Maxine Waters Urges Civil Defiance, terrorism

QED. You too. LOL

America is a just country. A nation of laws. However, as the RW SCOTUS scumbags are proving, it can also be biased. In the case of elderly, hateful geezers like you inciting violence and mass murder of innocent Americans, I expect all that will happen is you'll be convicted and sentenced to no computers for 10 years...effectively a life sentence. :rofl2:

Enjoy trying to talk to all the other zombies in your facility.

You are describing Democrats and yourself. You can't project YOUR problems on anybody else, dude.
Australia, New Zealand, and England have done a great job banning guns. The result: No mass shootings.

See how that works?
Except for the mass killings in England in 2017, 2019, 2020, and 2021, some of which involved guns,
or the some 14 mass killings in Australia since 2017, some of which involved guns,
or the mass shooting in 2019 in New Zealand (which doesn't have a lot of mass killings due to lower population).

You claim there is a mass killing problem in the States. All the more reason to carry a gun. Thank you for justifying yet another reason to be armed to defend yourself and the innocent from these fucks.
Except for the mass killings in England in 2017, 2019, 2020, and 2021, some of which involved guns,
or the some 14 mass killings in Australia since 2017, some of which involved guns,
or the mass shooting in 2019 in New Zealand (which doesn't have a lot of mass killings due to lower population).

You claim there is a mass killing problem in the States. All the more reason to carry a gun. Thank you for justifying yet another reason to be armed to defend yourself and the innocent from these fucks.

The Supreme Court just agreed that you have the right to carry.

The criminals who carry the guns that kill innocents are bailed out by leftists to kill again.

Ban leftists .

It's truly amazing how many of these actually come true.
Honest, law abiding Americans don't use their guns to commit crimes.

Yet the far left loons want to penalize them.

Ban the far left loons, save lives.
Civil war is inevitable now. The hatred among the left has risen to a level of violence on a regular basis, with plans to burn cities and towns, loot them, and pillage them.

Thanks for proving STY is a liar and a hypocrite. LOL

The Alt-Right needs more people like you, Sybil. Seriously. Their ratings are lagging and they need more cannon fodder for their season finale in November. You could be famous. Dead or in jail too, but FAMOUS! :thup:

You know Trump loves you. That's why you work so hard for him, amirite?

you are obviously confused, since it's leftists making the cry for civil war.............poor evince
Maxipad Waters should spend more time studying world geography.

She said that Russia had invaded Korea (the Crimea).

Carry a gun. If some fuck starts shooting kids anywhere near me, that shooter is going to get shot.

Alt-Right nutjobs like you are more likely to start shooting each other. I'd say "Blue on Blue" but since the Alt-Right hates cops and military, I won't.
Agreed. When Trump told his traitors, terrorists and criminals to attack the Capitol
Trump didn't tell ANYONE to attack the Capitol, dumbass!
he also told them to record and upload everything they saw....and they did!

Trump didn't tell ANYONE to record or upload anything, dumbass!
14,000 HOURS[/U]
of hard evidence about criminals, terrorists and traitors.
14,000 hours of Democrats burning cities, looting them, pillaging them, assaulting and even killing people? Traitors like Joe Biden, who was not elected but was installed in a coup by Democrats, the guy that gave weapons to the enemy in a time of war? How about AOC, who was advocating that people take to the streets violently?
STY's friend Stewie Rhodes of Elm, Texas was there in the crowd and did't even enter the Capitol grounds. He knew it was a crime and wanted to stay clean. He thought he'd be free of arrest too.

IIRC, there are still about unidentified 700 Insurrectionists on the run. Like the 1960s LW radicals, the FBI will hunt these people for as long as it takes. STY could up being arrested in 5-10 years when an prison sentence is effectively a life sentence.

What middle-aged American wants to be facing prison instead of retirement?
The insurrectionists are the Democrats, dude.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You think the FBI is bothering with a blind forum like JPP?????????????!?

You are in public you zip lock bag full on monkeypocks puss

The FBI has been alerted to this site many times for your sides insistance on threatening to kill people

All you fucking violent idiots are being watched here you stupid git

Please tell us all more about how you will find me and shoot me in the chest and leave me with a sucking chest wound because I vote differently than you

Please please please tell me more you fucking idiots
The cops hate the left too. Almost Everyone does. Everyone that actually matters anyway....

Clip starts at 1:06. Yep......the cops hate em too...:laugh:
