McCain Gets Schooled


JPP Modarater

PORTSMOUTH, New Hampshire (CNN) – Sen. John McCain’s visit to Concord High School proved to be more than your average guest speaker appearance Tuesday with the Republican presidential candidate giving and getting a dose of the campaign’s trademark “straight talk.”

During the question and answer session one student rose and asked a pointed question about McCain’s age: “If elected, you’d be older than Ronald Reagan, making you the oldest president. Do you ever worry that like you might die in office or get Alzheimer’s or some other disease that might affect your judgment?”

The Arizona senator chuckled slightly as the “oh my gods” filled the room. In a self-deprecating reference to his memory, McCain said his children have joked about their father “hiding his own Easter eggs,” but quickly added, that he was a “24-7” worker and would out campaign any of his rivals.

McCain then ended the exchange in his quintessential style: “Thanks for the question, you little jerk … you’re drafted.”

Another student then asked McCain a question about what he would do for “LGBT” rights – ...........

“You want to take away someone’s rights because you believe it’s wrong,” Sleaster followed up.

“I don’t put that interpretation on my position, but I understand yours,” McCain responded, seeming to enjoy the back and forth.

“I came here looking to see a good leader, I don’t,” Sleaster said before leaving the microphone to some boos and gasps from the audience and an eventual scolding by a school administrator.

“Listen, I understand,” McCain told the buzzing crowd. “I thank you, that’s what America is all about, and I appreciate your views.”

When asked later at a news conference, McCain admitted he had never heard the initials “LGBT” before, but knew the phrase.

Iraq dominated much of McCain’s comments before the packed auditorium. He reiterated his support for the current U.S. strategy there, and played up his criticism of the way the war was handled until recently.

“I was the only one of the major Republican candidates who adamantly, vociferously opposed the Rumsfeld Strategy and fought hard for the strategy that we’re employing today,” he told reporters. “The others thought it was fine, that’s because they don’t have the knowledge or background and experience that I do on issues of national security, that’s a clear indication of it.”
Its almost sad and pathetic, how far the old fossil has fallen. I mean, he's almost a joke at this point. It was mere months ago that more than a few NeoCons were telling me McCain would whip either Obama, Edwards, or Hillary.
Its almost sad and pathetic, how far the old fossil has fallen. I mean, he's almost a joke at this point. It was mere months ago that more than a few NeoCons were telling me McCain would whip either Obama, Edwards, or Hillary.

He sold his soul, that is what happens when you rollover for the other guy.

It really has been pitiful to watch.
I agree he used to be very admirable but he sold his soul to the neo cons in hopes of becoming president and now he has even less chance than if he had stood to his principles.

Sad very sad.
I agree he used to be very admirable but he sold his soul to the neo cons in hopes of becoming president and now he has even less chance than if he had stood to his principles.

Sad very sad.

To think I actually respected this shmuck.
To think I actually respected this shmuck.

I don't think he ever got over getting beaten by bush in the 2000 campaign. I think that the BS that the pundits pull out of their behinds about Gore - that he is enraged, insane, etc - are actually applicable to McCain. Gore found peace, and his life's work. McCain I think, has never gotten over the feeling that he was robbed, that he should have been President. And I think his feelings have some validity, considering how old scumbag W "won" that primary, and most likely if McCain had held to his guns instead of making the calculated decision to kiss W butt in order to remain a viable future candidate, he'd ironically, be much better positioned today.
There was a Mcain article about stepping up the war on drugs in the USA today yestarday. Posters 98 to 1 were calling him an ass and about 20yrs to late.
I don't think he ever got over getting beaten by bush in the 2000 campaign. I think that the BS that the pundits pull out of their behinds about Gore - that he is enraged, insane, etc - are actually applicable to McCain. Gore found peace, and his life's work. McCain I think, has never gotten over the feeling that he was robbed, that he should have been President. And I think his feelings have some validity, considering how old scumbag W "won" that primary, and most likely if McCain had held to his guns instead of making the calculated decision to kiss W butt in order to remain a viable future candidate, he'd ironically, be much better positioned today.

Are you referring to the illegitimate black child incident?

Yeah, he should really just call it a career and retire. He let the Bush administration run over him and rob him of his dignity, self respect and reputation.

Let the McCain Effect be a lesson to future politicians who are considering compromising their ethics for their party.
Let the McCain Effect be a lesson to future politicians who are considering compromising their ethics for their party.

A big AMEN to that LadyT.
Are you referring to the illegitimate black child incident?

Yeah, he should really just call it a career and retire. He let the Bush administration run over him and rob him of his dignity, self respect and reputation.

Let the McCain Effect be a lesson to future politicians who are considering compromising their ethics for their party.

Yes that, and also, what a lot of people forget, but I don't think McCain has forgotten this, is that the bush team also spread rumors about McCain's mental state and whether or not his experiences as a POW for five years had left him mentally stable enough to be commander in chief.

Now, that is a little awol POS who sat out the Vietnam war in the champagne unit of Texas, and did not even bother to fulfill his duties to that, making those claims about a man who was tortured for five years in that same war, and refused the Vietcong's offer to release him because of who his father was, because he stood by the military belief of first man in, first man out. Now, no matter what else you think of him, take a moment and imagine that.

And the right wing, war hawking, "superpatriots" voted for that POS over that man.

Yeah, I'd say McCain still has some feelings about that. And if he hadn't repressed them, and let the world know what he thought of this POS all along, he'd be sitting in a much better position right now. It's a damned shame, but that's what ambition will do to you I guess. Five years in a POW camp couldn't make a coward out of him, but the desire for the power of the Presidency made a kiss-ass out of him. It's very sad.
Yeah the party of Rove practiced their "Swiftboating" on McCain before using it on Kerry.
And he still sucked back up. sooo very sad.
Well Darla I guess McCain had no real choice but to suck back up to the repubs I mean he was already a republican, the lowest of the low, where else could he go ?
one of the saddest things I've ever seen, was McCain crawling on his knees to Falwell's Liberty University, to kiss some christian ass....after he called them agents of intolerance in 2000.

The man has no spine.
Its like spotting a former dear friend of yours in the street selling themselfs.

I cant wait till he quits politics and writes a tell all book.

I sometimes wonder if they found some dirt on him and threatened to use it to make him cave.

For YEARS the guy just would not cave.
one of the saddest things I've ever seen, was McCain crawling on his knees to Falwell's Liberty University, to kiss some christian ass....after he called them agents of intolerance in 2000.

The man has no spine.
Oh please! Do you really think that ANY republican believes he can oppose the theocratic wing of the party and win the election. Christian Authoritarianism is what one must embrase to be a sucessful republican candidate for national office. And the sad thing is that the fiscal conservatives have allowed themselves to sell out to the Fundamentalist Totalitarians.
Its like spotting a former dear friend of yours in the street selling themselfs.

I cant wait till he quits politics and writes a tell all book.

I sometimes wonder if they found some dirt on him and threatened to use it to make him cave.

For YEARS the guy just would not cave.

I think you hit the nail on the head Desh. Its a sad sight. He should take the low poll numbers and nearly bankrupted campaign thus far as a hint. Just retire, down size your house, move to a little town and enjoy your remaining years. He's nothing but a shell of what he used to be.