McCain Continues to Confound Me!

"And again, McCain has never served as a Governor."-Stringy

I believe that spin is an optical illusion you are experiencing due to your perpetual state of revolution.

Hey retard... "bring it up" implies I am the one who touched on the issue first. I did not. I merely responded to someone else bringing it up.

Palin has executive experience that Obama lacks, McCain has legislative experience Obama lacks. Palin's executive experience doesn't suddenly nullify McCain's vast Senatorial experience, nor does it suddenly give Obama experience he doesn't have.

Ohhhkay, 20 months running a state with a population less than 1/400th the size of the US and without the same powers. I am going to to do a home business for 20 months and then apply to be CEO of Microsoft.
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Hey retard... "bring it up" implies I am the one who touched on the issue first. I did not. I merely responded to someone else bringing it up.

You are the first person I see, who posted about McCain not being a governor.

Ohhhkay, 20 months running a state with a population less than 1/400th the size of the US and without the same powers. I am going to to do a home business for 20 months and then apply to be CEO of Microsoft.

You'd be more qualified than the candidate who didn't have any experience.
You are the first person I see, who posted about McCain not being a governor.

You are as dense as ever. Last time I repeat myself here. In response to someone who criticized Obama's lack of experience in an executive role. I did not bring up executive experience, moron.

You'd be more qualified than the candidate who didn't have any experience.

That analogy fails. The experience is not nil. It is simply not in the executive role. Someone who had done well in some team role within MS would probably be a better choice.

And again, McCain has no executive experience either.
You are as dense as ever. Last time I repeat myself here. In response to someone who criticized Obama's lack of experience in an executive role. I did not bring up executive experience, moron.

"And again, McCain has never served as a Governor."-Stringy

Uhmmm.... YES, you certainly DID bring up executive experience. This is the actual quote in which you brought up McCain's executive experience. Do I need to break each word down and give a definition?

That analogy fails. The experience is not nil. It is simply not in the executive role. Someone who had done well in some team role within MS would probably be a better choice.

And Obama's experience is not in an executive role!

And again, McCain has no executive experience either.

And AGAIN, you bring up McCain's lack of executive experience! Amazing!
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I did not bring up executive experience retard. cawacko did. I responded. And I clearly said Obama had no executive experience and likened his experience to that of someone in a high level team role within MS, which would make him a better candidate than Lemonade stand Palin.

I am done repeating myself to a dishonest retard.
I did not bring up executive experience retard. cawacko did. I responded. And I clearly said Obama had no executive experience and likened his experience to that of someone in a high level team role within MS, which would make him a better candidate than Lemonade stand Palin.

[deleted insults]

cwacko said nothing about McCain's lack of executive experience, you did.

I agree, Obama is probably a better candidate for president than Palin at this time. The thing is, Palin isn't running for president and Obama is, against McCain. Lemonade stand? You mean she did that too? Wow, that gal stays busy! Was she as successful at that as she was at turning Alaska's budget around, in less than two years?

...You think Obama might stand a chance at getting hired by Bill Gates, after he loses the election?
Right wing spin has made you dizzy. I did not bring it ght has been the one attacking Obama on . If Obama'experience then what of McCain's.
My belief about executive experience trumping senator goes far beyond just this race. And obviously i'm not alone in that feeling as America rarely elects senators. As far as this race specifically you are trying to claim hypocrisy but its not. Now the mccain camp definitely made its case of labeling obama as inexperienced more difficult. But there is a difference between being on the top of the ticket vs. Being 2nd.
My belief about executive experience trumping senator goes far beyond just this race. And obviously i'm not alone in that feeling as America rarely elects senators. As far as this race specifically you are trying to claim hypocrisy but its not. Now the mccain camp definitely made its case of labeling obama as inexperienced more difficult. But there is a difference between being on the top of the ticket vs. Being 2nd.

To the contrary, I think the McCain camp firmly stuck the inexperience label on Obama's ass. Already, the Obama supporters are looking like total hypocrite buffoons, and will continue to look completely foolish, every time they bring up Sarah Palin's lack of experience. As you pointed out, she has more executive experience than Obama. Democrats may as well be arguing Sarah is "not white enough" to be elected....that's the kind of 'thud' this inexperience charge will have with the American people.
Dixie on Friday:

"Palin has virtually no experience, she makes Obama look like a seasoned political veteran, so the McCain camp sacrifices this advantage with Palin as the VP choice"

Dixie on Saturday:

"To the contrary, I think the McCain camp firmly stuck the inexperience label on Obama's ass. Already, the Obama supporters are looking like total hypocrite buffoons, and will continue to look completely foolish, every time they bring up Sarah Palin's lack of experience. As you pointed out, she has more executive experience than Obama. Democrats may as well be arguing Sarah is "not white enough" to be elected....that's the kind of 'thud' this inexperience charge will have with the American people."

