Attention Roman Catholic Priests and Nuns and Bishops and Cardinals and Monsignors and lay folk ---Stop eating Meat ---Meat eaters CANNOT keep Constant!

Celebates CANNOT stay Celebate if they eat meat(s).

"I told you Not to feed the boy meat; but Porridge"
---from the novel, 'Oliver Twist'.

Meat-eating is "Tamasic" [tama guna related] ---thus, anti-Brahmacarya.

Brahmacarya = Celibate Student.

All things related to the Protocols of Brahmacarya-ism will support vegetarian-ism.

BTW, abstaining from Garlic, onions, vinegar help too.

Let me repeat the "Standard of Measurement":

OTOH, A vegetarian is seduced by ALL the Other Allurements into the bargain,

"Karma is Transmitted by Bodily Fluids".
This is not simply an effort at wit ---it is a Truth and it also is the Plain Logic of how 'Karma' is transmitted via consumption.

Do You Agree: "Karma is Transmitted by Bodily Fluids"?

Being an 'accessory to a crime' is usually pointed out by the prosecuting team ---it is usually ignored by the perpetrators themselves.

Gita 2.62-63:
"While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment lust develops, and from lust anger arises.

From anger, complete delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost one falls down again into the material pool."

In addition to 'Instant' karmic reactions to meat eating ---there are long term waits before karmic strikes. It's the desires that get inflamed/induced and raises hopes/desires higher. It's the strenuousness fear and sudden shock that the butchered animal endured that is earned in return for consuming their bodily fluids and skin and paws etc.

Karma will get its conconminant Pound of Flesh Back ---we aren't above and more precious a creation than a fowl ---a creature that WE cannot replicate in a lab. We are in a dog-eat-dog world.

Where do you think the evidence [for my stance] is to be found?

Will you tell me after the debt is balanced?

It's NOT the vegetarians with bad luck that Rule You and me and tell us how much the Toll is raising nor how school and rent costs will rise again and agin and again until you dead and gone.

It's NOT the vegetarians that are crooked and dictatorial and selling Viagra during the evening Simpson Cartoon.

Gita 7.3:
Out of many thousands among men, one may endeavor for perfection, and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth.

Karma is impersonal and cold and "grinds exceedingly fine".

Karma is meant for humans to learn by the Stick


Karma applies its rules impersonally.

And doublely-Ironically, everyone keeps coming back for more.

I am NOT remotely promoting an idea that Meat eating & War have a "Direct Cause & Effect" ---why would you bother considering that?

Does Car manufacturing result in Drunk Driving? They are distinct entities.

I am absolutely referring to the paradyms of society network of Karma that HAS ALREADY yield Super-Mega-Mass-Wars ... but it starts in the details ... the lust and the un-mitigating meglomania that comes from meat eating is the common denoumenator amongst the statistical number of perpetrators.

What a shame & sham to mention Hitler as a vegetarian [which I have learn is not true] ---because has no relevance . . .

evidently (or due to self-denial inre this subject) that the Royal Dynasty of Adam and Eve sufferred an fraticide assasination by the First princes of the Old Testiment ---over a Flesh Ritual Sacrifice:

Cain killed, nay, "Murdered" is brother ... cain did this a] against the Golden Rule & b] as per the injunctions of the Gita words inre "Lust & un-satiated Desires beget rage"

Okay, let's try out the vista from the contrary POV:

Fiddling Uncle Ernie the CEO of Erections International says,

"Eat a different type of Meats every day of your life"
"Feed a different type of Meats to young girls along with alcohol"
"Sing songs with vague and/or explicit sexual references"
"Advertise & reinforce vice with sexual allurements"
"never call societal commoners Trash, but rather engage them in the underworld"
"There is always greener pastures after a prison stay"
"just have an abortion"
"Watch and absorb the principles enjoined in the Sensational Boop-tube sages of "Three and a half Men" and seek your piece of the pie"
"You only live once so... &^%$# whenever & where ever &^%$ can"

but ironically, the advice of Fagen the master pickpocket is timeless like:


Bodily fluids transmit Karma"

similarly, or said in a more rudimentary way:

"Karma is transmitted by ingesting an outside entity"


The direct Cause & Effect phenomenon is NOT instant-gratification.

