Maxine Waters Urges Civil Defiance, terrorism

Alt-Right nutjobs like you are more likely to start shooting each other. I'd say "Blue on Blue" but since the Alt-Right hates cops and military, I won't.

It is DEMOCRATS that hate cops, idiot. It is DEMOCRATS that fund and support BLM and Antifa. It is DEMOCRATS the defund the military.

Sorry dude, you can project YOUR problems on anybody else! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
You are in public you zip lock bag full on monkeypocks puss

The FBI has been alerted to this site many times for your sides insistance on threatening to kill people

All you fucking violent idiots are being watched here you stupid git

Please tell us all more about how you will find me and shoot me in the chest and leave me with a sucking chest wound because I vote differently than you

Please please please tell me more you fucking idiots

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The FBI has better things to do than to listen to idiots like YOU!

Merriam fucking Webster’s you dumbass Russo bot hole

democracy noun
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de·​moc·​ra·​cy | \ di-ˈmä-krə-sē \
plural democracies
Definition of democracy
1a : government by the people
especially : rule of the majority
b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
2 : a political unit that has a democratic government
3 capitalized : the principles and policies of the Democratic party in the U.S.
from emancipation Republicanism to New Deal Democracy
— C. M. Roberts
4 : the common people especially when constituting the source of political authority
5 : the absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges

False authority fallacy.
b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

A republic is a type of democracy you fucking trash can brain

A republic is not a democracy. A democracy has no constitution and no representatives.
Stop hiding behind the document you despise.
I love it when you go bonkers. The dozen posts saying nothing is a little annoying but easily ignored when a gem like the quoted post pops up. It explains everything about you just like your "forum".

No doubt you've heard and/or read the speech many times. You just proved you only see what you want to see, not what's really there. What you are missing are the results. You parse the words like a jailhouse lawyer but never understand what he's saying. A classic can't see the forest for the trees problem.

Not Trump's speech. False authority fallacy.
I know that saying, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" before every post is making you look like a fruitcake.

Do you actually type it out each time? That would take commitment to your crazy.

Nope. No mass shootings. You're cherry-picking bullshit. Oh, and the ban in NZ happened after that mass shooting at Christchurch, which is why there are no more in NZ now. Don't lie.

There were mass shootings, twit. There were also other mass killings. A good reason to carry a gun.
This nation is a democracy

It’s a fucking lie to claim it is not

The former federal government is currently an oligarchy. The individual States are now independent. They are republics. California is currently a dictatorship. New York is currently an oligarchy.
The United States was never a democracy.
Abortion has killed no one.
Mass shootings have needlessly slaughtered live children, some recently.
DEMOCRATS, dude. DEMOCRATS. Gun Free Zones don't work. All you are doing here is justifying carrying a gun.
What have you done to advocate for them? Nothing. Why? Because you have some sick attraction to guns you value more than kids.
What have I done to advocate for them? I carry a gun.
Maxine Waters urges people to ‘defy’ Supreme Court after abortion ruling
by Cami Mondeaux, Breaking News Reporter | | June 24, 2022 06:38 PM

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Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) vowed to “defy” the Supreme Court after it overturned Roe v. Wade on Friday, telling protesters in Washington, D.C., that the decision won’t stop women from obtaining abortions.

Waters appeared outside the Supreme Court building as a massive crowd gathered in response to the ruling, joining other Democratic lawmakers who voiced their support for codifying abortion rights and expanding the court.
