Meme the left

No matter how memes you post, it doesn't hide the fact that the Dems won't get to impeach Trump. CNN is truly fucked now, they'll just have to find somebody else to obsess over.

Your stupid fucking assumption is 1) based on the AG's summary of a report the public has not yet been allowed to see and 2) completely fails to consider what the upcoming Congressional investigations might turn up as well as those being carried out by the SDNY. And with 22 months left in his (hopefully only one) term, nobody knows what his poll numbers will be next year this time. If the investigations turn up some bad shit and drive them back down into the 30's and start dragging down the rest of the the party, there may well be enough Republican Senators willing to jump ship and vote to kick his ass to the curb.

If you're going to post on an American political board about American politics, it might be a good idea to learn a little bit about the subject.
Bowel Woman is full of shit, Peterson is a god.
Now let’s not get carried away. Jordan is a reasonably competent social scientist who has spoken ugly facts that one political extreme has adopted as validation of their point of view, when he has done no such thing, and pisses off another political extreme who don’t care for the harsh facts he speaks.

I’ve heard Peterson talk on the Incel red pill counterpart to radical feminist and he is equally harsh with them.
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The left can't meme.

To be fair, it's a lot more difficult to create good memes when you insist that they be based in truth and fact like the left does, rather than just throw together some bullshit based on lies and propaganda like the right does.
To be fair, it's a lot more difficult to create good memes when you insist that they be based in truth and fact like the left does, rather than just throw together some bullshit based on lies and propaganda like the right does.

nobody insists memes "get based on truth and fact"

you are SUCH a waste of sperm and eggs

nomad can't meme you guys. he exposed himself
Your stupid fucking assumption is 1) based on the AG's summary of a report the public has not yet been allowed to see and 2) completely fails to consider what the upcoming Congressional investigations might turn up as well as those being carried out by the SDNY. And with 22 months left in his (hopefully only one) term, nobody knows what his poll numbers will be next year this time. If the investigations turn up some bad shit and drive them back down into the 30's and start dragging down the rest of the the party, there may well be enough Republican Senators willing to jump ship and vote to kick his ass to the curb.

If you're going to post on an American political board about American politics, it might be a good idea to learn a little bit about the subject.

You should take your own advice Cunticus Maximus, I have been saying consistently that the Mueller investigation was just ocean going bullshit and so it's turned out to be. You, by contrast, have been consistently hysterical, overwrought and most importantly wrong about just about everyting to do with Trump and Russia.

I have been on this board for quite a while and do not need your validation or permission, so kindly go fuck a duck!!
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To be fair, it's a lot more difficult to create good memes when you insist that they be based in truth and fact like the left does, rather than just throw together some bullshit based on lies and propaganda like the right does.

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