McCain is the R's best choice.

Well, the real issue is whether keeping American troops in for the foreseeable future is a sound policy decision. McCain thinks so. Others disagree.
Again, look at the polls. The last polls done on Edwards vs. Reps was in mid december.... the very latest polls have him trailing to both Rudy (whom you detest) and McCain.... and that was BEFORE he got his ass kicked by Obama in Iowa.... and right as McCain began his most recent surge.

Edwards never had a shot at my vote... ever. I would have voted for a rock before I voted for that class warfare hack. Obama would over Huckabee without question and maybe Rudy... but not McCain. Though if it is Huckabee and Obama, I would bet Bloomberg would enter and my vote would then go to him. Same for Obama/Rudy. If it is Obama/McCain, I bet Bloomberg stays out.

Class warfare hack? Whatever. Republicans practice class warfare with the best of 'em. They just happen to be on the side of the winners.
Like they did in the Phillipines? That didn't stop the US. We trudge on.

I hope you're not advocating that as a historical analogy. The philippines insurgency was only put down, only after Americans resorted to some of the worst and most ruthless war crimes in our history. Including burning villages, executing people, and putting filipinos in concentration camps. That's what is took to subjugate the phillipines. Which, is the historical equivalent of "turn iraq into an ashphalt parking lot", that some cons advocate.
Well I think that answering the question of, how long can american troops be in Iraq with, they could be in there for 10,000 years as long as they aren't getting killed, doesn't mention anything about bases, nor even, lowering our level of troops there. I think you are reading that into it.

I also think that you don't much about that area of the world if you believe for one microsecond that a time is going to come when American troops won't be getting killed there, and further, I think that no one has mentioned American troops killing other people there.

Right. He is suggesting that they would be there simply roaming the countryside. What a load of crap. If we did not have bases there, they would never be there for decades. The exact same situation as Japan and Germany. Without the bases, our troops would not have been stationed there for over 50 years. Same holds true in Iraq.

I said nothing about there being a time anywhere in the near future where attacks weren't taking place. That is not the issue. The issue is your misinterpretation of what McCain stated. He said IF THERE WEREN'T attacks killing our troops that the public would not care how long we were there.... and he is correct. He did NOT SAY that if our troops continue getting attacked and killed that the public would not care.

You are simply trying to spin his words into something that fits your views on Reps and the war rather than acknowledging what he ACTUALLY SAID.
Class warfare hack? Whatever. Republicans practice class warfare with the best of 'em. They just happen to be on the side of the winners.

Yes, Edwards is without question a class warfare hack. Deal with it. Whether or not there are Republicans doing the same bullshit is irrelevant to the fact that he is a class warfare hack.
Again, look at the polls. The last polls done on Edwards vs. Reps was in mid december.... the very latest polls have him trailing to both Rudy (whom you detest) and McCain.... and that was BEFORE he got his ass kicked by Obama in Iowa.... and right as McCain began his most recent surge.

Edwards never had a shot at my vote... ever. I would have voted for a rock before I voted for that class warfare hack. Obama would over Huckabee without question and maybe Rudy... but not McCain. Though if it is Huckabee and Obama, I would bet Bloomberg would enter and my vote would then go to him. Same for Obama/Rudy. If it is Obama/McCain, I bet Bloomberg stays out.

I haven't looked at polls this week, but the last ones I saw a couple of weeks ago showed him winning.

I think he would win because what you fail to appreciate is the number of Americans who know full well that class warfare is being waged, and they are on the losing end of the battle. Screaming hysterically "class warfare class warfare" whenever anyone mentions that the super-rich have been waging a very sucessfull class war against the rest of us, is like screaming "race card race card" whenever someone mentions that racism exists.

It's just not that effective anymore.

My guess is that you end up pulling the Republican lever no matter what. The only possible exception would be if Huckabee got the nod, and i still don't think it's a safe bet what you'd do.
Right. He is suggesting that they would be there simply roaming the countryside. What a load of crap. If we did not have bases there, they would never be there for decades. The exact same situation as Japan and Germany. Without the bases, our troops would not have been stationed there for over 50 years. Same holds true in Iraq.

I said nothing about there being a time anywhere in the near future where attacks weren't taking place. That is not the issue. The issue is your misinterpretation of what McCain stated. He said IF THERE WEREN'T attacks killing our troops that the public would not care how long we were there.... and he is correct. He did NOT SAY that if our troops continue getting attacked and killed that the public would not care.

You are simply trying to spin his words into something that fits your views on Reps and the war rather than acknowledging what he ACTUALLY SAID.

He said IF THERE WEREN'T attacks killing our troops that the public would not care how long we were there.... and he is correct.

That's like saying IF there was a cure for cancer and heart disease, we wouldn't have to spend as much on health care.

Technically correct and truthful.

But, so far divorced from reality, that is smacks of being stupid and disingenous.
Right. He is suggesting that they would be there simply roaming the countryside. What a load of crap. If we did not have bases there, they would never be there for decades. The exact same situation as Japan and Germany. Without the bases, our troops would not have been stationed there for over 50 years. Same holds true in Iraq.

I said nothing about there being a time anywhere in the near future where attacks weren't taking place. That is not the issue. The issue is your misinterpretation of what McCain stated. He said IF THERE WEREN'T attacks killing our troops that the public would not care how long we were there.... and he is correct. He did NOT SAY that if our troops continue getting attacked and killed that the public would not care.

You are simply trying to spin his words into something that fits your views on Reps and the war rather than acknowledging what he ACTUALLY SAID.

No I'm not trying to twist his words at all.

