Bodily fluids transmit Karma"

similarly, or said in a more rudimentary way:

"Karma is transmitted by ingesting an outside entity"


The direct Cause & Effect phenomenon is NOT instant-gratification.

The insidious nature that Karmic payback takes form as, requires gestation periods to fructify.

The fermentation process [of karmic payback] allows the web-like network of interactions to flux until they swell ---just like baking bread.
"Whoever causes offenseless living beings to suffer must fear me anywhere and everywhere in the world.
By curbing dishonest miscreants, one automatically benefits the offenseless." SB 1.17.14


To Eat meat is to be Sadistic.

Sadistic personality disorder, an obsolete term proposed for individuals who derive pleasure from the suffering of others
Antisocial personality disorder, a modern diagnosis
Sexual sadism disorder, a medical/psychological condition for sexual arousal from inflicting pain/humiliation on unwilling, non-consenting victims
I'm a hardcore meat eater, but am more gentle than most. Meat eating causes wars? That idea is just bellowing opinions as usual, with obnoxious bullshit. Reasons that actually start war. 1. Religion 2. Invasive conquest (basically greed) 3. Cult like uprisings, and manipulation. 4. Ethnic differences, and fears. I help animals when many wouldn't. I've helped a dragonfly caught by a wave when it flew too low, to shore. I've helped a trapped mouse get free, and even tried to rehabilitate a bird that doggie got a hold of. Get the picture? Now get over your blasphemous, and ignorant scapegoating self. It's disgusting, and not worthy of a pittance of respect.
I'm a hardcore meat eater, but am more gentle than most. Meat eating causes wars? That idea is just bellowing opinions as usual, with obnoxious bullshit. Reasons that actually start war. 1. Religion 2. Invasive conquest (basically greed) 3. Cult like uprisings, and manipulation. 4. Ethnic differences, and fears. I help animals when many wouldn't. I've helped a dragonfly caught by a wave when it flew too low, to shore. I've helped a trapped mouse get free, and even tried to rehabilitate a bird that doggie got a hold of. Get the picture? Now get over your blasphemous, and ignorant scapegoating self. It's disgusting, and not worthy of a pittance of respect.

So YOU gonna stand on a soap box and tell me you are the EXPERT here?

Hardcore bellowing obnoxious shit blasphemous ignorant disgusting EGO.

Hitler's dog lived happily afterwards too.

There is Low-class Sadism, and,
There is High-class Sadism too.

I only speak because I can. I explained it from many vantage points and a self-aggrandizing Ego would anoint the meek as their own minions as Expendables.
I have a similar theory. does anyone care ? eating meat reminds us that there is a beast seeking to devour. it is the difference between being the prey or the predator. it is a cursed earth thing. it is almost over. it is good. it's good. let me try again: sin entered the world and death. I think that man was intended to be vegan. there is coming a time when this kill or be killed age will end. until then we are in conflict and when we become like little harmless furry bunnie people, we will be devoured. eating meat is inherent to survival in this current cursed age. this is the age to come: the "root of Jesse" is Yeshua Ha Meshiach, AKA The Lord Jesus Christ. when he assumes rightful dominion over creation, after destroying every world order of man; there will be peace and restoration of all things. I will be with The Lord when he returns to Earth to smite the Earth with the rod of his mouth. The Lord has promised that I will rule and reign with Him for one thousand years; not according t my goodness or self righteous, but by grace through faith generating faithfulness; because I believe Him. will you be with Him or will you be destroyed by Him ?
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Meat eating causes wars, illness, un-controllable lust, draught ---but this knowledge is above the head and shoulders of western civilisation's grand-parentage.

The karmic-payback for enmass meat eating is documented generation after generation ---just analyse the last two centuries by counting and comparing pound-for-pound the mutual losses ---cadaver-to-cadaver.

Such societies will incur enemies that may or may not seem befitting the "Good-guys" side.

Vandal vs Romans perennially.

In regards to "be like your father in Heaven" ---do you suppose that "fox-hunting" & factory farming & gentlemen-Farmers all occur in heaven?

