Meme the left

To be fair, it's a lot more difficult to create good memes when you insist that they be based in truth and fact like the left does, rather than just throw together some bullshit based on lies and propaganda like the right does.

So you say. You can't meme and concocted an excuse to explain your ineptitude. It makes you so mad, doesn't it?
C+ but sadly about the best meme the left has created in..... 10 years at least.
Siighhh those were the days. Gosh it was so easy when W was President and the best part was the Meme’s of the left were mostly something W actually said. Ahhh those halcyon days of low hanging fruit...
nobody insists memes "get based on truth and fact"

you are SUCH a waste of sperm and eggs

nomad can't meme you guys. he exposed himself

Fuck you, loser. :fu:

Let's get something straight here... what you and your drooler trash buddies call being able to meme, (meme as a verb) the way you hacks are doing it, amounts to nothing more than a Google Images search and posting whatever you find.

Big. Fucking. Deal.

I on the other hand, am the ONLY ONE here, who has created and posted HIS OWN WORK.

These three memes....




...were captioned and created by me. My work.

The moronic crap YOU copy/pasted, doesn't even come close. Same with the dull-witted crap your fellow rightie ass-licker, sycophant losers copy/paste.

My stuff is wittier, funnier and more original than anything you or your Trumptard shithead ilk have ever posted here.

You are a no-talent stoner and my meme ability out-classes yours by a distance equal to 10,000 galaxies lined up in a row.

Now either come up with something equal to or better than my stuff, or crawl back in your hole, vermin.

I'm not worried though, because it's obvious that you can't meme and you've exposed yourself.

So you say. You can't meme and concocted an excuse to explain your ineptitude. It makes you so mad, doesn't it?

Blow me you low brow slob.

You are dumber than a fucking rock and everyone knows it.

Come up with something original like I do or go back to fucking your sister and let the pros handle this stuff.
You should take your own advice Cunticus Maximus, I have been saying consistently that the Mueller investigation was just ocean going bullshit and so it's turned out to be. You, by contrast, have been consistently hysterical, overwrought and most importantly wrong about just about everyting to do with Trump and Russia.

I have been on this board for quite a while and do not need your validation or permission, so kindly go fuck a duck!!

Typical stupid fucking limey, hooligan trash has no idea how American politics works but his own county's politics is so fucking boring and inconsequential, he has to hang around American political boards blabbering crap about things he doesn't understand.
Blow me you low brow slob. You are dumber than a fucking rock and everyone knows it.Come up with something original like I do or go back to fucking your sister and let the pros handle this stuff.

Confirmation that you can't meme and it makes you so mad. :rof2:
LMAO somad is well.. mad that the left can't meme. He doesn't even get that the left can't meme is a meme. he truly doesn't know how to meme. it's unbelievable. must be an old person
LMAO somad is well.. mad that the left can't meme. He doesn't even get that the left can't meme is a meme. he truly doesn't know how to meme. it's unbelievable. must be an old person


I create my own memes that are wittier and more pointed than anything you'll ever Google/copy/paste or at best, go to a meme generator, pick out some standard photo that's already been memed a thousand times then slap some words in it that don't even make much sense.

My stuff is light years better than anything you will ever come up with.

Hence, your blatantly obvious jealousy of me.
Typical stupid fucking limey, hooligan trash has no idea how American politics works but his own county's politics is so fucking boring and inconsequential, he has to hang around American political boards blabbering crap about things he doesn't understand.

Iolo does the same thing, but that doesn't make you so mad, does it?
LMAO somad is well.. mad that the left can't meme. He doesn't even get that the left can't meme is a meme. he truly doesn't know how to meme. it's unbelievable. must be an old person

I suspect you are correct.