Megyn Kelly blasts 'overweight, out-of-shape' women battling LA fires amid public outcry

You guys are freaking unbelievable. What goes on in those tiny brains of yours?

The LA fire chief is overweight and a lesbian. That does not prove that the female firefighters are also overweight lesbians.
So you don't think the Fire Chief and Battalion Chief should set the example for what is acceptable.
What don't you get?
I don't give a fuck right now they need all the help they can get NO matter what shape people are in, I am sure there is some job they can do that so they may get a more fit person up on the fire line.
then deal with this BS later.
You don't want people who are not capable in the way... Volunteers are fine ...just not on the line..... I think we're talking about two different things here...
Upset, no.

Nauseate, yes.

But then so do all the rest of your fellow trumper cultist ass lickers.

Try not to feel so special.
Well if you're nauseated would you please put a barf emoji on my posts if you're not going to put me on ignore? Every barf rmoji equals a dondation... For the next
Two weeks the money will go to a rescue in LA...probably Pasadena Humane... Now isn't that special?
^^^Just another post highlighting that most male Democrats are misogynist fruitcakes as well as racists.

For me to be a misogynist based on my remarks about Megyn Kelly, she would have to first be a woman.

Something she is obviously not.

She is a mindless, soulless, manufactured and programmed, trump ass licking, right-wing bullshit spewing, cyborg robot.
So you don't think the Fire Chief and Battalion Chief should set the example for what is acceptable.

If she were a personal trainer you might have a point. But she's a paper pusher, like all heads of organizations.
By the same MAGAt logic, the Commander-in-Chief of the United States should have to pass a physical test just like our troops.
the real insanity comes from those who support and endorse the mental illness that becomes DEI and LGBTQ
The DUI hires are worse.