How does one Logically compute via,
"By each according to his works",
the cosmic "Price" accured to one-self [or to a mass of patrons],
the "cost" of a beast's carcass for thanksgiving?

How long does it take to tally-up mass karmic pay-back?

Mis-translated Bible terms infavor of meat eating?

As a long-standing member of the Hare Krishna Movement, I have learnt by some of my Hindu Vaishnav scholars that certain Bible terms are mis-translated:

Indeed, My ulterior motive is to get nations to turn swords to Plowshares ---this is done by ultimately having a "Change of Heart" as to the reality of fostering Flesh eating [meat in German is 'Fleisch']. Flesh eating begets violence and non-compassion and the illogic fantasy of obtaining peace in an enviroment of butcher-based society.

Vegetarianism as a sublime means of eating, is borne of ordhodox yoga disiplines ---therefore the higher goal of "a-himsa" (No-violence) ergo, "shanti" (peace) can be achieved.

Please review the Greek & hebrew terms, and kindly, verify or deny their veracity:

I'd like to cut and paste the whole Bible text, but for here are the Chapter/Verse of mention of NONE-FLESH EATING:

Old Testiment RE-CAP:

gen 1:29 [vs. Gen 9:3 ~immediately after recovery from the flood].

gen 9:4-5

num 11:33

Isaiah 1:11,15

Isaiah 66.3

Leviticus 3:17

Regarding, "Thou shall not Kill" ---reference:

The hebrew words are: 'Lo tirtzach' ---according to Dr Reuben Alcalay's 'Complete Hebrew/English Dictionary', 'tirtzach' refers to any kind of killing.

Christ was vegetarian ---there are 19 Gospel referneces to 'meat' all have been mis-translated from the original Greek Bible text:

Greek (3 of references) - English meaning:
Broma (4) - 'food' Romans 14:15, 20-21; I Corinthians 8:8, 10:3
Brosis (4) - 'the act of eating' Romans 14:17
Brosimos (1) - 'that which may be eaten'
Phago (3) - 'to eat' Luke 8:55
Prosphagon (1) - 'anything to eat'
Trophe (6) - 'nourishment' John 4:8, Acts 9:19, Acts 27:33-36
Trapesa (?) - 'table' "...They set a table before him ..." Acts 16:34

Thus, John 21:5 "Have ye any meat" ---is incorrect. it should have been translated:
"Have ye 'anything to eat'"

Regarding, "FISH" ---reference: The secret & mystical symbol/Password for "Christian" in Roman Prosecution Times, derived from the Greek word for fish, ICHTHUS ---forming the acronym: Iesous Christos Theou Uios Soter (Jesus Christ Son of God Saviour)

New Testiment RE-CAP:

Matt 3:4 ~(the word 'locusts' used here means Locust beans, aka, carob, aka, St John's bread)
Luke 8:55 ~the word used here is 'phago' (to eat).
Isaiah 7:14,15 ~prophets predict Jesus's diet: "... Butter & Honey shall he eat ..."
Luke 24:41-43 ~Note the words used, Jesus was offered two things 'Fish and a honeycomb' "... and he took it . . ." indicates that he choose one of the two judging from Isaiah 7:15 [the word used here is 'brosimos' (eatable)].

See the Offence for fleash eating:

Greek word for FLESH is: 'kreas'
I Corinthians 8:13


Can someone be brave enough to address these words ---for it is the next portal to world peace.


a learned person sees all living entities equally panditah sama-darsinah because he sees the same soul within the different varieties of bodies.

'We want brotherhood, but what does it mean to be brothers? It means we have the same father.' Only when we recognize God as the supreme father can we have real brotherhood.

Knowing God to be the supreme father, we can understand that if we deal with God's other children nicely, God will be pleased. But if we try to exploit and commit violence upon one another, how will the supreme father be pleased? And if God is not pleased, how can we expect peace and prosperity in the world?

"Animals are also children of God, although they have less developed intelligence. They resemble human children, who also do not have developed intelligence, or developed speech. Nor can they defend themselves.

