Matt Gaetz Is Said to Be Investigated Over Possible Sexual Relationship With a Girl,

Representative Matt Gaetz, Republican of Florida and a close ally of former President Donald J. Trump, is being investigated by the Justice Department over whether he had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old and paid for her to travel with him, according to three people briefed on the matter.

[FONT=&]Investigators are examining whether Mr. Gaetz violated federal sex trafficking laws, the people said. A variety of federal statutes make it illegal to induce someone under 18 to travel over state lines to engage in sex in exchange for money or something of value. The Justice Department regularly prosecutes such cases, and offenders often receive severe sentences.


How's about a possible pedophile relationship with a boy or boys too? Obviously tRump as a pedophile deviant of the century and a liar and dog sh!t tyrant of the century too welcomes creatures and chicken hawks like Gaetz into his fold of crimes and atrocities against humanity which of course is un American, un civilized and ultimately un Godly.
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When I was in my late thirties, I knew exactly zero peers in that age group who were dating teenagers, or even contemplating it. It is just not normal or remotely appropriate irrespective of what is considered technically legal.

Same here, but different strokes for different folks, eh?

Trump liked fucking those young ones, but mostly he liked big tits which is why he bought Ivanka a pair.
Obviously tRump as a pedophile deviant of the century and a liar and dog sh!t tyrant of the century too welcomes creatures like Gaetz into his fold of crimes and atrocities against humanity which of course is un American, un civilized and ultimately un Godly.


Gaetz is just a low level fucking moron by comparison.
I live in a relatively liberal place, where race does not seem that important day to day. Meanwhile, many Alt Right posters feel comfortable saying things like, "The purity of the white race must be preserved!!"", and "I've often called him out for not being racist enough."

Since I have no idea where you live, that's as useless as Dachshund whining about blacks from Australia. Fucking foreigners, eh? :laugh:

Obviously race is an important issue in the BBC's, Big Blue Cities. For one thing, the cops should stop shooting Americans. Not very good PR there.

For another thing, Democrats should stop institutionalizing racism. Not very good PR there either.

Mainly, America should be a leader of freedom for all. The shining city on the hill. We're not doing that and haven't done so for several years.
Same here, but different strokes for different folks, eh?

Trump liked fucking those young ones, but mostly he liked big tits which is why he bought Ivanka a pair.

Trump is a sleaze bag, no doubt. Supposedly he liked to walk in on half dressed teenagers at that beauty contest he owned.

As for 38 year olds who go out of their way to date 17 and 18 year old girls - aka high school seniors - , it just strikes me as vaguely predatory.
When I was in my late thirties, I knew exactly zero peers in that age group who were dating teenagers, or even contemplating it. It is just not normal or remotely appropriate irrespective of what is considered technically legal.

If I friend of mine in his 50's was dating an 18 year old high school student, he would no longer be a friend of mine. It is technically legal, but come on.
trump rode on Epstein's plane to go on double dates with young women. Clinton rode on Epstein's plane to go to international aid conferences (most of the time without Epstein, but with international aid workers). There is no physical evidence either ever went to Epstein's island.

More disturbing is that trump flew 14 year old Nadia Marcinko into the USA, having falsified her working papers, and gave her to Epstein. trump also flew a 15 year old "towel girl" to NYC to give to Epstein.

silly demmycrat......your lies carry no weight......
Hello Walt,

I live in a relatively liberal place, where race does not seem that important day to day. Meanwhile, many Alt Right posters feel comfortable saying things like, "The purity of the white race must be preserved!!"", and "I've often called him out for not being racist enough."

The funny thing is how many of these 'pure' white supremacists actually have a percentage of black blood themselves.
Hello Cypress,

When I was in my late thirties, I knew exactly zero peers in that age group who were dating teenagers, or even contemplating it. It is just not normal or remotely appropriate irrespective of what is considered technically legal.

By that age, most men reach a level of maturity which precludes seeing someone who has the mindset of a 17 - 18 yo.

The things of interest simply do not overlap.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Since I have no idea where you live, that's as useless as Dachshund whining about blacks from Australia. Fucking foreigners, eh? :laugh:

Obviously race is an important issue in the BBC's, Big Blue Cities. For one thing, the cops should stop shooting Americans. Not very good PR there.

For another thing, Democrats should stop institutionalizing racism. Not very good PR there either.

Mainly, America should be a leader of freedom for all. The shining city on the hill. We're not doing that and haven't done so for several years.

I think in general we Americans have an over-elevated view of ourselves in the eyes of the world.
I think in general we Americans have an over-elevated view of ourselves in the eyes of the world.

While at the same time having a dismissive view of nations that do many things better than we do.

I suspect that East Coast progressive liberals travel abroad more extensively than middle American conservatives
and thus have more insight as to what's going on elsewhere.
Even Tucker Carlson called the interview "one of the weirdest interviews I’ve ever conducted." In it, Gaetz tried to drag Carlson:

Gaetz also admitted he paid travel expenses for women he slept with, but says they were all 18 years old or older. He did this for people who he had not verified their age, so he might be trying to setup "I did not know she was a minor" defense.

You must be unaware that "they" tried to do the same thing to Carlson. The interview was weird because what "they" are trying to do is so predictable.
The funny thing is how many of these 'pure' white supremacists actually have a percentage of black blood themselves.

Exactly right. My theory is: One of their ancestors passed, and that was their road out of poverty. They taught their children that being white is the most important thing. Their descendants became racists based on that.

Another possible theory is there are more people have Black ancestry and do not know it in the South, and there are more racists.
You must be unaware that "they" tried to do the same thing to Carlson. The interview was weird because what "they" are trying to do is so predictable.

Gaetz was trying to drag Carlson into it all. It is not some "they" that Carlson is complaining about.
If I friend of mine in his 50's was dating an 18 year old high school student, he would no longer be a friend of mine. It is technically legal, but come on.

Let's be honest here. Gaetz wasn't 'dating' them, he was paying them. He was a sugar daddy. Most likely because he is so fucking creepy looking that no woman would date him. He clearly has a thing for younger women. He's marrying a 26 year old. Gaetz is a creepy, disturbing pervert. The DOJ can decide whether what he did was criminal, but it doesn't matter much. He's a creep.
He is like Prince Andrew. They are so used to getting away with anything through an accident of birth, they just assume they are above the law.

Gaetz moved a random 12 year old boy into his house, and flew a 17 year old to other states, without making sure she had somewhere else to stay. It is creepy.

He thought that as long as he kissed trumps asked he could do anything. He didn’t realize Trump was likely to lose reelection.
Hello Cypress,

By that age, most men reach a level of maturity which precludes seeing someone who has the mindset of a 17 - 18 yo.

The things of interest simply do not overlap.

38 year olds trying to date high school seniors strikes me as going beyond mere compatibility issues. It strikes me as vaguely predatory.

A man approaching middle age who is attempting to have sex with high school seniors obviously has some disturbing mental issues, including sociopathic elements of manipulation and control.