McCain wins FL

Wow. How many Romney bumper stickers do you have on your car?

You stupid morons have been wrong EVERY step of the way in analyzing this election. You stupid morons thought guliani was EVER a contender because you cited usa today polls rather than looking at polls where it mattered in iowa and new hampshire. You stupid morons thought huckabee was going to do ANYTHING because he was able to win in iowa. You stupid morons thought obama was going to take new hampshire down by double digits. You STUPID morons thought romney was dead after new hampshire even though he had already locked up wyoming and was looking good in michigan.

You stupid morons never took into account that mccains wins (up until tonight) was usually due to independants infiltrating the republican primaries and corrupting the vote. You stupid morons never considered that it was republicans that would ultimately decide this election.

You have the AUDACITY to claim I am being biased in my analysis or that I am in the pocket for romney when I have said NO NO NO to everyone's claims for the past year and been proven RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT the WHOLE WAY THROUGH in the face of going against conventional wisdom.

I live in massachusetts. I've SEEN romney, a republican MORMON win in a state where only 15% of the electorate is republican voters. THE MOST LIBERAL STATE IN THE NATION some would argue... Ive seen him time and time again be counted out by STUPID MORONS either in the media or on this site only to have it SHOVED in their face a week later about how dumb they were.

That said . . . .

There were some things even I, being the genius I am, that I was unable to count on.

A) Stupid morons that make perception reality
B) The media Completely whoring out mccain and calling him the front runner even before south carolina when he was actually not even second in delegates or in funding.

Do I know what is going to happen on super tuesday? At this point no, momentum is a big factor and in this election, I am not going to lie, was a pretty big win for mccain. But to say romney is out (which is the same thing stupid morons have been saying for 6 months) when he has the biggest war chest and a HISTORY of coming back when people thought he was out, it is WAY to early to say that romney is done.

I say this all on a pure intellectual level. I have stated many times, I do not plan on voting for romney... I most likely will be staying home on election day, though in full disclosure I will say that I am especially against the douchebag mccain.

But don't even dare suggest that I am being biased in what I am saying when Ive offered more correct insight into this election cycle than all you idiotic nitwits combined.

Shove it bitch.
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McCain won FL because of the cuban american vote and his stance against Castro. It works every time in FL. The cuban Americans are extreme one issue voters.
Grind - You keep touting the fact that Romney won in Massachusetts as a Republican as if it were something extraordinary. It isn't and wasn't. Weld, Cellucci, Swift, Romney. All Republicans dating back to Dukakis. Christ, by the time Romney won it was a fucking tradition.
You stupid morons have been wrong EVERY step of the way in analyzing this election. You stupid morons thought guliani was EVER a contender because you cited usa today polls rather than looking at polls where it mattered in iowa and new hampshire. You stupid morons thought huckabee was going to do ANYTHING because he was able to win in iowa. You stupid morons thought obama was going to take new hampshire down by double digits. You STUPID morons thought romney was dead after new hampshire even though he had already locked up wyoming and was looking good in michigan.

You stupid morons never took into account that mccains wins (up until tonight) was usually due to independants infiltrating the republican primaries and corrupting the vote. You stupid morons never considered that it was republicans that would ultimately decide this election.

You have the AUDACITY to claim I am being biased in my analysis or that I am in the pocket for romney when I have said NO NO NO to everyone's claims for the past year and been proven RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT the WHOLE WAY THROUGH in the face of going against conventional wisdom.

I live in massachusetts. I've SEEN romney, a republican MORMON win in a state where only 15% of the electorate is republican voters. THE MOST LIBERAL STATE IN THE NATION some would argue... Ive seen him time and time again be counted out by STUPID MORONS either in the media or on this site only to have it SHOVED in their face a week later about how dumb they were.

That said . . . .

There were some things even I, being the genius I am, that I was unable to count on.

A) Stupid morons that make perception reality
B) The media Completely whoring out mccain and calling him the front runner even before south carolina when he was actually not even second in delegates or in funding.

Do I know what is going to happen on super tuesday? At this point no, momentum is a big factor and in this election, I am not going to lie, was a pretty big win for mccain. But to say romney is out (which is the same thing stupid morons have been saying for 6 months) when he has the biggest war chest and a HISTORY of coming back when people thought he was out, it is WAY to early to say that romney is done.

I say this all on a pure intellectual level. I have stated many times, I do not plan on voting for romney... I most likely will be staying home on election day, though in full disclosure I will say that I am especially against the douchebag mccain.

But don't even dare suggest that I am being biased in what I am saying when Ive offered more correct insight into this election cycle than all you idiotic nitwits combined.

Shove it bitch.

So 2 bumper stickers? 3?
wrl made no educated guess he just crossed his fingers and prayed to god. Romney didn't have to win florida tonight, mccain did. If mccain lost tonight, he was pretty much finished because he would be without money and momentum. Now he has that momentum and he'll get a boost in revenue, but romney is still in a perfectly fine position to compete with mccain with a very deep warchest. Romney still polls very well.. if not ahead ahead in polls of republican voters.

We have to remember that although florida is to the south, it is not a classical "southern state".... Big liberal cities such as miami and tampa greatly influenced the vote, and he's not going to be able to count on that forever. Granted, ny and california might break well for him.