But in a family the strong are meant to protect the weak. For a stronger older brother to torture or massacre a baby is a terrible crime. How upset and angry the father would be!

So animals should be treated like our younger brothers or sisters, to be protected, not exploited or slaughtered so we can eat their flesh.

Alright, let us start with this:
Paulie [from the Movie "Wise Guys"] warned Ray Liota [the actor] "You can't be using the stuff ---and selling it too".

The Drug dealer is always advised not to abuse the drugs he pushing.

You see, it is all about the 'karma'.
Specifically, 'stupid, innane (karmic-) payback'.

A samurai walked a vails thickness away from death . . .
A samurai loathes to think that death could catch him by surprise . . .
A samurai avoids the old threat of "A fly flew into my eye just when I could have parried the assailant's death blow".

A samurai avoids initiating all forms of future bad karma ---especially mundane, vapid karma funk ilks.

Karma is a brewing pot of Dante's possibilities . . . with plenty of time to experiment with young souls.

I am the adherent of cow-protection. The cow [and her husband] are the embodiment of mother earth's Homocentric mercy.

We humans think we aint biological bi-peds . . . but we think we are above beasts . . . but we think Man cannot aspire to immortality . . . but we can kill, gut, skin and roast quadra-peds to celebrate any given holiday moment . . . but we do nothing much else any more sublime than be pronounce poetic rhymes.

Took away the milk so the the 'Farmer' can successfully pen the Calves in dark isolated cages along side autofeeders.

Eat the calves' mother [and fathers] and sell the Gourmet Quality Veal meat ---for it's reknowned taste.

As the sage of greed said, "There's one born everyday".

If life is great for at least ONE citisen of our world today ---it's due to their individual, indivisable personal "good-karma" ---the rest of the masses are subsistence workers.

Karma reminder: Karma re-actions are temporary and fleeting
---but exceedingly fine.

"Good Karma is a terrible thing to waste"

Matt 15

10 Summoning the crowd, He told them, “Listen and understand: 11 It’s not what goes into the mouth that defiles a man, but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.
12 Then the disciples came up and told Him, “Do You know that the Pharisees took offense when they heard this statement?”
13 He replied, “Every plant that My heavenly Father didn’t plant will be uprooted. 14 Leave them alone! They are blind guides. And if the blind guide the blind, both will fall into a pit.”
15 Then Peter replied to Him, “Explain this parable to us.”
16 “Are even you still lacking in understanding?” He asked. 17 “Don’t you realize that whatever goes into the mouth passes into the stomach and is eliminated? 18 But what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and this defiles a man. 19 For from the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, sexual immoralities, thefts, false testimonies, blasphemies. 20 These are the things that defile a man, but eating with unwashed hands does not defile a man.”​

But what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and this defiles a man.

From the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries,
sexual immoralities, thefts, false testimonies, blasphemies. ...

I don't read this as a explaination of the rules of kosher-ism NOR about vegetarian-ism!

I do not see this NT verse as addressing vegetarianism--- it speaks of atrocities that issue forth via Commands of Leaders to the 'peons' [latin word for commoner/worker].

I truly see that my topic of Meat Eating and Butchery is not neccessarily addressed in these NT verses ---maybe! It's a metaphor/parable about the exclusive Caste rules of the Pharisees versus un-orthodox Judism.

Buddha’s Noble truth proclaimed to all sentient beings ---that all undertakings, and life itself is a suffering process ---which gives rise to the other supplementary Noble Truth, “Ahimsa” ---which guides all Humans to preform ‘actions’ that “Avoid bad Karma” ---lest one’s future leads to ‘re-birth’ [especially lower stratum of births in all sorts of sentient bodies] ---which again gives rise to repeating all the BASIC LESSONS of DHARMA.

If Hitler was a vegetarian ---that would be a very savvy [yet uncanny to me] way of avoiding minor token karma whilst ‘getting away with Murder’.

Great rogues would know to avoid the small stuff ---which indeed, requires attention to details.

