Megyn Kelly blasts 'overweight, out-of-shape' women battling LA fires amid public outcry

THIS YOU, @christiefan915?


"Stop, put me down — I want to be saved by FAT LESBIANS"
For me to be a misogynist based on my remarks about Megyn Kelly, she would have to first be a woman.

Something she is obviously not.

She is a mindless, soulless, manufactured and programmed, trump ass licking, right-wing bullshit spewing, cyborg robot.
Just like most Democrats you don't know what a woman is.
Show me with solid proof that the rank and file are fat lesbians. That means the boots on the ground, not the head office.

BTW it's possible that the guy in your picture is a gay man, leggiecrite. Does your disdain apply to them also?
You just proved this is about strength not sexual orientation.
Battalion Chiefs frequently run fire scenes sweetcakes

Fire Battalion Chiefs often play a significant role in managing fire scenes. Here's a breakdown of their typical responsibilities:

  • Command and Control: Battalion Chiefs are generally responsible for the overall command of a fire scene, especially in larger departments or when the incident escalates beyond what a single fire company can handle. They typically establish the Incident Command System (ICS) at the scene.
  • Strategic Direction: They provide strategic direction, making decisions on resource allocation, tactics, and safety protocols. They coordinate between different units, including fire suppression, rescue operations, and EMS services.
  • Tactical Oversight: While they might not be directly involved in the physical act of fighting the fire (like pulling hoses or entering burning structures), they are actively engaged in overseeing the tactical operations, ensuring that the response is effective and safe.
  • Communication: They act as a liaison between the scene and other external agencies or command centers, updating higher command, managing media, or interfacing with other emergency services.
  • Training and Experience: Their extensive training and experience mean they are well-prepared to handle the complexities of fire scenes, though how often they "run" or directly manage scenes can depend on:
    • Department Size: In larger departments, there might be more Battalion Chiefs, allowing for more frequent scene management by Chiefs. In smaller departments, a Chief might respond to every significant call.
    • Incident Severity: For major incidents, like large structural fires or multi-alarm fires, Battalion Chiefs are almost always present to command.
    • Policy and Procedure: Some departments have protocols where a Battalion Chief automatically responds to certain types of calls or once the incident reaches a specific size or severity level.

In summary, while not every fire scene will have a Battalion Chief present, they frequently run significant or complex fire incidents, ensuring coordinated, effective, and safe operations.


A popular mantra of political discourse in this presidential season involves lecturing women not to cast our votes as women. There are various versions of this mantra, coming mostly from conservatives and too many Bernie-or-bust folks, designed to prevent us from voting for one of our own just because she's one of our own. My personal favorite is, "Don't vote with your vagina." Believe me when I tell you that no good comes from trying to picture that. Let it go.

The assumption behind this myopic view of a woman's mind is that most women support Hillary Clinton because somewhere inside every American woman resides a 5-foot-5-inch tall white grandmother with blond hair and kitten heels. Or something like that. I really don't want to spend much time wading in the shallow end of their minds. At least a dozen times a week, I hear this mantra, regardless of the topic. When I objected on social media to Donald Trump's mocking gold star mother Ghazala Khan, for example, the 10th response was, "Oh, yeah? So you're voting for Hillary because she's a woman."

I hear this. All. Day. Long.

So far, explaining that Hillary Clinton is the most qualified candidate to run for president in my lifetime has failed to convince those who apparently have been residing on the planet Dagobah for the past 59 years. I've learned — and my, is this the season for lessons — that defending my support for Hillary can inspire the sort of responses that leave me marveling at the vile stuff some people let crawl across their tongues.
Moving right along.

Earlier this week at a Trump rally, a baby began to cry. I'm inclined to think that infant has the power of prophecy, but let's assume for the moment that she or he was just rattled by the usual chants of racism and misogyny that have become so common at Trump rallies. For a few seconds there, Trump seemed to be almost fatherly — in a healthy way, even.
"Don't worry about that baby," he said into the microphone. "I love babies. I hear that baby crying, I like it. I like it. What a baby, what a beautiful baby. Don't worry."

New York Times reporter Nick Corasaniti described what happened next: "But the platitudes did nothing to comfort the infant, whose persistent wails seemed to be getting on the candidate's nerves. "'Actually, I was only kidding. You can get that baby out of here,' Mr. Trump said a few beats later with a slight smirk as laughs and a few gasps escaped from the crowd. 'Don't worry, I think she really believed me that I love having a baby crying while I'm speaking. That's O.K. People don't understand. That's O.K.'"

Ah. There he is.

After seeing that video clip, I was reminded of a story about Gloria Steinem and crying babies that I'd heard many years ago. A quick search on Google and I found this 2014 account from Karin Lippert, who was Ms. magazine's promotion director from 1972 to 1981: "Sometimes in a college lecture hall there would be thousands and thousands of people ... and sometimes in smaller groups there would be a woman with a crying baby in the back of the room. Gloria would say, 'Would the woman with the crying baby please stay.' And everybody applauded, and everybody got teary-eyed. It was an era when women were always told, 'You can't have your child misbehave' and she would have left the room."

We women have moved on, you see, and one of the things we left behind is men like Donald Trump.

When Khan stood silently next to her husband on that stage at the Democratic convention, Trump speculated that she wasn't allowed to speak.

When one woman after another at Fox so-called News said Roger Ailes sexually harassed them, Trump said they should have pursued other careers.

When Megyn Kelly dared to question Trump about all the awful things he's said about women, he later accused her of being on her period.

And you know what? Sometimes it's true that women think alike. Because every time Donald Trump makes such statements about women, millions of us look at him and think the same thing:
Oh, I know you.

And our collective memory is bad, bad news for candidate Trump.