McCain Gets Schooled

PORTSMOUTH, New Hampshire (CNN) – Sen. John McCain’s visit to Concord High School proved to be more than your average guest speaker appearance Tuesday with the Republican presidential candidate giving and getting a dose of the campaign’s trademark “straight talk.”

During the question and answer session one student rose and asked a pointed question about McCain’s age: “If elected, you’d be older than Ronald Reagan, making you the oldest president. Do you ever worry that like you might die in office or get Alzheimer’s or some other disease that might affect your judgment?”

The Arizona senator chuckled slightly as the “oh my gods” filled the room. In a self-deprecating reference to his memory, McCain said his children have joked about their father “hiding his own Easter eggs,” but quickly added, that he was a “24-7” worker and would out campaign any of his rivals.

McCain then ended the exchange in his quintessential style: “Thanks for the question, you little jerk … you’re drafted.”

Another student then asked McCain a question about what he would do for “LGBT” rights – ...........

“You want to take away someone’s rights because you believe it’s wrong,” Sleaster followed up.

“I don’t put that interpretation on my position, but I understand yours,” McCain responded, seeming to enjoy the back and forth.

“I came here looking to see a good leader, I don’t,” Sleaster said before leaving the microphone to some boos and gasps from the audience and an eventual scolding by a school administrator.

“Listen, I understand,” McCain told the buzzing crowd. “I thank you, that’s what America is all about, and I appreciate your views.”

When asked later at a news conference, McCain admitted he had never heard the initials “LGBT” before, but knew the phrase.

Iraq dominated much of McCain’s comments before the packed auditorium. He reiterated his support for the current U.S. strategy there, and played up his criticism of the way the war was handled until recently.

“I was the only one of the major Republican candidates who adamantly, vociferously opposed the Rumsfeld Strategy and fought hard for the strategy that we’re employing today,” he told reporters. “The others thought it was fine, that’s because they don’t have the knowledge or background and experience that I do on issues of national security, that’s a clear indication of it.”


Melodramatic teenager.
By the way, McCain has also flipped on a wide range of issues, from the teaching of creationism/ID, ethanol, gay marriage amendment, et al. The guy has clearly been pandering.

I can dig up articles & statements if you'd like, to counter your "gut feeling" that he's just no longer useful anymore...


I watched this documentary on HBO this morning, and I think they were showing Tedd Haggard (I'll confirm at a later time) and other Christofacists. The creationism thing really bugged me out. Its almost like I kind of brush it off like, "well, maybe the press is just blowing things out of proportion" they are a scary bunch of people. they actually showed numerous billboards that said things to the effect that evolution was a lie throughout the states. They basically dogged "science" in general. Which I thought was interesting considering most of them drive and at some point will be on medication. I guess that science is okay.
Me, too. I was dismayed to see him suck up to Bush the way he did.

Typical "anecdotal" evidence from Dano...

As a matter of fact, my disdain for McCain has grown exponentially since the elections when he was stomping around for Bush.
To be perfectly honest, part of me has still wanted to pull for McCain, up until the last year or so. I was disgusted with his pandering to Bush in '04, but still, I understood it as the strategic move. Then, when he starts sucking up the the religious right & defending Jerry Falwell & ID, he started to lose me. Also, his position in Iraq has become more indefensible with the changing conditions there, to the point where he seems as delusional as Bush.

I still admire the guy, though - what he went through in Vietnam is just unreal, and I think the "non Presidential candidate" McCain is as bold as politicians get politically. Preseidential campaigns change people, usually for the worse; to me, candidate McCain is virtually unrecognizable from the guy who used to be an active, outspoken Senator...
You're going to say a man who went through the type of torture he did in Nam has no spine? Well I would argue a lot of people wouldn't have the ability to put up with what he did.

I'm not talking about his nam experience. He is to be comended for going through 5 years of hell, and coming out with his sanity intact.

Kerry didn't have it nearly as bad, but he certainly did one of the most dangerous jobs one could do in nam: swiftboating in the Mekong delta.

but, its perfectly reasonable to criticize both these mens political courage and wisdom thirty years after Nam.
To be perfectly honest, part of me has still wanted to pull for McCain, up until the last year or so. I was disgusted with his pandering to Bush in '04, but still, I understood it as the strategic move. Then, when he starts sucking up the the religious right & defending Jerry Falwell & ID, he started to lose me. Also, his position in Iraq has become more indefensible with the changing conditions there, to the point where he seems as delusional as Bush.

