Megyn Kelly blasts 'overweight, out-of-shape' women battling LA fires amid public outcry

Where do you see this crying?We're just discussing things... Why do you have such a problem with that?? You're the one screeching... And repeating the same thing over and over for no reason..

She said, without a single trace of self-awareness. Best we can say about this is that you've expanded your attention whore corner and put on an unflattering but sluttier outfit. :laugh:
Never too late...

Ruh roh. Three more non-sequitur posts in a row. It's another


Awesome! Third one in only four days!!!!
Did Megyn Kelly actually see and talk to the female firefighters?

Maybe you ought to read this?

Maybe you ought to read this?

Does not tell us much....there is a physical test that must be passed to get hired.....but we have no idea how challenging it is.....and once hired I have no idea if there is any monitoring or tests or anything....and I get around....this information seems to be secret....but looking at the chiefs does not inspire confidence.
The Evil of Google is a known known....if there are pics of fat obviously should not be there LA firefighters on the internet then they will take action to make sure that we never see them.....that would disturb the solidarity.
Elon fired 80% of Twitter and there was no dip in performance.

Ask yourself what that 80% was doing.

Google is worse.
Something like 10% of WIKI rev is spent on running the site.....the rest is spent to pay for very highly paid political bureaucrats and Death Cult activism.