McCain Gets Schooled

Its like spotting a former dear friend of yours in the street selling themselfs.

I cant wait till he quits politics and writes a tell all book.

I sometimes wonder if they found some dirt on him and threatened to use it to make him cave.

For YEARS the guy just would not cave.

He's really screwed himself. Republicans die-hards always hated him. But he had the respect of independents and some democrats. And he could always count on winning elections in Arizona, because of that.

Now, he's pissed of everybody. He used to be an Arizona institution, nobody ever thought he could be beat in that state. But, I was reading some polls that showed that Governor Napalotano could smoke his ass, if she decided to run for his senate seat.
He's really screwed himself. Republicans die-hards always hated him. But he had the respect of independents and some democrats. And he could always count on winning elections in Arizona, because of that.

Now, he's pissed of everybody. He used to be an Arizona institution, nobody ever thought he could be beat in that state. But, I was reading some polls that showed that Governor Napalotano could smoke his ass, if she decided to run for his senate seat.

Pathetic. I totally wrote him off when he sent Obama that self-righteous open letter last year. He's become such a little bitch.
one of the saddest things I've ever seen, was McCain crawling on his knees to Falwell's Liberty University, to kiss some christian ass....after he called them agents of intolerance in 2000.

The man has no spine.

You're going to say a man who went through the type of torture he did in Nam has no spine? Well I would argue a lot of people wouldn't have the ability to put up with what he did.
You're going to say a man who went through the type of torture he did in Nam has no spine? Well I would argue a lot of people wouldn't have the ability to put up with what he did.

He had a spine, but I think it broke.
You're going to say a man who went through the type of torture he did in Nam has no spine? Well I would argue a lot of people wouldn't have the ability to put up with what he did.
He had spine, and then he became a politician.....
I love his comeback.. LOL kid told him hes old and is going to die in office so he joked back thanks for the question you little jerk.. your drafted..

Would be nice to have Less JOKES in office and more politicians who can tell a Joke.
I love his comeback.. LOL kid told him hes old and is going to die in office so he joked back thanks for the question you little jerk.. your drafted..

Would be nice to have Less JOKES in office and more politicians who can tell a Joke.
Have you heard the tape? It was definitely received more positively than what is presented here and the timing of the joke portion was pretty good actually.
yes i herd it. thats why i think its a funny joke.. lol punk kid asking what if your going to die in office...
I don't think I've ever seen a thread with a better example of brainwashing in it than this. I'm not a McCain fan, but the thing is McCain has ALWAYS supported the war in Iraq, he never rolled over for Bush or whatever.

All the brainwashed Democrats loved the guy from about 2000 when he was thought of and perceived as useful as a thorn in Bush's side to about 2006 when they realized that the 2008 election is coming up, there is no more to be done about Bush so McCain's usefulness as a Bush antagonist (and that was always exxagerated anyway) is no longer needed and time to disgard the man and slander him like the rest of the Repubs so he won't do well in office.

McCain has not changed over the last 7 years - AT ALL.
McCain talked to Obama as like what Obama really is, a very ordinary junior left-wing voting Liberal Democrat.
There is nothing special about Obama other than he is a black Liberal Democrat who doesn't make whites feel guilty like Sharpton and Jesse do - that is why white Liberals like the guy, they are creatures perpetually wrapped in guilt.
Such a lie; McCain became a total Bush man in the 2004 campaign, for politically expedient reasons (which I actually understand, but which don't seem to have worked out for him), and he has gone to the dark side on the Iraq War.
I don't think I've ever seen a thread with a better example of brainwashing in it than this. I'm not a McCain fan, but the thing is McCain has ALWAYS supported the war in Iraq, he never rolled over for Bush or whatever.

All the brainwashed Democrats loved the guy from about 2000 when he was thought of and perceived as useful as a thorn in Bush's side to about 2006 when they realized that the 2008 election is coming up, there is no more to be done about Bush so McCain's usefulness as a Bush antagonist (and that was always exxagerated anyway) is no longer needed and time to disgard the man and slander him like the rest of the Repubs so he won't do well in office.

McCain has not changed over the last 7 years - AT ALL.

I never loved him, but did respect him, and who mentioned the war? Everybody knows he has always been a war hawk. But, he has not always been a religious right ass kisser, just the opposite. Also, there is a TAPE of him blaming bush for what was done to him in the South. He turned around and played nice with Bush in order to gain support for the 08 nomination. He hates bush. He would have been better served by being open about it, as he once was.

In fact, I still respect him for what he did in Vietnam. Not 1 in a hundred would do what he did. Certainly the little pissant awol champagne guy wouldn't have.
Such a lie; McCain became a total Bush man in the 2004 campaign, for politically expedient reasons (which I actually understand, but which don't seem to have worked out for him), and he has gone to the dark side on the Iraq War.

Interesting and yet I can't say I remember any lefty hating on him in 2004 or early 2005 after this supposed Bush ass kissing. Why even DrWho voted for McCain in 2004 and he was the ultimate radical.
Face it, the hate for McCain comes not from what he did but what he was not useful for anymore.
Interesting and yet I can't say I remember any lefty hating on him in 2004 or early 2005 after this supposed Bush ass kissing. Why even DrWho voted for McCain in 2004 and he was the ultimate radical.
Face it, the hate for McCain comes not from what he did but what he was not useful for anymore.

This just shows how much you don't pay attention. McCain's sucking up to Bush in the '04 campaign was widely discussed in the media, and pretty much everyone saw it as the smart move for setting himself up for the '08 primaries. He has made similar overtures to the religious right since then, as well. Again, I understand the move, but I was personally disgusted with it in '04 & have been since....
Interesting and yet I can't say I remember any lefty hating on him in 2004 or early 2005 after this supposed Bush ass kissing. Why even DrWho voted for McCain in 2004 and he was the ultimate radical.
Face it, the hate for McCain comes not from what he did but what he was not useful for anymore.
Herr Doktor voted for McCain?
By the way, McCain has also flipped on a wide range of issues, from the teaching of creationism/ID, ethanol, gay marriage amendment, et al. The guy has clearly been pandering.

I can dig up articles & statements if you'd like, to counter your "gut feeling" that he's just no longer useful anymore...
Herr Doktor voted for McCain?

He shore did, it surprised me too when he said it. I mean I know all the lefties loved McCain at the time because of him being a Republican with perceived opposition to Bush and the 2008 election very far off, but still Doc was kooky left and usually none of them can stomach any Republican no matter what the circumstances.
Interesting and yet I can't say I remember any lefty hating on him in 2004 or early 2005 after this supposed Bush ass kissing. Why even DrWho voted for McCain in 2004 and he was the ultimate radical.
Face it, the hate for McCain comes not from what he did but what he was not useful for anymore.

Interesting. Consider yourself reminded: I certainly did.