Can you point me to the public statement made by any of this group, I'll take Bush, Cheney, Rice, or McCain, where they told the American people we'd be in Iraq for 100 years or more, and/or that we'd have permanent bases in Iraq, before the war started?

I'd like to take note of where the American people signed up for this? Thanks.
Yes, Edwards is without question a class warfare hack. Deal with it. Whether or not there are Republicans doing the same bullshit is irrelevant to the fact that he is a class warfare hack.

One man's "class warfare hack" is another's populist. "Class warfare" is a term thrown around when someone has the balls to criticize and attack the moneyed interests. What's next "welfare queens?"
Out of the Republican field he will make the best president.

WRL was right, he seems to be surging, I thought it was a joke.

I dont think he beats Obama in the general however. This is an election about change and McCain would not be the canidate of Change between the two of them.

McCain is more of the same in many ways. His wife is a liability and remember as Geroge Bush pointed out in South Carolina a few years ago, he has black children!

McCain is the R's best choice, methinks. They'll lose anyway.
I haven't looked at polls this week, but the last ones I saw a couple of weeks ago showed him winning.

I think he would win because what you fail to appreciate is the number of Americans who know full well that class warfare is being waged, and they are on the losing end of the battle. Screaming hysterically "class warfare class warfare" whenever anyone mentions that the super-rich have been waging a very sucessfull class war against the rest of us, is like screaming "race card race card" whenever someone mentions that racism exists.

It's just not that effective anymore.

My guess is that you end up pulling the Republican lever no matter what. The only possible exception would be if Huckabee got the nod, and i still don't think it's a safe bet what you'd do.

In fact on this note, SF, you remind me of a recent phenomenon which I've noticed with some alarm.

And that is, all of the die-hard Republicans who have been just swooning over Obama. I mean, I never saw so many Republicans lining up for the chance to tell the world just how much they loved a Democrat. David Brooks, neo-con whore, Republican hack, and conservative ass kisser, has been going ga-ga over obama over at the Ny Times. How much love from David Brooks can one man handle?

I mean it's all over. I even saw a couple of real right wing vicious bitches I used to know, swooning over how Obama was their favorite Democrat on another board. They just love Obama. I mean, they're not voting for him or anything, but they sure do love him.

Obama is your favorite. Obama is Chap's favorite.

I mean it's hard to find a republican who doesn't love Obama!

And it's when I ask myself why that I start to get real nervous.
Yes, Edwards is without question a class warfare hack. Deal with it. Whether or not there are Republicans doing the same bullshit is irrelevant to the fact that he is a class warfare hack.

I could link you up with the long thread we had, where I gave you statistic after statistic, that the middle class has stagnated since the era of reaganomics. The thread where you went ballistic and IA'd me. :)

Americans know the middle class is under assualt. Edwards knows it. The fact that a few high-paid, white collar keyboard warriors deny it doesn't make it any less true.
Limbaugh was actually praising Obama, as well, and Peggy Noonan has been openly rooting for him.

For now, it's all about sending the Clintons down in flames. Once Obama gets the nod, the gloves come off, and he becomes public enemy #1 for the GOP shills.

Still, I do think he gets plenty of Republican & Indie votes in the fall if he's the nominee, depending on who the GOP candidate is.
Limbaugh was actually praising Obama, as well, and Peggy Noonan has been openly rooting for him.

For now, it's all about sending the Clintons down in flames. Once Obama gets the nod, the gloves come off, and he becomes public enemy #1 for the GOP shills.

Still, I do think he gets plenty of Republican & Indie votes in the fall if he's the nominee, depending on who the GOP candidate is.

I wonder if they were just so overwhelmed with hillary hatred, that they were cheering obama on? I don't really know.

I do know, that if Obama is the nominee, expect to see limbaugh prattling on about obama attending madrassas and using coacaine.

I wish Edwards was going to win. But, I expect the republican love affair with obama to fade.
Limbaugh was actually praising Obama, as well, and Peggy Noonan has been openly rooting for him.

For now, it's all about sending the Clintons down in flames. Once Obama gets the nod, the gloves come off, and he becomes public enemy #1 for the GOP shills.

Still, I do think he gets plenty of Republican & Indie votes in the fall if he's the nominee, depending on who the GOP candidate is.

But they wanted Clinton to be the nominee because she was going to energize the base and they would win, remember?

Now they want her out, and Obama in?

David Brooks isn't voting for Obama and of course, neither are any of the people you mention here.

I don't know. We'll see. I have my own feelings on why, but there isn't anyway to prove them except by going forward. Someone has to do it. I don't think the best time is when Rudy the Facist might be heading the other ticket, but I'm willing to bail out of this country, so let's see what happens.
But they wanted Clinton to be the nominee because she was going to energize the base and they would win, remember?

Now they want her out, and Obama in?


I still think that's true to an extent. It's a "head vs. heart" thing for guys like Limbaugh. His head knows that the GOP would be better off with Clinton as the nominee, but his hate-filled heart can't stand to see the Clintons winning anything, or smiling, or happy about life, or anything.

The one bright spot for him the other night - since he can't stand Huckabee -was Clinton losing. It's pure emotion. I'm sure if you took away the hate & asked any Republican who they would rather face, it would be Clinton.
I still think that's true to an extent. It's a "head vs. heart" thing for guys like Limbaugh. His head knows that the GOP would be better off with Clinton as the nominee, but his hate-filled heart can't stand to see the Clintons winning anything, or smiling, or happy about life, or anything.

The one bright spot for him the other night - since he can't stand Huckabee -was Clinton losing. It's pure emotion. I'm sure if you took away the hate & asked any Republican who they would rather face, it would be Clinton.

Could be. I think she'd have a tough time winning with 50% of the population saying they won't vote for her under any circumstances.