Matt Gaetz Is Said to Be Investigated Over Possible Sexual Relationship With a Girl,

But a Clinton flying to Epstein's Lolita Island (confirmed) or Hunter Biden's laptop filled with underaged girls (again confirmed) do not rank alongside unsubstantiated rumors.

so when they indict Dump, go for Slick Willy as well....I've got no problem with you?
are there no hispanics in Russia?.....

There are almost none. There are a few individual exiles from all over the place in Russia, but not even a small community of Hispanics in Russia. There are literally more Blacks in Russia.

The famous Russian author Alexander Pushkin was one eighth Black. There was a whole town of Blacks that Catherine the Great bought from the Ottomans. And there are other Black groups in Russia.

Has this been PROVEN? Or just some wild claim? If he did it he should burn but I Will wait until all the facts are in instead of just PRETENDING the man is guilty before we know shit about it...

Says the man who bought into the "birther" bullshit that cemented Dumps 2016 campaign lock, stock and barrel.
There are almost none. There are a few individual exiles from all over the place in Russia, but not even a small community of Hispanics in Russia. There are literally more Blacks in Russia.

The famous Russian author Alexander Pushkin was one eighth Black. There was a whole town of Blacks that Catherine the Great bought from the Ottomans. And there are other Black groups in Russia.


Shhh! they're kind of touchy about that sort of thing.
Hello Jack,

"In June 2020, following an argument with then-Representative Cedric Richmond, Gaetz said he had been living with a 19-year-old immigrant from Cuba, Nestor Galbán, since Galbán was 12, and considered Nestor his son. He later clarified that Galbán is the brother of an ex-girlfriend of Gaetz's and that Galbán spends time with his sister, with Gaetz's family, and with Gaetz.[166] The two are not related genetically or legally.[167][168][169] Gaetz said, "Our relationship as a family is defined by our love for each other, not by any paperwork."[166] In 2016, he called Galbán a "local student"; in 2017, he called Galbán "my helper".[169]

In December 2020, Gaetz announced his engagement to his girlfriend, Ginger Luckey, the sister of Oculus VR founder and major Republican donor Palmer Luckey.[1] "

Gaetz - wiki

Trump rode to Newark you mindless twit.....the claim was he went to Epstein's island for sex......

trump rode on Epstein's plane to go on double dates with young women. Clinton rode on Epstein's plane to go to international aid conferences (most of the time without Epstein, but with international aid workers). There is no physical evidence either ever went to Epstein's island.

More disturbing is that trump flew 14 year old Nadia Marcinko into the USA, having falsified her working papers, and gave her to Epstein. trump also flew a 15 year old "towel girl" to NYC to give to Epstein.
The guys whole persona is creepy.

He is like Prince Andrew. They are so used to getting away with anything through an accident of birth, they just assume they are above the law.

Gaetz moved a random 12 year old boy into his house, and flew a 17 year old to other states, without making sure she had somewhere else to stay. It is creepy.
If Gaetz didn't do one more fucking thing, just what he's entered into the congressional record alone should be more than enough to make his disappear.
What the hell is the matter with this country?.
Both volsrock and Tom are notorious racists. For them, everything has to do with race.

I live in a relatively liberal place, where race does not seem that important day to day. Meanwhile, many Alt Right posters feel comfortable saying things like, "The purity of the white race must be preserved!!"", and "I've often called him out for not being racist enough."
Tucker Carlson just interviewed Gaetz. He's denying everything. It's one big pile of crap invented by DNC operatives because he pwns them so well. I believe Gaetz.

Even Tucker Carlson called the interview "one of the weirdest interviews I’ve ever conducted." In it, Gaetz tried to drag Carlson:
“I’m not the only person on screen right now who’s been falsely accused of a terrible sex act,” Gaetz declared. “You know what this feels like.”
Later in the interview, Gaetz mentioned bringing a woman to meet the Fox News host.

“You’ll remember her,” Gaetz insisted as he claimed the woman was later “threatened by the FBI.”

“I don’t remember the woman you’re speaking of or the context at all, honestly,” Carlson said.

Gaetz also admitted he paid travel expenses for women he slept with, but says they were all 18 years old or older. He did this for people who he had not verified their age, so he might be trying to setup "I did not know she was a minor" defense.
I live in a relatively liberal place, where race does not seem that important day to day. Meanwhile, many Alt Right posters feel comfortable saying things like, "The purity of the white race must be preserved!!"", and "I've often called him out for not being racist enough."

If individual people don't want to procreate interracially, who cares? Even if they feel less than completely comfortable simply interacting with other ethnicities,
but deny no one the fundamental human respect that needn't be earned but can only be forfeited,
racism of the heart will gradually secede as young people don't see us perpetrating injustice on one another.

Racism of action, in the meantime, can be addressed by statute.
Gaetz buddy Joel Greenberg just got nailed for the same thing plus misusing government funds. Greenberg is very wealthy, but he could not help himself. He was allegedly diddling underage girls and Gaetz and he hang out. Gaetz has Cruz's level of esteem in the party.
Somewhere along the line, we forgot that just because something is legal, it is not necessarily appropriate. If trump tells a 16 year old high school sophomore in Georgia that he might have a modeling contract for her, if she has sex with him... That might technically be legal. But a 74 year old man tricking a 16 year old child into having sex with him is not appropriate.

When I was in my late thirties, I knew exactly zero peers in that age group who were dating teenagers, or even contemplating it. It is just not normal or remotely appropriate irrespective of what is considered technically legal.
sad little bitch.......this has nothing to do with my religious beliefs or your ignorance about them......his relationship with Trump was the only fact in your post that was provable.......the rest was merely accusation........

Thank you for affirming you prophesize for Satan, not Christ.