McCain wins FL

Well, the dems had an agreement to basically bypass Florida. The DNC punished Florida for moving up its primary without their approval, and stripped them of their delgates and got the candidates to promise not to campaign there. This was yet another stroke of genius by those little Machiavellian champs, who by getting the dems to promise not to campaign in a swing state, opened it up to a one-sided deluge by the republicans. Will voters forget that by the general? I don't think so, but the DNC does.

Anyway, Florida was supposed to be a non-event. Then Hillary, who to my knowledge never gave a concession speech in S Carolina, decides to make a speech about winning Florida.

If I have anything wrong I know DH will be all over it. But that's what I see as happening, and I think it was freaking disgusting. I'm also a bit concerned that Obama let himself be so outplayed on that. He needed to keep his S Carolina momentum going for Tuesday, instead he let her completely change the narrative, and perception is reality these days.

You are so right on that! But in New Hampshire she is not being well received with her games:

Hillary's word: It's worth nothing

Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2008

COURTING VOTERS in Iowa and New Hampshire, last August Sen. Hillary Clinton signed a pledge not to "campaign or participate" in the Michigan or Florida Democratic primaries. She participated in both primaries and is campaigning in Florida. Which proves, again, that Hillary Clinton is a liar.

Clinton kept her name on the Michigan ballot when others removed theirs, she campaigned this past weekend in Florida, and she is pushing to seat Michigan and Florida delegates at the Democratic National Convention. The party stripped those states of delegates as punishment for moving up their primary dates.

"I will try to persuade my delegates to seat the delegates from Michigan and Florida," Clinton said last week, after the New Hampshire primaries and Iowa caucuses were safely over.

Clinton coldly and knowingly lied to New Hampshire and Iowa. Her promise was not a vague statement. It was a signed pledge with a clear and unequivocal meaning.

She signed it thinking that keeping the other candidates out of Michigan and Florida was to her advantage, but knowing she would break it if that proved beneficial later on. It did, and she did.

New Hampshire voters, you were played for suckers.
I don't think Rudy is his VP. I believe that Huckabee will be his VP and that Huckabee has stayed in to give Evangelicals a place to vote. If he dropped out I think more evangelicals would vote for Romney. I really think Huckabee has made an agreement with McCain not to get out until after Super Tuesday at least. Although, Huckabee will do well in Missouri, Oklahoma and Arkansas. Hell right now Russert is saying that McCain dangled the VP at Huckabee tonight.

That's know what that makes me visualize?

A president who sings bomb bomb Iran, a vice president who is trying to change the constitution to better reflect the bible, and an attorney general with bug eyes and a real dislike for civil rights and black people.

So...send your left over prescription medications to me everybody.
You stupid morons have been wrong EVERY step of the way in analyzing this election. You stupid morons thought guliani was EVER a contender because you cited usa today polls rather than looking at polls where it mattered in iowa and new hampshire. You stupid morons thought huckabee was going to do ANYTHING because he was able to win in iowa. You stupid morons thought obama was going to take new hampshire down by double digits. You STUPID morons thought romney was dead after new hampshire even though he had already locked up wyoming and was looking good in michigan.

You stupid morons never took into account that mccains wins (up until tonight) was usually due to independants infiltrating the republican primaries and corrupting the vote. You stupid morons never considered that it was republicans that would ultimately decide this election.

You have the AUDACITY to claim I am being biased in my analysis or that I am in the pocket for romney when I have said NO NO NO to everyone's claims for the past year and been proven RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT the WHOLE WAY THROUGH in the face of going against conventional wisdom.

I live in massachusetts. I've SEEN romney, a republican MORMON win in a state where only 15% of the electorate is republican voters. THE MOST LIBERAL STATE IN THE NATION some would argue... Ive seen him time and time again be counted out by STUPID MORONS either in the media or on this site only to have it SHOVED in their face a week later about how dumb they were.

That said . . . .

There were some things even I, being the genius I am, that I was unable to count on.

A) Stupid morons that make perception reality
B) The media Completely whoring out mccain and calling him the front runner even before south carolina when he was actually not even second in delegates or in funding.

Do I know what is going to happen on super tuesday? At this point no, momentum is a big factor and in this election, I am not going to lie, was a pretty big win for mccain. But to say romney is out (which is the same thing stupid morons have been saying for 6 months) when he has the biggest war chest and a HISTORY of coming back when people thought he was out, it is WAY to early to say that romney is done.

I say this all on a pure intellectual level. I have stated many times, I do not plan on voting for romney... I most likely will be staying home on election day, though in full disclosure I will say that I am especially against the douchebag mccain.

But don't even dare suggest that I am being biased in what I am saying when Ive offered more correct insight into this election cycle than all you idiotic nitwits combined.

Shove it bitch.

This stupid moron has 500 bucks coming from her really smart brother who insisted she was a moron who didn't know what she was talking about and that Rudy would be the Republican nominee.

It seems he might have forgotten about it, since I didn't notice any emails from him this morning mentioning it though. Must have slipped his mind.
and the Republican primary. It is all over but the crying.

McCain will win AZ, CA, NY, NM. It is over. WRL was right.

I'm glad. Now Obama needs to defeat Hillary and I'll feel good about the General election either way it turns out.

You think we are crying now as a people. With that line up--the crying has not even started. If they get in--lets continue this conversation in 5 years.
Listen, stop that. If it ends up to be a McCain/Hillary race, I am going to turn into one of these little emo boys and I'm going to come on here every night and whine, and threaten to kill myself, and...I'm going to post incoherent poems, all of which I will write myself.
I will enjoy watching it.

Usually EMOs post lyrics because they aren't too bright. Watermark is a rarity.