You must be SO dizzy....
Dixie on Friday:

"Palin has virtually no experience, she makes Obama look like a seasoned political veteran, so the McCain camp sacrifices this advantage with Palin as the VP choice"

Dixie on Saturday:

"To the contrary, I think the McCain camp firmly stuck the inexperience label on Obama's ass. Already, the Obama supporters are looking like total hypocrite buffoons, and will continue to look completely foolish, every time they bring up Sarah Palin's lack of experience. As you pointed out, she has more executive experience than Obama. Democrats may as well be arguing Sarah is "not white enough" to be elected....that's the kind of 'thud' this inexperience charge will have with the American people."

You must be SO dizzy....

LMAO... You're really having a problem with me admitting I was wrong, aren't you? As I said, after seeing how utterly stupid pinheads look when they criticize Palin's 'lack of experience', I changed my mind about the pick. I think it only helps to illustrate what a bunch of total hypocrites you are. Palin arguably has MORE experience than your candidate, and she's just running for VP.... to preside over the Senate... Obama is running to lead the free world!

I'm not dizzy at all, I am enjoying watching you guys try to figure out what to do now. You weren't expecting this, it must be like a swift kick in the nuts... we're at that stage where you are just realizing you've been kicked in the nuts... you have that expression on your face like you know what is coming, but can't do a damn thing about it. By next week, you'll all be in the fetal position, lying on the ground in agony, crying for your mommy!

I bet you're already regretting you didn't nominate Hillary!
"I bet you're already regretting you didn't nominate Hillary!"

Like I've said, this is Quayle part II. I love how old she makes McCain look, and I love how she has taken his inexperience argument - basically, his entire campaign against Obama - off the table.

Good times ahead. I'm looking forward to the GOP fighting Gustav for the headlines next week.

Hey, maybe Obama can make an announcement after McCain's speech that he'll make his entire cabinet women...maybe they can out-transparent each other!
Hey Oncie? Shouldn't you be busy with your friends from Daily Kos, trying to dig up some insignificant dirt on Palin? Isn't it part of your Character Assassination Battle Plans to be scouring the Internet for some tidbit of a rumor to fabricate some lies about her? I bet this is why we haven't heard from Darla or Desh, they are too busy trying to find some dirt on Palin, anything at all will do at this point! Just something you can build some myth on, and destroy her before she gets out of the gate... that's what you need to be doing, not sitting here trying to 'debate' with me.
So why bring it up? Obama has never served as governor, neither has his running mate!

You know the false premis that's being tossed up here is that a lack of experience as an executive qualifies one as incompetent.

Franklin Pierce was a governor of PA. Widely regarded as one of the worst US Presidents.

James Buchanan was a Secretary of State. Widely regarded as one of the worst US Presidents.

Ulysses S. Grant was The General of the US Army. Widely regarded as one of the worst US Presidents.

Warren G. Harding. Lieutenant Gov of Ohio. Widely regarded as the worst US President.

Richard Nixon. Vice President of the USA for 8 years. Widely regarded as one of the worst US Presidents.

George W. Bush. Governor of Texas. Widely regarded as one of the worst US Presidents.

On the other hand.

Abraham Lincoln. No executive experience. Widely regarded as best US President.

Harry Truman. Very little executive experience as VP, less than a year. Widely regarded as one of the best US Presidents.

JFK, no executive experiences. Widely regarded as one of our better US Presidents.

Thomas Jefferson. Briefly Governor of Virginia, very little Executive experience. Widely regarded as one of our best Presidents.

So this whole experience criticism is utterly bogus.

If Obama was such an inexperienced and inept political neophyte how the hell was he able to build a politlcal operation that could defeat the Clinton juggernaut? It's a bullshit argument.
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Having executive experience is more qualification for president than legislative experience. Bush I had no governor experience, but was VP for 8 years - not president nor governor, but at least is part of the executive branch. Clinton was a state governor - experience in the top slot of a state - even a relatively small one - IS experience that can be directly equated to the top seat of the country. You don't put your IT guy in the top marketing spot just because he has more experience in his job. The person with 1/10 the experience, but in marketing, will get the marketing job.

When it comes to executive experience, McCain and Obama are equal - neither have any, nor does Biden. Though Palin's resume is short, it IS in the area of executive experience. Puts her ahead of McCain, Obama and Biden in my book when it comes to looking at a spot in the executive branch of government. As you acknowledge, the executive and legislative branches are different. Experience in one does not necessarily ready one for the other.

And Dixie is right on one thing: Palin's history shows her to be solidly in the core of republican conservatism - something that has been lacking with Bush & Co according to a large percentage of republicans.

That's just completely untrue. Executive political experience is a different form of political experience than legislative. Some of our best Presidents had only legislative backgrounds. Lincoln and Truman for example, while some of our worst US Presidents have been Governors, Buchanan, Pierce and Bush II for example.
Critics on both sides are going to basically ignore the difference between executive experience and legislative experience. Good chance the media, too, will pretend that experience is experience is experience.