I still admire the guy, though - what he went through in Vietnam is just unreal, and I think the "non Presidential candidate" McCain is as bold as politicians get politically. Preseidential campaigns change people, usually for the worse; to me, candidate McCain is virtually unrecognizable from the guy who used to be an active, outspoken Senator...

Supporting someone for President that you know to be a manipulating snake is completely unethical in my book. Not to mention he knew how badly he was effin' up the war. McCain is full of sound and false outrage but it has come down to it, for the most part he's sided with Bush. I actually expected more of him. I read an article a while back on his 'perceived moderate stance'. I can't remember where though now.

He's nothing but a poser these days. Its time for him to pack it up.
To be perfectly honest, part of me has still wanted to pull for McCain, up until the last year or so. I was disgusted with his pandering to Bush in '04, but still, I understood it as the strategic move. Then, when he starts sucking up the the religious right & defending Jerry Falwell & ID, he started to lose me. Also, his position in Iraq has become more indefensible with the changing conditions there, to the point where he seems as delusional as Bush.

I still admire the guy, though - what he went through in Vietnam is just unreal, and I think the "non Presidential candidate" McCain is as bold as politicians get politically. Preseidential campaigns change people, usually for the worse; to me, candidate McCain is virtually unrecognizable from the guy who used to be an active, outspoken Senator...

I agree. And I wonder if any of his behavior has to do with age. The man who refused to leave the POW camp because there were men who had been in before him, is not a man who would have kissed that spoiled brat's ass. Let's face it, you go back to the Vietnam years and Bush is not fit in any way to shine McCain's shoes, literally. They are not on the same playing field. In fact, one of them is barely a man.
"Let's face it, you go back to the Vietnam years and Bush is not fit in any way to shine McCain's shoes, literally. They are not on the same playing field. In fact, one of them is barely a man."

Man, that is so true. It's like Bush read some generic textbook on what it takes to be a 'real man', and is trying to speak & act according to that. Real men aren't afraid of speaking to adversaries or potential enemies. Real men don't say "bring 'em on" when others have to back up those words. Real men aren't afraid to admit mistakes.

When you stack him up against McCain & what McCain has done in his life, there is just no comparison. Bush looks like a child....
Must agree..........

Have you heard the tape? It was definitely received more positively than what is presented here and the timing of the joke portion was pretty good actually.

John still has a little spunk left! Where John went wrong was back in 2000...When the GOP 'shot off his wings'...I had some e-mails with John and company about that...I suggested he run as a conservative Independent...His campaign brushed off my suggestion...Oh well this would have been a better shot than fighting the standard GOP machine!(Lieberman being a good example)

This is why I have shifted my support to Duncan Hunter...He has political experience...and a war record that exceeds Johns...He supports closing the border and supports fighting for the release of the Border Patrol Agents and the Sheriffs deputy who were wrongly sentenced for just doing their job...he does not cave to old Mexico's attempted takeover of US Territories!
John still has a little spunk left! Where John went wrong was back in 2000...When the GOP 'shot off his wings'...I had some e-mails with John and company about that...I suggested he run as a conservative Independent...His campaign brushed off my suggestion...Oh well this would have been a better shot than fighting the standard GOP machine!(Lieberman being a good example)

This is why I have shifted my support to Duncan Hunter...He has political experience...and a war record that exceeds Johns...He supports closing the border and supports fighting for the release of the Border Patrol Agents and the Sheriffs deputy who were wrongly sentenced for just doing their job...he does not cave to old Mexico's attempted takeover of US Territories!

LOL, That's funny. You said it like they were really going to consider it coming from you.

LOL, That's funny. You said it like they were really going to consider it coming from you.

Lady T and darla...I gave it my best shot from the heart...something y'all have lost along time ago...Hardened hearts eh' 'as it is written it shall be done' carry on though !;)
Lady T and darla...I gave it my best shot from the heart...something y'all have lost along time ago...Hardened hearts eh' 'as it is written it shall be done' carry on though !;)

ROTLMAO - no seriously. I know what you mean. I signed a petition against the Iraq War and Georgy didn't listen to me. Sigh.....oh well, that's how the cookie crumbles I guess. This is why I support Kerry.