague in crimes against me based on false allegations."


Hello signalmankenneth,

(CNN) In response to stunning New York Times reporting that the Justice Department is investigating a possible sexual relationship between Matt Gaetz and a 17-year-old girl, the Florida Republican congressman vehemently denied the accusation and told a broader story of intrigue involving himself and his father.

Here's how Gaetz explained it to CNN:
"Over the past several weeks my family and I have been victims of an organized criminal extortion involving a former DOJ official seeking $25 million while threatening to smear my name. We have been cooperating with federal authorities in this matter and my father has even been wearing a wire at the FBI's direction to catch these criminals."

"The planted leak to the New York Times tonight was intended to thwart that investigation. No part of the allegations against me are true, and the people pushing these lies are targets of the ongoing extortion investigation. I demand the DOJ immediately release the tapes, made at their direction, which implicate their former colleague in crimes against me based on false allegations."


I don't see hordes of Republicans coming to his defense.

Where's Trump? Hanging out with pictures of the good old days with himself and Jeffery Epstein?
I think what is offending progressives about this most is it might have happened with a girl. They are upset someone might have possibly assumed the gender.