McCain wins FL

I have supported it. You ignored that and called it "left wing talking points", without supporting that.

That's why I'm not interested in having this conversation with you.

All I have seen from the left to support the "McCain is a warmonger" are the "stay in Iraq for 1000 years" or the "he sang bomb Iran". The first is taken completely out of context and the second he was pandering to a crowd of voters. Was it crude? yes. But do you honestly think he is going to bomb Iran because he sang a parody? Give me a break.
There is a big difference between "supporting military action to protect those that cannot protect themselves" and "supporting military action because you really really like war".

Bosnia and Kosovo were to stop genocide. We most certainly should not have stood on the sidelines. A lesson Clinton learned from Rwanda. A lesson we should take to heart as we continue to do nothing in the Sudan and Congo.

Because military action is the only alternative, right? It's blowing shit up and invading the country or nothing!?!

You can't really believe this shit.
All I have seen from the left to support the "McCain is a warmonger" are the "stay in Iraq for 1000 years" or the "he sang bomb Iran". The first is taken completely out of context and the second he was pandering to a crowd of voters. Was it crude? yes. But do you honestly think he is going to bomb Iran because he sang a parody? Give me a break.

No, he sang a parody because likes the idea of bombing Iran.
AH yes, Superfreak's war-mongering heart bleeds for the plight of the Iraqi people.

While you sit back and say, if it doesn't effect me personally, then who gives a shit if our actions cause those Iraqis death. There deaths only matter if it was due to Bush's actions. Right Dung?

Funny, because I would be willing to bet you fully support helping those Americans who are not in position to help themselves. If someone was being raped or mugged.... would you walk on by? or would you try to help?

But I get it now... as long as those being harmed aren't American, it is ok if we do nothing.
While you sit back and say, if it doesn't effect me personally, then who gives a shit if our actions cause those Iraqis death. There deaths only matter if it was due to Bush's actions. Right Dung?

Funny, because I would be willing to bet you fully support helping those Americans who are not in position to help themselves. If someone was being raped or mugged.... would you walk on by? or would you try to help?

But I get it now... as long as those being harmed aren't American, it is ok if we do nothing.

Are you serious with this shit?
Because military action is the only alternative, right? It's blowing shit up and invading the country or nothing!?!

You can't really believe this shit.

Right dung. Because THAT is what I said. Do you think diplomacy wasn't tried in Bosnia, Kosovo, Rwanda, Sudan, Iraq, Congo etc...????

Diplomacy was attempted. But diplomacy doesn't always work. Especially when genocide is occuring.
While you sit back and say, if it doesn't effect me personally, then who gives a shit if our actions cause those Iraqis death. There deaths only matter if it was due to Bush's actions. Right Dung?

Funny, because I would be willing to bet you fully support helping those Americans who are not in position to help themselves. If someone was being raped or mugged.... would you walk on by? or would you try to help?

But I get it now... as long as those being harmed aren't American, it is ok if we do nothing.

No this is bullshit SF. This is like saying, gee that woman’s husband is beating her up, let’s bomb her house!

What people needed to do, and what they were doing on the left, is work to have those sanctions lifted/changed. And diplomatic talks can take the place of these things. The fact is the guy had no fucking wmds! We only needed diplomacy. There is ZERO excuse to kill children here. Just stop this.
Right dung. Because THAT is what I said. Do you think diplomacy wasn't tried in Bosnia, Kosovo, Rwanda, Sudan, Iraq, Congo etc...????

Diplomacy was attempted. But diplomacy doesn't always work. Especially when genocide is occuring.

That is what you said. You basically have asserted that war or nothing were the two available alternatives to Iraq.
No this is bullshit SF. This is like saying, gee that woman’s husband is beating her up, let’s bomb her house!

What people needed to do, and what they were doing on the left, is work to have those sanctions lifted/changed. And diplomatic talks can take the place of these things. The fact is the guy had no fucking wmds! We only needed diplomacy. There is ZERO excuse to kill children here. Just stop this.

More horseshit SF. WE (meaning the UN) were the ones causing the deaths/genocide in Iraq! We had full power to stop it.

For christ sakes.
The left wing talking're hopeless SF.

And McCain can't stomach Romney, so get that out of your head. No way.
VP choices are rarely made because they are great pals. They are usually made to shore up a weakness. Romney is a perfect fit for McCain's weakness on the Economy.
More horseshit SF. WE (meaning the UN) were the ones causing the deaths/genocide in Iraq! We had full power to stop it.

For christ sakes.

Right.... by lifting the sanctions.... and the only way the sanctions were going to be lifted????

Oh yeah, by compliance to the ceasefire agreement. TWELVE YEARS diplomacy failed, yet AGAIN you pretend that is somehow irrelevant and that THIS time was going to be the time it worked.

Or are you advocating that we should have simply lifted sanctions and done something else with regards to Saddam?????
Right.... by lifting the sanctions.... and the only way the sanctions were going to be lifted????

Oh yeah, by compliance to the ceasefire agreement. TWELVE YEARS diplomacy failed, yet AGAIN you pretend that is somehow irrelevant and that THIS time was going to be the time it worked.

Inspectors were in there. IAEA gave iraq bascially a clean bill of health on no nuclear programs. And Blix said he needed another month or so to certify if Iraq had disarmed itself of Bio-chem weapons. Which, as we know now, Iraq did do.
Right.... by lifting the sanctions.... and the only way the sanctions were going to be lifted????

Oh yeah, by compliance to the ceasefire agreement. TWELVE YEARS diplomacy failed, yet AGAIN you pretend that is somehow irrelevant and that THIS time was going to be the time it worked.

Or are you advocating that we should have simply lifted sanctions and done something else with regards to Saddam?????

If you and Damo would actually vote for a McCain/Guliani ticket, and have that little respect for both human life and civil liberties, don’t tell me about it, I won’t be able to talk to either of you.

And don’t come back with any of your faux equivalence posts.

That is the most monstrous ticket anyone could have designed. Anyone who would vote for it, is in my opinion, morally decrepit.

smell that, it's fear...
smell that, it's fear...

Yes it is.

I don't want to have to be sitting in someone's living room three years from now, watching yet another documentary showing toddler writhing and dying.

It terrifies me.

Does it make you feel good? Do you get that special tingle?