Yet the Prisons around the world are occupied by 101% meat and leg and ears and guts and wings and feet eaters. IMO the choice muscles are too expensive, and sell to highest paid markets.

Finally, Buddha’s death due to [accidently] eating meat served to him un-knowingly ---testifies to how Karma is transferred via Bodily fluids ---and thus, the lesson is clear.

BTW, IMHO, I speculate that “goodness” can be a receptical for “Badness” [but not vise-versa] ---and, Badness is attracted to goodness in the way the old saying says:
“Nature they say hates a vaccum” ---thus IMO, sinfullness can be absorbed by Goodness . . . but then, many times the Sin obliterates the Good.

It is “Maintanace” that counts.

It is easier for a Good person to ‘go bad’ than it is for a bad person to ‘go good’.

without the Label of "Vegetarian" one earns the right to be a real life defacto "Meat Eater".

Ironically, the world "Meat" [me eat] is NOT an Onomatopoeia . . . yet Crunch & Punch & Slurp & (sort of) are Onomatopoeic.

Is the word "Stuff" a Onomatopoeia?

At least it is (still) illegal to "Murder" ---while OTOH,
"Killing, to eat a quadraped, or what have you, will suffice",
Especially when the marklet place will support and rear the 99%.

I am of the opinion that there is a strange BACK LASH when CONFRONTED about the SUBJECT called "MEAT EATING".

I an't talking about the benifits of a Diet that "You have NO concern Nor thought out Opinion".

Either you work for the meat industry ---thus your meager livelyhood is dependent on hawking 'The MEEK' as foodstuffs.

Militant vegans? How else do you expect Social issues come to the forefront unless "Trust account Babies" have the free time to Protest aginst the Common labor classes?

Anyone that complains about "Militant vegans" DOES NOT Have a life ---but they do find the time to protect their interests.

MEAT EATING CAUSES WARS! is an issue of sublime reasoning.

One doesn't seek sublime thought from the Masses!
One hawks their ware to the masses!

MEAT EATING CAUSES WARS! is an ancient issue!

If you dismiss it ---you're involved with greater struggles already with no time to consider the nature of the Sublime.

If you want "Your Opinion to Win" ---good news "You have won".

I am the Underdog in this Thread.

I am the loser in this thread.

BTW, any Woman who cares to keep her feminine beauty MUST avoid cadaver byproducts.

Any Parent [or school Teacher] who cares to keep their teens form being sex-maniacs MUST avoid cadaver byproducts.

Any Warden who cares to keep their inmates calm MUST avoid cadaver byproducts.

Any Governer who cares to avoid Mass-Bad Karma MUST avoid cadaver byproducts.

This Topic is something most folks HAVE NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT [except as a fad].

Ironically, your doctors and business places are sustained daily by avoiding Bad Karma.

I am directly & explicitly highlighting that So-called SANE people of the world would disagree with me!
And thus, here I AM TALKING ABOUT how the world is insane and UN-AWARE of this factor that brings War upon the people.

It is NOT my OPINION nor MY Speculation.

It is a sublime truth of life that I am referring to.

I learnt it from the Sages.

Does anyone here able to recognise a sage?

MEAT EATING CAUSES WARS ---is a fact of life that is taught by the sages.

War is Not a past time of Sages.

But I am NOT a PETA like activist.

I have stated above the REAL REASONS for Shunning Meat Eating.

The issue at hand is NOT about anything social conventions and habits nor even the environment nor ethics nor even health.


The topic is about the metaphysics behind the curtain of MASS BAD KARMA.

Maybe I should have titled the Thread:

MASS BAD KARMA ---and everything about but was too clueless to ask.

I thought everyone was clueless about this fact of socio-metaphysics.

But there seems to be a sub-conscious acknowledgement of an endemic problem that apparently is difficult to admit to.

This is not a Pet project of mine. It is an alarm bell of a topic.

Maybe it just that I am preaching to the blase world.

It is about the indifference.

It is Not about my prancing about with a bone to pick ---I am Yelling FIRE!!!
