Maxine Waters Urges Civil Defiance, terrorism

ROFLMAO I have no doubt you truly believe you are a savior. Your username is one clue. You playing Jesus and accusing me of being Judas is another. :rofl2:

You also just proved you are not a Christian; Judas was the best friend of Jesus. The right hand man of Jesus. God sent Jesus to Earth to die for our sins. Judas was an essential part of the plan.

I strongly doubt you have the guts to stand up for your convictions, STY, since you've never done it so far. You won't even abide by your oath or renounce it much less take the historical hit that Judas took for Jesus by supporting God's plan.

YOU don't get to decide whether anyone is a Christian or not. You are not God.

Merriam fucking Webster’s you dumbass Russo bot hole

democracy noun
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de·​moc·​ra·​cy | \ di-ˈmä-krə-sē \
plural democracies
Definition of democracy
1a : government by the people
especially : rule of the majority
b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
2 : a political unit that has a democratic government
3 capitalized : the principles and policies of the Democratic party in the U.S.
from emancipation Republicanism to New Deal Democracy
— C. M. Roberts
4 : the common people especially when constituting the source of political authority
5 : the absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges

You gonna kill all the dictionaries too?
This Is what is in the dictionary folks

This is what a democracy is

Not what a brain dead Republican Party says it is

This one lie they tell informs of their real plans for this nation

They have been mouth shitting this stupid crap for decades now

I have been showing them the dictionary and encyclopedia entries on it since they second they started to repeat this lie

This site is full of me outing this evil lie

They love to argue against the world dictionaries and encyclopedias

I would tell them that their argument isn’t with me

That their argument is with every encyclopedia and dictionary in the world

False authority fallacy.

A democracy is government by popular vote. There is no constitution. There are no representatives.
A republic is government by law (a constitution). It has representatives, defined by that constitution, and elected by the procedures laid out in that constitution.

YOU want an oligarchy, neither a democracy nor a republic. You discard the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions. You support The Oligarchy.
Thanks for proving STY is a liar and a hypocrite. LOL

The Alt-Right needs more people like you, Sybil. Seriously. Their ratings are lagging and they need more cannon fodder for their season finale in November. You could be famous. Dead or in jail too, but FAMOUS! :thup:

You know Trump loves you. That's why you work so hard for him, amirite?

Sybil isn't here, Dutch. Your hallucination is a real problem. Talking to your hallucination is a real problem. Unfortunately, there is no treatment available for your condition.

That is the CIA


This page gives the list of how the CIA classifies the worlds governments for THEIR purposes

Now If you want to claim they are the final arbiter of the worlds definitions of all government and all other sources bow to how the CIA classified things

Then that means you believe the CIA as if they are they ONLY ones to be trusted

Here’s your problem stupid traitor

The CIA says Donald trump took Russian help to cheat his way to a win in his 2016 election and also took that help in 2020 but still lost

Now what ass bag?

Merriam fucking Webster’s you dumbass Russo bot hole

democracy noun
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de·​moc·​ra·​cy | \ di-ˈmä-krə-sē \
plural democracies
Definition of democracy
1a : government by the people
especially : rule of the majority
b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
2 : a political unit that has a democratic government
3 capitalized : the principles and policies of the Democratic party in the U.S.
from emancipation Republicanism to New Deal Democracy
— C. M. Roberts
4 : the common people especially when constituting the source of political authority
5 : the absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges

Every dictionary and encyclopedia says the republicans lie about America’s government to try and kill democracy dead in America
Trump didn't tell ANYONE to attack the Capitol, dumbass!

Trump didn't tell ANYONE to record or upload anything, dumbass!

14,000 hours of Democrats burning cities, looting them, pillaging them, assaulting and even killing people? Traitors like Joe Biden, who was not elected but was installed in a coup by Democrats, the guy that gave weapons to the enemy in a time of war? How about AOC, who was advocating that people take to the streets violently?

The insurrectionists are the Democrats, dude.

I love it when you go bonkers. The dozen posts saying nothing is a little annoying but easily ignored when a gem like the quoted post pops up. It explains everything about you just like your "forum".

No doubt you've heard and/or read the speech many times. You just proved you only see what you want to see, not what's really there. What you are missing are the results. You parse the words like a jailhouse lawyer but never understand what he's saying. A classic can't see the forest for the trees problem.
Every dictionary and encyclopedia says the republicans lie about America’s government to try and kill democracy dead in America

When you go fanatical like Sybil, you look like his sister. Jus' sayin'. :thup:

Like them, there's elements of truth...and too many of them being disturbingly true. There are, indeed, assholes like STY and his friends who want to foment civil war. They strongly believe "might makes right" and that they have a God-given/Genetic right as white males to dominate the planet. They want to live the Turner Diaries. They're nuts. Not all righties, just the loudmouthed, murderous nutjobs who'll appear later this summer in what I expect to be a spectacular way. Most Republicans aren't evil, just spineless against a hardcore group of White Supremacist Extremists supporting Trump.*

We get the government we deserve.

*With the White Supremacists in control, does anyone think Trump would last a day longer than he was useful to them? After all, the entire point was to destroy the Federal government....just like in the Turner Diaries. They don't seem to understand much history on revolutions.
It will do nothing to keep guns out of the hand of an 18 year-old kid in Texas. If you really cared about children, you wouldn't have waited for Joe, you'd have taken care of it during the 4 years you could.

okay I'll remember......Lurch is a lib'rul who doesn't believe gun reform will help save lives........and if I REALLY cared about kids I would do something about the 155 killed in mass shootings instead of the 61 million killed by abortionists
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You think insulting people is going to make ANY DIFFERENCE???????!?

I know that saying, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" before every post is making you look like a fruitcake.

Do you actually type it out each time? That would take commitment to your crazy.
Except for the mass killings in England in 2017, 2019, 2020, and 2021, some of which involved guns,
or the some 14 mass killings in Australia since 2017, some of which involved guns,
or the mass shooting in 2019 in New Zealand (which doesn't have a lot of mass killings due to lower population).

You claim there is a mass killing problem in the States. All the more reason to carry a gun. Thank you for justifying yet another reason to be armed to defend yourself and the innocent from these fucks.

Nope. No mass shootings. You're cherry-picking bullshit. Oh, and the ban in NZ happened after that mass shooting at Christchurch, which is why there are no more in NZ now. Don't lie.
When you go fanatical like Sybil, you look like his sister. Jus' sayin'. :thup:

Like them, there's elements of truth...and too many of them being disturbingly true. There are, indeed, assholes like STY and his friends who want to foment civil war. They strongly believe "might makes right" and that they have a God-given/Genetic right as white males to dominate the planet. They want to live the Turner Diaries. They're nuts. Not all righties, just the loudmouthed, murderous nutjobs who'll appear later this summer in what I expect to be a spectacular way. Most Republicans aren't evil, just spineless against a hardcore group of White Supremacist Extremists supporting Trump.*

We get the government we deserve.

*With the White Supremacists in control, does anyone think Trump would last a day longer than he was useful to them? After all, the entire point was to destroy the Federal government....just like in the Turner Diaries. They don't seem to understand much history on revolutions.

Every dictionary agrees with me dutch

Every encyclopedia agrees with me dutch

It’s called verifiable fact
okay I'll remember......Lurch is a lib'rul who doesn't believe gun reform will help save lives........and if I REALLY cared about kids I would do something about the 155 killed in mass shootings instead of the 61 million killed by abortionists

Abortion has killed no one. Mass shootings have needlessly slaughtered live children, some recently. What have you done to advocate for them? Nothing. Why? Because you have some sick attraction to guns you value more than kids.