McCain cheated on his first wife, repetedly

The one thing that really is weird to me is that her parents hold and intervention to get her off drugs and the husband is not told?

How in the hell can this be?

Her drug use also coinsides with the Keating scandal. She was finacially involved and failed to provide some of the documentation for involvement. This is just one tangled web. It truely scares me Damo.
LOL. Often the people closest to us do not see because the differences do not appear all at once while those we do not live with see them in that fashion as "suddenly appearing". It is a difference in perspective.

There is also the ability to "not see" things that we do not want to see in those we love. McCain's inability to recognize the signs isn't problematic to me, it is unlikely he had much experience with them. Nor is it a surprise that her family noticed the differences before McCain did.

I think attacking her for an addiction she has overcome will be a mistake for the D party.
Im not attacking her for her becoming clean and sober.

Im not attacking at all.

Im airing the facts in the record of their lives.

I think it is great Her family held and intervention for her. I do worry about the fact that the Husband was not called and included in her intervention. It was a bad idea not to tell the one person who was the closest to her to be involved. I just dont understand how that can happen.
Obamas book about his life has been gone over with a fine tooth comb to insinuate he is a secret muslim and that he had "drug" problems.
Im not attacking her for her becoming clean and sober.

Im not attacking at all.

Im airing the facts in the record of their lives.

I think it is great Her family held and intervention for her. I do worry about the fact that the Husband was not called and included in her intervention. It was a bad idea not to tell the one person who was the closest to her to be involved. I just dont understand how that can happen.
When was it done? What was his schedule?

I think there are many reasons that it could have happened considering his position.
Obamas book about his life has been gone over with a fine tooth comb to insinuate he is a secret muslim and that he had "drug" problems.
LOL. It doesn't take a "fine toothed comb" to find his drug use in his books, and the "secret muslim" crap is all from an e-mail. Your comparisons are weak.

Well, the drug use thing is alike in this. It is old news and will be received as such.
Yeah but at least it hit the news.

I am a highly informed voter who spends a lot of time monitoring the news and just found these things out on my own from old documents.

If we have a so called "liberal " press then why is this not common knowledge?
Yeah but at least it hit the news.

I am a highly informed voter who spends a lot of time monitoring the news and just found these things out on my own from old documents.

If we have a so called "liberal " press then why is this not common knowledge?
This "hit the news" there are youtubes I have seen posted here talking about this very subject along with McCain's mythical "anger problem".

This is again one of those times that you simply didn't catch it, and pretend that means nobody reported it. The reality is if "nobody reported it" you would find no stories that covered it. That you find them and post them shows that there was coverage when it was actually news.

Things about Obama are almost all news as most of the nation never heard of the guy before the last election cycle.
Yes Damo that part has.

How about the rest?
Again, if it hadn't you would find zero stories. Shockingly, and directly against your assertion you find stories about it and you find that many, especially those in the West, already know about it. Probably because it was covered.
Anyway Desh.

McCain was the first person who was a confessed philanderer who ran for President.

It took me three seconds to find many stories about McCain's infidelity.

I don't think Desh said one couldn't research 20 year old newspaper articles, or plumb the depths of the internets to find this information.

My understanding, is that she's saying it hasn't become common knowledge, by way of mainstream media handwringing, the way Bill Clinton's history of philandering was in 1991 and 1992
I don't think Desh said one couldn't research 20 year old newspaper articles, or plumb the depths of the internets to find this information.

My understanding, is that she's saying it hasn't become common knowledge, by way of mainstream media handwringing, the way Bill Clinton's history of philandering was in 1991 and 1992
That article isn't 20 years old, Mr. "I Can't Read So I Make Silly Assertions".
Relevance Indi, relevance. If people insist on "character" as part of this process then they have to wear it when people like "Banger" McCain are exposed, as it were.

Clinton W.J. (not B.J.) isn't up for election. Nor is Kennedy E. Nor is Kennedy J.

Personally, me being a ferriner an' all. I don't give a toss. But for you Merkans, you need to know what the proposed presidential whatsit has been up to, you have to wear it if your candidate's whatsit has been somewhere its shouldntabeen.

It's all bollocks of course but you have that dreadful puritanical streak in your politics which makes it an issue. Don't whine about the blowback.
This is EXACTLY the point. Republicans are ALWAYS the first to tell us all how much character counts. But then when the character of THIER candidate is called into question is is all "Oh my god Desh knows something everyone else already knew". Either behavior outside of the office matters for EVERYONE or it matters for no one. You can't go around poking at the human flaws of one person and ignore the exact same flaws in another because the other represents your political views. That is the pinnacle of hipocracy. I give a damn that either man cheated on his wife. They could BOTH be good leaders in spite of that.
This is EXACTLY the point. Republicans are ALWAYS the first to tell us all how much character counts. But then when the character of THIER candidate is called into question is is all "Oh my god Desh knows something everyone else already knew". Either behavior outside of the office matters for EVERYONE or it matters for no one. You can't go around poking at the human flaws of one person and ignore the exact same flaws in another because the other represents your political views. That is the pinnacle of hipocracy. I give a damn that either man cheated on his wife. They could BOTH be good leaders in spite of that.
Rubbish I answered to the "character" stuff too. I think it takes far more character to admit to a mistake and to work to correct it than it takes to hide it and lie about it. He was elected with the knowledge of this, he was open about it.