McCain wins FL

It is over man. McCain will win NY, AZ, CA for sure. That is alot of delegates.

Romney has a much bigger war chest for starters... I haven't evaluated the state polls for the places you mentioned, but even all of those aren't enough to give him the nomination. It's still going to come down to super tuesday and that has not been decided yet.
Romney has a much bigger war chest for starters... I haven't evaluated the state polls for the places you mentioned, but even all of those aren't enough to give him the nomination. It's still going to come down to super tuesday and that has not been decided yet.

I agree wit U...

It ain't ova yet...
Well Romney will win the Morman states besides AZ. Huckabee will bleed off his votes in the bible belt so who knows how those will go but that certainly doesn't help Romney.
Well, the dems had an agreement to basically bypass Florida. The DNC punished Florida for moving up its primary without their approval, and stripped them of their delgates and got the candidates to promise not to campaign there. This was yet another stroke of genius by those little Machiavellian champs, who by getting the dems to promise not to campaign in a swing state, opened it up to a one-sided deluge by the republicans. Will voters forget that by the general? I don't think so, but the DNC does.

Anyway, Florida was supposed to be a non-event. Then Hillary, who to my knowledge never gave a concession speech in S Carolina, decides to make a speech about winning Florida.

If I have anything wrong I know DH will be all over it. But that's what I see as happening, and I think it was freaking disgusting. I'm also a bit concerned that Obama let himself be so outplayed on that. He needed to keep his S Carolina momentum going for Tuesday, instead he let her completely change the narrative, and perception is reality these days.

Only because you asked.

Instead of giving a S. Carolina concession speech (she actually left the state before the polls closed) she issued a press release that read in part:

"We now turn our attention to the millions of Americans who will make their voices heard in Florida and the twenty-two states as well as American Samoa who will vote on February 5th.

Basically, it's a big fuck you to the DNC and the Obama campaign clearly indicating that she intends to make a play for Florida even though the Florida delegates aren't going to be seated.

Her campaign has since been angling to get Florida to count at least in the court of public opinion, and has shored up its Florida base by announced Sen. Nelson's endorsement of her.

At this point it is basically a ploy to get the media to make a big deal about Florida for the Democrats (topspin is apparently the only one that this has swayed) but it could end up pretty ugly if she tries to get the delegates seated.
They'll probably blow the whole thing in that alternative lifestyle bar they go to. That's your hard earned money thrown away on same-sex lap dances Beefy.

Seems a shame.

nah, I think I will just donate the money to the GW Presidential library in his name.

No worries.... you will be forever shamed should it occur... the ultimate skewering....

Well, I do pay my bills.

If it happens, and I've got to ship out the dough to you, you can expect to get it in pennies, 1 per envelope.
LOL I agree. But I'll give him props on this.

wrl made no educated guess he just crossed his fingers and prayed to god. Romney didn't have to win florida tonight, mccain did. If mccain lost tonight, he was pretty much finished because he would be without money and momentum. Now he has that momentum and he'll get a boost in revenue, but romney is still in a perfectly fine position to compete with mccain with a very deep warchest. Romney still polls very well.. if not ahead ahead in polls of republican voters.

We have to remember that although florida is to the south, it is not a classical "southern state".... Big liberal cities such as miami and tampa greatly influenced the vote, and he's not going to be able to count on that forever. Granted, ny and california might break well for him.

The point is, it's not by any means over.
Only because you asked.

Instead of giving a S. Carolina concession speech (she actually left the state before the polls closed) she issued a press release that read in part:

Basically, it's a big fuck you to the DNC and the Obama campaign clearly indicating that she intends to make a play for Florida even though the Florida delegates aren't going to be seated.

Her campaign has since been angling to get Florida to count at least in the court of public opinion, and has shored up its Florida base by announced Sen. Nelson's endorsement of her.

At this point it is basically a ploy to get the media to make a big deal about Florida for the Democrats (topspin is apparently the only one that this has swayed) but it could end up pretty ugly if she tries to get the delegates seated.

I think that she should have given a speech. It's the classy thing to do, and both Obama and Edwards have done it when she won. And I think we are on the same page about what happened.

I am not surprised Top was taken in by the whole thing!
wrl made no educated guess he just crossed his fingers and prayed to god. Romney didn't have to win florida tonight, mccain did. If mccain lost tonight, he was pretty much finished because he would be without money and momentum. Now he has that momentum and he'll get a boost in revenue, but romney is still in a perfectly fine position to compete with mccain with a very deep warchest. Romney still polls very well.. if not ahead ahead in polls of republican voters.

We have to remember that although florida is to the south, it is not a classical "southern state".... Big liberal cities such as miami and tampa greatly influenced the vote, and he's not going to be able to count on that forever. Granted, ny and california might break well for him.

The point is, it's not by any means over.

Wow. How many Romney bumper stickers do you have on your car?