McCain is the R's best choice.

Yeah, McCain "I'll stay in Iraq for 10,000 years if I have to" is going to unite the country.

I can't wait to see how rudy is going to top that one. "I'll stay a million years!' "I'll fight this war from a colony on Mars if I have to!"

what a load of crap. Read what he actually said and he is right. No one cares that we continue to have a base in Germany, because our troops there are not under attack. The Germans have long maintained control of their country and we simply have a base there. The same for Japan. What McCain said was that IF Iraq held the same sort of control and our troops were not under fire, that Americans would not care if we maintained a base there anymore than they would if we continued our presence in Japan or Germany.
what a load of crap. Read what he actually said and he is right. No one cares that we continue to have a base in Germany, because our troops there are not under attack. The Germans have long maintained control of their country and we simply have a base there. The same for Japan. What McCain said was that IF Iraq held the same sort of control and our troops were not under fire, that Americans would not care if we maintained a base there anymore than they would if we continued our presence in Japan or Germany.

Iraqis aren't going to stop attacking us dude.
I agree with you SF. Obama thus far has remained very positive about America. Not lashing out at Republicans as the enemy but in talking about coming to some common ground. It will be interesting to see if he remains postive and talks about what WE can do rather than what THEY are trying to do to us. If he continues to avoid an "Us vs THem" campaign he can and will carry a great deal of independents in a general election

agreed. If he gets the Dem nod, he would be wise to continue as he has. Almost any Dem nominee at this point will carry the base. It is picking up the independents that will win or lose the election. Which is why Edwards cannot win with his class warfare bullshit. Obama would be wise to steer clear of that potential hazzard. I am starting to think it may be a good idea for him to have someone like Biden as his VP. Takes the edge off his so-called "inexperience".
Not my war.............!

Get out of their country.

Not one iraqi was ever involved in a terrorist attack on americans, prior to your war.

I was never 'Commander in Chief'...nor were you...Mr.Veternarian who loves Lassie...more than he loves darla...:pke:
what a load of crap. Read what he actually said and he is right. No one cares that we continue to have a base in Germany, because our troops there are not under attack. The Germans have long maintained control of their country and we simply have a base there. The same for Japan. What McCain said was that IF Iraq held the same sort of control and our troops were not under fire, that Americans would not care if we maintained a base there anymore than they would if we continued our presence in Japan or Germany.

Oh yeah...I don't know I was watching tv and I heard him get asked how long american troops could be in iraq for and he said americans wouldn't care if they were there 10,000 years. He added, as long as none of them were getting killed.
agreed. If he gets the Dem nod, he would be wise to continue as he has. Almost any Dem nominee at this point will carry the base. It is picking up the independents that will win or lose the election. Which is why Edwards cannot win with his class warfare bullshit. Obama would be wise to steer clear of that potential hazzard. I am starting to think it may be a good idea for him to have someone like Biden as his VP. Takes the edge off his so-called "inexperience".

It's funny how polls have showed not only that edwards can win, but that he easily bests any R candidate in a general.

i think what you mean is Edwards cannot win your vote, which I can live with. Let's face it, you're not voting for Obama either.
Oh yeah...I don't know I was watching tv and I heard him get asked how long american troops could be in iraq for and he said americans wouldn't care if they were there 10,000 years. He added, as long as none of them were getting killed.

Again, he is correct. As long as none are being killed, do you think the American public really cares what foreign base they are posted at?

Saddam had nothing to do with OBL, and if fact considered him a threat to the Bath regime.

fyi...his real name is 'Usama' not 'Obama'....and Saddam did mix and co-mingle with Usama quite frequently...back to the Kennel with you...cippie!
Again, he is correct. As long as none are being killed, do you think the American public really cares what foreign base they are posted at?

Well I think that answering the question of, how long can american troops be in Iraq with, they could be in there for 10,000 years as long as they aren't getting killed, doesn't mention anything about bases, nor even, lowering our level of troops there. I think you are reading that into it.

I also think that you don't much about that area of the world if you believe for one microsecond that a time is going to come when American troops won't be getting killed there, and further, I think that no one has mentioned American troops killing other people there.
Again, he is correct. As long as none are being killed, do you think the American public really cares what foreign base they are posted at?

Well, let's leave aside the fact that war supporters lied to us, that we weren't going to stay in iraq, and build permanent military bases.

Do you think McCain is being disingenous? Do you think there's a shred of evidence, that iraqis won't continue to oppose our military presence, and to continue to attack us?
Well, let's leave aside the fact that war supporters lied to us, that we weren't going to stay in iraq, and build permanent military bases.

Do you think McCain is being disingenous? Do you think there's a shred of evidence, that iraqis won't continue to oppose our military presence, and to continue to attack us?
Like they did in the Phillipines? That didn't stop the US. We trudge on.
It's funny how polls have showed not only that edwards can win, but that he easily bests any R candidate in a general.

i think what you mean is Edwards cannot win your vote, which I can live with. Let's face it, you're not voting for Obama either.

Again, look at the polls. The last polls done on Edwards vs. Reps was in mid december.... the very latest polls have him trailing to both Rudy (whom you detest) and McCain.... and that was BEFORE he got his ass kicked by Obama in Iowa.... and right as McCain began his most recent surge.

Edwards never had a shot at my vote... ever. I would have voted for a rock before I voted for that class warfare hack. Obama would over Huckabee without question and maybe Rudy... but not McCain. Though if it is Huckabee and Obama, I would bet Bloomberg would enter and my vote would then go to him. Same for Obama/Rudy. If it is Obama/McCain, I bet Bloomberg stays out.