However, when voters of all flavors are clamoring for change - who now best represents the type of change desired? Two heel-and-toe democrats, or two republicans with reputations as mavericks who fight their own parties on certain issues? Dixie may be confounded, but I look at the choice - and the type of character the public is looking for this election (ie: someone who is not a cardboard cutout of the party platform) and I see some very interesting and ingenious thinking with this selection.

So do I but I don't think that McCain/Palin will be able to overcome the lead anchor (Bush) around their necks.

Keep in mind. Both respective nominee's are now the head of their political parties and the American people are pretty upset with the Republican party. I see this as a historical force and I just don't think McCain can overcome it, though personally, I don't blame McCain for the failings of the Republican party. I see McCain as saving the party from it self.
You know the false premis that's being tossed up here is that a lack of experience as an executive qualifies one as incompetent.

LMAO... Which one is it, idiot? Either experience matters or it don't! You can't slam Palin for lack of experience, then claim it doesn't matter for your candidate. I know you aren't that incompetent... or have I completely overestimated you?

So do I but I don't think that McCain/Palin will be able to overcome the lead anchor (Bush) around their necks.

LMFAO... You can't get much further from Bush and still be considered a Republican, than John McCain, and most of America knows this. Palin, to my knowledge, has absolutely zero connection to Bush or the Washington insiders. In fact, Obama and Biden have more in connection to Bush, than Palin!

...people are pretty upset with the Republican party....I don't blame McCain for the failings of the Republican party. I see McCain as saving the party from it self.

So you basically think most of America is more stupid than yourself? I'll take that bet! LMAO!
LMAO... Which one is it, idiot? Either experience matters or it don't! You can't slam Palin for lack of experience, then claim it doesn't matter for your candidate. I know you aren't that incompetent... or have I completely overestimated you?

But I haven't slammed Palin for lack of experience. I disagreed with you that she's more experienced than Obama.

LMFAO... You can't get much further from Bush and still be considered a Republican, than John McCain, and most of America knows this. Palin, to my knowledge, has absolutely zero connection to Bush or the Washington insiders. In fact, Obama and Biden have more in connection to Bush, than Palin!

Last I heard Bush was a Republican and for 8 years was the head of the Republican party and last I heard, Palin was a republican too. If you don't think Bush is gonna be a lead anchor around their neck your a damned fool. You just watch and see all the dancing McCain does to distance himself from Bush and his ineptitude. He has to or he will lose.
LMAO... Which one is it, idiot? Either experience matters or it don't! You can't slam Palin for lack of experience, then claim it doesn't matter for your candidate. I know you aren't that incompetent... or have I completely overestimated you?

LMFAO... You can't get much further from Bush and still be considered a Republican, than John McCain, and most of America knows this. Palin, to my knowledge, has absolutely zero connection to Bush or the Washington insiders. In fact, Obama and Biden have more in connection to Bush, than Palin!

So you basically think most of America is more stupid than yourself? I'll take that bet! LMAO!

We'll see who's laughing on election day when there's a Democrat President and a Democrat super majority in the Senate.
You know the false premis that's being tossed up here is that a lack of experience as an executive qualifies one as incompetent.

Franklin Pierce was a governor of PA. Widely regarded as one of the worst US Presidents.

James Buchanan was a Secretary of State. Widely regarded as one of the worst US Presidents.

Ulysses S. Grant was The General of the US Army. Widely regarded as one of the worst US Presidents.

Warren G. Harding. Lieutenant Gov of Ohio. Widely regarded as the worst US President.

Richard Nixon. Vice President of the USA for 8 years. Widely regarded as one of the worst US Presidents.

George W. Bush. Governor of Texas. Widely regarded as one of the worst US Presidents.

On the other hand.

Abraham Lincoln. No executive experience. Widely regarded as best US President.

Harry Truman. Very little executive experience as VP, less than a year. Widely regarded as one of the best US Presidents.

JFK, no executive experiences. Widely regarded as one of our better US Presidents.

Thomas Jefferson. Briefly Governor of Virginia, very little Executive experience. Widely regarded as one of our best Presidents.

So this whole experience criticism is utterly bogus.

If Obama was such an inexperienced and inept political neophyte how the hell was he able to build a politlcal operation that could defeat the Clinton juggernaut? It's a bullshit argument.

I still don't get the slamming Harding bit. He took the postwar recession and masive high cost of living (everyone was intimately familiar with the acronym "HCL" in 1920) and gave us a booming economy and vastly lower cost of living in three years. Basically, he was a poor judge of character whose administration gave us Teapot-Dome, but then many administrations have been scandal plagued dating back to the 1830's (although Jackson really did suck).

Also, Truman and Kennedy sucked in your list of great presidents. As much as I disagree with Jefferson's ideology, I have to concede that his presidency was solid. :( So, basically, that leaves us with the Rail Splitter...