Megyn Kelly blasts 'overweight, out-of-shape' women battling LA fires amid public outcry

Read this study and then come back hopefully a little better informed.0

Whilst you are in a reading mood, here is something else to ponder.

Obesity is a substantial risk factor for CVD in all populations (1) and has been shown to increase the risk of duty-related cardiac events in firefighters (7–9). Several studies have reported that 24%–35% of U.S. firefighters are obese by body mass index (BMI) categorization (5,10–12).

Whilst you are in a reading mood, here is something else to ponder.
Why does the King of Thailand support pedophilia? If you don't deny King Rama-Lama-Ding-Dong is a pedophile, I understand. :thup:


Sex with underage children is easily available in Thailand, which also is major center for international child prostitution rings. Referring to the four or five customers she serves a night, one girl a P.O.V. documentary said, " I guess they think we are cute." When the police raided her room, she said, "just another guy, coming my room." In some cases, young Burmese girls are kept in cubicles and rented out as virgins. In Phuket, a 15-year-old was charged with pimping two younger girls.

At one time an estimated 80,000 children in Thailand are involved in the sex industry. There are probably less than that now as the practice has gotten a lot of negative publicity and there have been crackdowns. But even so child prostitution is still widespread, and for every place that has been shut down in Thailand a new one has sprung up in Cambodia or elsewhere. Even in Thailand some sex clubs still boast about the young age of their girls. According a 1995 survey, one third of the child prostitutes in Southeast Asia tested positive for HIV.
These homophobes and fat-shamers are all showing their true characters here, under anonymity. I'd love to see them spout their bigotry at a council meeting that pertained to the fire department.
Some of them probably are. Trump told them they're allowed to show their true colors in public, so here we are. A bunch of dumb bigots running their toothless mouths until the cops throw them out of a meeting.
Christie, who I've know for over 20 years by the way, wants to make it about Megyn Kelly. I want to concentrate on the obese and unfit firefighters, which that report is talking about, and not the desk jockeys. So sorry to turn your attempted gotcha into a damp squib.
Dipshit, you live in fucking Thailand with a Pedophile as King. Why do you give a shit about California firefighters?