Matt Gaetz Is Said to Be Investigated Over Possible Sexual Relationship With a Girl,

This investigation of Matt Gaetz, started when Trump and Barr were in office, I'm surprise they did not stop it? Gaetz is a Trump loyalist, ass-wipe, and butt kisser too?!!

That is totally unfair to say. Gaetz has always been shaky.

I don't know anything about his personal life nor do I care to. What I do know is that he has asked some difficult questions to some very powerful and corrupt people so it makes perfect sense that they would collude exactly like this.
Dude, if you were the Christian you claim to be, then you'd know that's not what I wrote or intended.

sad little bitch.......this has nothing to do with my religious beliefs or your ignorance about them......his relationship with Trump was the only fact in your post that was provable.......the rest was merely accusation........
:laugh: Matt is going down as down as a pedo. Figures since Trump is a pedo too.

How many other Republican Senators and Representatives were involved in a WH pedo ring? DeSantis too?

Hey Uncle what is your opinion of the states that changed their election laws by bypassing their state legislatures and having the courts alter how election laws on how the election was ran. The US Constitution says "The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections " "shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations" (Article I, section 4).
Matt Gaetz Is Said to Be Investigated Over Possible Sexual Relationship With a Girl,

I did not expect that. Gaetz lives with a 12 year old boy(Nestor Galban), as a "local student." I never heard of rich people inviting random "local students" in to share a bed with them, but Gaetz says it is very common in the circles he travels in (Republican circles).

I guess the age is more important than the gender to Gaetz. As long as they are a teenage, he will share a bed with them. Actually, I should correct myself, the "local student" Gaetz shares a bed with is no longer 12 years old. Over the last 7 years, he has grown to 19, so is about to no longer a teenager. I guess that is why he is getting a new "local student", this time a girl.
No, things were uncovered in the other investigation that has them investigating Gaetz, he’s being investigated.

Let's go back and review all of the orgaamic thread about Trump.colluding with Russia.

Dem deeps state smears. You'll never learn because you don't want to learn.

But a Clinton flying to Epstein's Lolita Island (confirmed) not rank alongside unsubstantiated rumors.

There is one witness who says she saw Clinton on Epstein's Island, from far away. There are several other witnesses that say they saw trump on Epstein's Island. There is no physical evidence putting either of them there.

There are more than one witnesses saying trump and Epstein assaulted girls together, including victims. There is physical evidence that they threw "calendar parties" together where there were 12 women or girls to every man, in this case only two men(trump and Epstein). These girls were plied with drugs and alcohol, even though they were all definitely under 21. The only question is whether trump slept with any that were under 18, or not.
Has this been PROVEN? Or just some wild claim? If he did it he should burn but I Will wait until all the facts are in instead of just PRETENDING the man is guilty before we know shit about it...

We should remind Stone of this when he makes his bizarre, unfounded accusations against President Biden.
Shouldnt Andrew Gillum be in prison too for trafficking his OWN ASS?

trump's involvement with human trafficking is a serious matter. hundreds of underage girls were brought to America as part of his fake modeling agency. These girls were sold in sexual slavery.

One can not "traffick" themselves. When trump moved around the world to pay women and girls for sex, it was not trafficking, because he made the decision for himself to travel.
The age of sexual consent is 16-17 in 39 states.

Gaetz is in Florida, where the age of consent is 18. But the crime he probably should have avoided was bringing minors over state lines for immoral purposes. It will probably be recorded if he transported this girl over state lines, and that starts looking like a federal felony.

It sounds like he was stupid enough to wear a wire on himself, and to discuss with the victim her attempt to extort him for violating the law. She may well go down for the extortion, but it also looks bad for him.
But not in Florida. What is the Florida Age of Consent?[/B] "The Florida Age of Consent is 18 years old."

Yes, and worse still, he transported her over state lines. The age of consent when transported over state lines is 18.

So one can pickup an 18 year old girl, take her over state lines, and if she agrees, have sex with her. That is not a crime. If she is 17 years old, that is a major federal felony.

Actually, the transporting is the crime, so even though trump did not have sex with the 14 and 15 year old girls he transported to NYC, because he gave them to Epstein to have sex with, he is guilty.
usually people don't work on a defense unless there's some evidence of guilt.......waiting......

Usually people who have been accused of a crime, and are being investigated for a crime, would try to work up a defense. Gaetz is desperately trying to work up a defense.

Waiting until the evidence is presented in court is not getting out ahead of it. Gaetz would need to wait until he was actually in court, and it might be too late to find a defense then.