Maxine Waters Urges Civil Defiance, terrorism

Abortion has killed no one. Mass shootings have needlessly slaughtered live children, some recently. What have you done to advocate for them? Nothing. Why? Because you have some sick attraction to guns you value more than kids.
Bull Lurch at least try to be honest.

A human embryo is a whole living member of the species Homo sapiens in the earliest stage of development. Unless severely damaged or deprived of nutrition or a suitable environment, the embryonic human will develop himself or herself by an internally directed process to the next more mature developmental stage, i.e., the fetal stage.....

The human embryo is not something different in kind from a human being, nor is it merely a "potential human being," whatever that might mean. Rather the human embryo is a human being in the embryonic stage. or,develop itself using that information.

Not reading your wing nut propaganda. You keep attacking the majority of the nation, bad things are going to happen to you - and I don't mean physical harm - I mean you right wing nuts are going to have to isolate yourselves into your own country. There you can have all the guns, prayer, and zero abortions you want.

You are out of step with the majority of the nation, and like the Civil War, it won't stand.
Not reading your wing nut propaganda. You keep attacking the majority of the nation, bad things are going to happen to you - and I don't mean physical harm - I mean you right wing nuts are going to have to isolate yourselves into your own country. There you can have all the guns, prayer, and zero abortions you want.

You are out of step with the majority of the nation, and like the Civil War, it won't stand.
It's from NPR hardly a right wing propaganda source.. :laugh: You need to get away from your Left wing utopia and into the rest of the country.
You have turned into such a dick. You have no idea how the real world works.
The real world in your head....along with those dancing Nazis.

Abortion in the US has been claiming more than 625K human lives a year and you condone it.

I'm only a dick to you because I point out your glaring hypocrisies. And you don't like it.
The real world in your head....along with those dancing Nazis.

Abortion in the US has been claiming more than 625K human lives a year and you condone it.

I'm only a dick to you because I point out your glaring hypocrisies. And you don't like it.

Your party is dead, bud. The Dems are weak, but we can always count on your Nazis to overplay your hand. And you did. Prepare to pay at the ballot box.
so some people should have guns then?

The people we charge to protect us. Yes, they should have weapons. So what, you fucking useless fucking idiot?

Fuck you! You're going back on ignore. You're just a useless troll.

I wish there was a way I could block you from quoting me. You're just total trash.
Your party is dead, bud. The Dems are weak, but we can always count on your Nazis to overplay your hand. And you did. Prepare to pay at the ballot box.
Pffftttt In your dreams. Moms care more about being able to feed their kids than they do about killing babies. Bidenflation is making it increasingly hard to feed a family. Plus new moms can't find formula for their babies and that is due to Biden's poor leadership. Yes a few radicals will vote on abortion but most people are not and will not be affected by states choosing whether they want limits on abortion in their state. So sorry it isn't going to save the Democrat party from disaster in November not even by a long shot.
The people we charge to protect us. Yes, they should have weapons. So what, you fucking useless fucking idiot?

Fuck you! You're going back on ignore. You're just a useless troll.

I wish there was a way I could block you from quoting me. You're just total trash.
That's the way to win the argument...just run from it. :laugh:
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Pffftttt In your dreams. Moms care more about being able to feed their kids than they do about killing babies. Bidenflation is making it increasingly hard to feed a family. Plus new moms can't find formula for their babies and that is due to Biden's poor leadership. Yes a few radicals will vote on abortion but most people are not and will not be affected by states choosing whether they want limits on abortion in their state. So sorry it isn't going to save the Democrat party from disaster in November not even by a long shot.

Yep. You think the high gas prices are going to save you. Wait until the first mom with 5 kids in rural MS kills herself botching her abortion because she was raped by her boss and couldn't afford the other kid.

You are such a soulless creature. You're also too stupid to realize what a moral failure you are.
Yep. You think the high gas prices are going to save you. Wait until the first mom with 5 kids in rural MS kills herself botching her abortion because she was raped by her boss and couldn't afford the other kid.

You are such a soulless creature. You're also too stupid to realize what a moral failure you are.
I bet you are rooting for that. :laugh: Moral failure? You are the one who wants to kill over 625K human beings each and every YEAR. That is almost the population of Seattle each year. You soulless monster.
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The people we charge to protect us. Yes, they should have weapons. So what, you fucking useless fucking idiot?

Fuck you! You're going back on ignore. You're just a useless troll.

I wish there was a way I could block you from quoting me. You're just total trash.

When you only have seconds, the police are just minutes away.
I bet you are rooting for that. :laugh: Moral failur? You are the one who wants to kill over 625K human beings each and every YEAR. That is almost the population of Seattle each year.

I'm NOT rooting for it. You see that's the thing, I'm NOT!!! That's why abortion should be safe and legal, you idiotic racist, right-wing, puritanical, fuck.
That's Nostradumbass if it's Dutch.

It's so sad that his entire world revolves around this place. I mean it's beautiful here today.. 80 degrees. I grilled me some babybabcks and drumsticks a short time ago on the BBQ. Been to the store for Kentucky Mule supplies - got my drones with lights ready to be flown along with a Motely Crue soundtrack when it gets dark.

I am ready for tonight!