Yep. Four months ago I was kissing my $50 goodbye. But if it is Hillary vs. McCain, we actually have a shot again.

It will be interesting to see how Edwards supporters go next Tuesday. I really thought he was going to stay in until after Super Tuesday and then use his delegates to get him the position he wants. My guess is that he is shooting for AG.
Yep. Four months ago I was kissing my $50 goodbye. But if it is Hillary vs. McCain, we actually have a shot again.

It will be interesting to see how Edwards supporters go next Tuesday. I really thought he was going to stay in until after Super Tuesday and then use his delegates to get him the position he wants. My guess is that he is shooting for AG.

If you and Damo would actually vote for a McCain/Guliani ticket, and have that little respect for both human life and civil liberties, don’t tell me about it, I won’t be able to talk to either of you.

And don’t come back with any of your faux equivalence posts.

That is the most monstrous ticket anyone could have designed. Anyone who would vote for it, is in my opinion, morally decrepit.
How's McCain's health?

good enough to last at least through the election.

It will be interesting to see who he slots as VP.

My guess is that it will be Romney.... as economics is a Romney strength and a McCain weakness.

My darkhorse guess...

If you and Damo would actually vote for a McCain/Guliani ticket, and have that little respect for both human life and civil liberties, don’t tell me about it, I won’t be able to talk to either of you.

And don’t come back with any of your faux equivalence posts.

That is the most monstrous ticket anyone could have designed. Anyone who would vote for it, is in my opinion, morally decrepit.

I don't think there is a chance in hell Rudy gets VP. I also think the left wing talking point of McCain being a war mongerer are merely hysterical rantings by those that are afraid of the only threat the Reps have at knocking off the Dems.
good enough to last at least through the election.

It will be interesting to see who he slots as VP.

My guess is that it will be Romney.... as economics is a Romney strength and a McCain weakness.

My darkhorse guess...



You just earned yourself one thousand points on the stupidest poster poll:

-McCain: Iraq war was a great idea, and we need to stay there forever.

-Hagel: Iraq war was a tragic blunder, and we need to get the f*ck out.
I don't think there is a chance in hell Rudy gets VP. I also think the left wing talking point of McCain being a war mongerer are merely hysterical rantings by those that are afraid of the only threat the Reps have at knocking off the Dems.

The left wing talking're hopeless SF.

And McCain can't stomach Romney, so get that out of your head. No way.
The left wing talking're hopeless SF.

And McCain can't stomach Romney, so get that out of your head. No way.

Reagan and Bush couldn't stand each other.

Clinton and Gore were not best of friends nor did they agree on everything.

and you are damn straight it is left wing hysteria with regards to McCain being a warmonger. The left loves using the "he will keep us in Iraq for 1000years" bullshit... and it is bullshit and you know it. Or they trot out "but but he sang bomb Iran" blah blah blah.

Hillary would take us to war with Iran long before McCain would. She would do it just to show she is "tough".
Reagan and Bush couldn't stand each other.

Clinton and Gore were not best of friends nor did they agree on everything.

and you are damn straight it is left wing hysteria with regards to McCain being a warmonger. The left loves using the "he will keep us in Iraq for 1000years" bullshit... and it is bullshit and you know it. Or they trot out "but but he sang bomb Iran" blah blah blah.

Hillary would take us to war with Iran long before McCain would. She would do it just to show she is "tough".

I don't think there is a chance in hell Rudy gets VP. I also think the left wing talking point of McCain being a war mongerer are merely hysterical rantings by those that are afraid of the only threat the Reps have at knocking off the Dems.

You're out of your mind. So it's the left that sang "Bomb, bomb, Iran?" It's the left that, when McCain presented the AUMF on Iraq said that Iraq should have been taken care care of in 1998? Yeah, the left is so damn tricky they make McCain says all sorts of crazy war-mongering talk.
You're out of your mind. So it's the left that sang "Bomb, bomb, Iran?" It's the left that, when McCain presented the AUMF on Iraq said that Iraq should have been taken care care of in 1998? Yeah, the left is so damn tricky they make McCain says all sorts of crazy war-mongering talk.

Like I said, there is the "but he sang bomb Iran".... that means he really wants to bomb Iran. Thanks for being a good parrot.

Polly wanna cracker?
Like I said, there is the "but he sang bomb Iran".... that means he really wants to bomb Iran. Thanks for being a good parrot.

Polly wanna cracker?

I suppose we should just disregard the fact that he wanted to "take care" of Iraq in 1998 too?

I also think it hilarious that you take the most irresponsible, war-mongering
comments by McCain and cast them aside as just a joke. I'm sure McCain (and you) would respond the same way if say, Ahmadinejad, made similar remarks. It's a nice little debate tactic, the prebuttal, but I'm not buying it.

I'd also point out that the reckless "Bomb Iran" ditty isn't a comment in isolation but one data point in a vast array of aggressive, militant comments McCain has made.
I suppose we should just disregard the fact that he wanted to "take care" of Iraq in 1998 too?

I also think it hilarious that you take the most irresponsible, war-mongering
comments by McCain and cast them aside as just a joke. I'm sure McCain (and you) would respond the same way if say, Ahmadinejad, made similar remarks. It's a nice little debate tactic, the prebuttal, but I'm not buying it.

I'd also point out that the reckless "Bomb Iran" ditty isn't a comment in isolation but one data point in a vast array of aggressive, militant comments McCain has made.

Iraq should have been dealt with long ago. Saying so doesn't make him a warmonger, it makes him correct.

Please, enlighten us on the vast array of aggressive, militant comments....

Please, make sure to use the "will keep us in Iraq for a 1000 years" line... that one makes me laugh every time some idiot on the left trots it out.