McCain Continues to Confound Me!

So do I but I don't think that McCain/Palin will be able to overcome the lead anchor (Bush) around their necks.

Keep in mind. Both respective nominee's are now the head of their political parties and the American people are pretty upset with the Republican party. I see this as a historical force and I just don't think McCain can overcome it, though personally, I don't blame McCain for the failings of the Republican party. I see McCain as saving the party from it self.
The Bush admin has done more harm to the republican party than any democrat could in their wet dreams. Of that there is no doubt.

However, I think McCain is being at least moderately successful in seperating himself from Bush. As you acknowledge, McCain is not the one responsible for the republican party's failings. Others see that also. The cries of "McSame" from a relatively small corner of extremists have a little too much note of desperation in them, and independent moderates (who will determine this election as they have for the last half dozen) are taking notice. If Bush were the anchor you claim, the polls would not be as close as they are.

But the drag of the Bush admin on McCain is an additional reason Palin is such a brilliant choice. People look on the Bush administration as not only hopelessly incompetent, but also as grossly corrupt. Now here is a VP choice whose national reputation is of a person who hates corruption and will take it on, regardless of party, and regardless of where they are in the hierarchy. If the McCain campaign plays it right, they'll paint Palin as the new white-hatted sheriff strolling into town to face down the black hats that have been in control for far too long. Obama has made this campaign about "change" - and now McCain has the opportunity to define what is meant by "change".

It may not be enough to swing the outcome from Obama - but that does not mean picking Palin is not a brilliant move.
It's too early to be betting anything; America doesn't exactly have a recent history of "voting smart."

That said, if McCain does squeak it out, I can take some solace in the fact that he won't get much of his agenda through, since I think big majorities in both houses are pretty much guaranteed for the Dems.

I do think he'll lose at this point, though; and if he does, I can't wait to hear Dixie's spin (again) that Republicans "work better in the minority, anyway!"
Hey Oncie? Shouldn't you be busy with your friends from Daily Kos, trying to dig up some insignificant dirt on Palin? Isn't it part of your Character Assassination Battle Plans to be scouring the Internet for some tidbit of a rumor to fabricate some lies about her? I bet this is why we haven't heard from Darla or Desh, they are too busy trying to find some dirt on Palin, anything at all will do at this point! Just something you can build some myth on, and destroy her before she gets out of the gate... that's what you need to be doing, not sitting here trying to 'debate' with me.

Actually, I WAS over at the Alaskan blogs and the Alaskan news sites the past few days. How marvelous of you to notice Dixie. I like the people there. I may visit! I didn't notice Onceler. Of course, i wasn't posting as Darla myself, so who knows for sure.
McCain confounds me also--but he is not really a consertative. He belongs on the Dem ticket IMO. If I vote for him, it is because of Palin, in hopes she can shead some light to him about the position of the American people and be a good influence on him. Then, if she does well--I want her on the top of the ticket next term.
McCain confounds me also--but he is not really a consertative. He belongs on the Dem ticket IMO. If I vote for him, it is because of Palin, in hopes she can shead some light to him about the position of the American people and be a good influence on him. Then, if she does well--I want her on the top of the ticket next term.

Why do all these reactionaries insist that McCain is not a conservative? Don't any of you study political science? Don't you know the differance between a conservative and a reactionary?

McCain is a true conservative. George H.W. Bush is a true conservative, Bob Dole is a true conservative. Richard Nixon was a true conservatve.

Barry Goldwater was a reactionary. Jesse Helms was a reactionary. Ronald Reagan became a reactionary. George W. Bush is a reactionary and from what I'm hearing about Sarah Palin, she's a reactionary too.

Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change.
Traditional or restrained in style. Moderate; cautious.

An opponent of progress. Opposed to political or social change. Ultraconservative in politics.