The insidious nature that Karmic payback takes form as, requires gestation periods to fructify.

The fermentation process [of karmic payback] allows the web-like network of interactions to flux until they swell ---just like baking bread.

"Whoever causes offenseless living beings to suffer must fear me anywhere and everywhere in the world.
By curbing dishonest miscreants, one automatically benefits the offenseless." SB 1.17.14


To Eat meat is to be Sadistic.

Sadistic personality disorder, an obsolete term proposed for individuals who derive pleasure from the suffering of others
Antisocial personality disorder, a modern diagnosis
Sexual sadism disorder, a medical/psychological condition for sexual arousal from inflicting pain/humiliation on unwilling, non-consenting victims

So YOU gonna stand on a soap box and tell me you are the EXPERT here?

Hardcore bellowing obnoxious shit blasphemous ignorant disgusting EGO.

Hitler's dog lived happily afterwards too.

There is Low-class Sadism, and,
There is High-class Sadism too.

I only speak because I can. I explained it from many vantage points and a self-aggrandizing Ego would anoint the meek as their own minions as Expendables.

You are correct sir.

It is what our grandchildren will call it on the late news:
Food porn is a glamourized visual presentation of cooking or eating in advertisements, infomercials, blogs[1] cooking shows or other visual media.
Food porn often takes the form of food photography with styling that presents food provocatively, in a similar way to glamour photography or pornographic photography.

{Funny touch with the anus portal and the grilled stuffed offal intestines}


The irony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jell-O Pudding Pops ... the original old time Jell-O was/is made of gelatin.

Jell-O is a sweetened gelatin product made by boiling the bones and hides of animals. ... The collagen in gelatin does come from boiling the bones and hides of animals processed for their meat (usually cows and pigs). But hooves consist of a different protein, keratin, which can't produce gelatin.

So a spokesman is an accessory to the act...the irony is poor Bill lost a son while hawking gelatin mongers. Sad to have witnessed other's sufferings. Unless they're paid and insured professionals.

Are Bull fighters covered by National Health Services?
You are correct sir.

It is what our grandchildren will call it on the late news:
Food porn is a glamourized visual presentation of cooking or eating in advertisements, infomercials, blogs[1] cooking shows or other visual media.
Food porn often takes the form of food photography with styling that presents food provocatively, in a similar way to glamour photography or pornographic photography.

{Funny touch with the anus portal and the grilled stuffed offal intestines}

View attachment 6168

Most food photography is made with fake synthetic props cast in plastic and styrofoam and covered in a glaze of vaseline petroleum jelly to make it shine under the lights. At one point in my career I did product and food photography, and believe me, what makes the mouth water in print ads is the last thing in the world anyone would want to eat.
You are correct sir.

It is what our grandchildren will call it on the late news:
Food porn is a glamourized visual presentation of cooking or eating in advertisements, infomercials, blogs[1] cooking shows or other visual media.
Food porn often takes the form of food photography with styling that presents food provocatively, in a similar way to glamour photography or pornographic photography.

{Funny touch with the anus portal and the grilled stuffed offal intestines}

View attachment 6168
The irony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jell-O Pudding Pops ... the original old time Jell-O was/is made of gelatin.

Jell-O is a sweetened gelatin product made by boiling the bones and hides of animals. ... The collagen in gelatin does come from boiling the bones and hides of animals processed for their meat (usually cows and pigs). But hooves consist of a different protein, keratin, which can't produce gelatin.

So a spokesman is an accessory to the act...the irony is poor Bill lost a son while hawking gelatin mongers. Sad to have witnessed other's sufferings. Unless they're paid and insured professionals.

Are Bull fighters covered by National Health Services?

Best visage:[IMG][/QUOTE]