The point is, it's not by any means over.

you're running out of excuses on why McCain hasn't wrapped this up, look at super Tuesday's numbers, with a win bolstering them, this is over. McCain, is already getting the funding boost, 7 million in the past three weeks. I assure you I didn't throw darts a pictures of candidates and go for broke.
You stupid morons have been wrong EVERY step of the way in analyzing this election. You stupid morons thought guliani was EVER a contender because you cited usa today polls rather than looking at polls where it mattered in iowa and new hampshire. You stupid morons thought huckabee was going to do ANYTHING because he was able to win in iowa. You stupid morons thought obama was going to take new hampshire down by double digits. You STUPID morons thought romney was dead after new hampshire even though he had already locked up wyoming and was looking good in michigan.

You stupid morons never took into account that mccains wins (up until tonight) was usually due to independants infiltrating the republican primaries and corrupting the vote. You stupid morons never considered that it was republicans that would ultimately decide this election.

You have the AUDACITY to claim I am being biased in my analysis or that I am in the pocket for romney when I have said NO NO NO to everyone's claims for the past year and been proven RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT the WHOLE WAY THROUGH in the face of going against conventional wisdom.

I live in massachusetts. I've SEEN romney, a republican MORMON win in a state where only 15% of the electorate is republican voters. THE MOST LIBERAL STATE IN THE NATION some would argue... Ive seen him time and time again be counted out by STUPID MORONS either in the media or on this site only to have it SHOVED in their face a week later about how dumb they were.

That said . . . .

There were some things even I, being the genius I am, that I was unable to count on.

A) Stupid morons that make perception reality
B) The media Completely whoring out mccain and calling him the front runner even before south carolina when he was actually not even second in delegates or in funding.

Do I know what is going to happen on super tuesday? At this point no, momentum is a big factor and in this election, I am not going to lie, was a pretty big win for mccain. But to say romney is out (which is the same thing stupid morons have been saying for 6 months) when he has the biggest war chest and a HISTORY of coming back when people thought he was out, it is WAY to early to say that romney is done.

I say this all on a pure intellectual level. I have stated many times, I do not plan on voting for romney... I most likely will be staying home on election day, though in full disclosure I will say that I am especially against the douchebag mccain.

But don't even dare suggest that I am being biased in what I am saying when Ive offered more correct insight into this election cycle than all you idiotic nitwits combined.

Shove it bitch.

So, you support Romney because you're still crying about living in a liberal state?

I'd give my left nut to have been born in a rich-ass liberal state like Massachusettes. Try living down here in the most conservative state in the nation, and see what your policies results in.
oh and let me add


In one night McCain has all but wrapped up the nomination, wining the crucial state of Florida, ask Rudy how important this win is, not only that, he's going to get last months front runner's endorsement. Double whammy.

We may just yet have hope from a run away socialist social engineering.

Here's to fiscal discipline, limited federal government, the end of earmarks, a victorious end to the war on terror, and integrity in the White House!!!
you're running out of excuses on why McCain hasn't wrapped this up, look at super Tuesday's numbers, with a win bolstering them, this is over. McCain, is already getting the funding boost, 7 million in the past three weeks. I assure you I didn't throw darts a pictures of candidates and go for broke.

I gotta hand it to you larry. You were right on this one. I was way off.
I gotta hand it to you larry. You were right on this one. I was way off.

thank you, and I've got to say it was pretty straight up for BF to throw props to. Given our history, perhaps I've changed my opinion on him a bit on him...
Listen, stop that. If it ends up to be a McCain/Hillary race, I am going to turn into one of these little emo boys and I'm going to come on here every night and whine, and threaten to kill myself, and...I'm going to post incoherent poems, all of which I will write myself.

You aren't the only one. I wrote McCain off a few weeks ago, but it looks like that irrelevent fossil has turned it around.

Mother god damn fucker.

And Hillary even pulled a 50%.

I need to start drinking. Heavily.
So, you support Romney because you're still crying about living in a liberal state?

I'd give my left nut to have been born in a rich-ass liberal state like Massachusettes. Try living down here in the most conservative state in the nation, and see what your policies results in.

Well rumor has it the left one is defunct anyway. That's not really saying much.
This may seem like a stupid question, but what has John McCain actually done while in the Senate? Aside from McCain-Feingold, which he has significantly backtracked from, I really can't think of much of anything.
thank you, and I've got to say it was pretty straight up for BF to throw props to. Given our history, perhaps I've changed my opinion on him a bit on him...

He's good people. He likes to be blunt, but he's a good dude.
oh and let me add


In one night McCain has all but wrapped up the nomination, wining the crucial state of Florida, ask Rudy how important this win is, not only that, he's going to get last months front runner's endorsement. Double whammy.

We may just yet have hope from a run away socialist social engineering.

Here's to fiscal discipline, limited federal government, the end of earmarks, a victorious end to the war on terror, and integrity in the White House!!!

Actually, not true. McCain needed Florida only so as to have as many victories as Romney so far (and to make up for losing Michigan). Romney only needed it to make up for SC. Basically, it represent(ed)s momentum for either of them. Florida was only crucial to Giuliani, who has been hoping to win the primary by carying all/most of the big states such as NY, Florida, the West Coast and Illinois, as well as the remaining New England states. Now that he has lost Florida, he is basically screwed, because only NY could possibly have been a more likely victory for him.