Men opposing universal medical

Why did you comment on how much another young lady might be making, if you didn't stop and ask her??

That's another thing I learned. It's not good to just chat with a prostitute because time is money. While she's casually chatting with me she may miss a potential customer.
I'm trying to find out how one can watch a video of a lady knowing she will die if she does not get proper medication and still oppose universal medical. Country of origin makes absolutely no difference.
One doesn't have to watch a video of a woman who will die without proper medication when one actually lives with a woman who will die without proper medication. The difference between me and you is I'm not expecting my neighbor to buy her medication, I go out and work for the money to do so....all without insurance.

In any case, the fact is most Americans voted for a President who campaigned on medical reform. I'm just trying to figure out what "ass" would be against it? :)

First, most Americans voted for a president because he was a black man and they wanted anyone but mcsame. Second, being against it doesn't make one an 'ass', except in your delusional mind.
I commented on your dramatic hyperbole and it's irrelevancy to the topic at hand. What's ridiculous is you've been assuming that my comments were based on the video, when nowhere did I say that the video is right or wrong. See, this is what happens when you assume shit.

In the words of Travis Dane: 'assumption is the mother of all fuckups'.

"irrelevancy to the topic at hand" ???

I asked in the initial post, "please let me know your definition of a 'man'."

A few posters here talk about themselves being men. I find it puzzling, for lack of a better word, to see someone call themselves a man while opposing something that could save the life of a woman.
Everybody helps except those who need help. Not that difficult of a decision.

My sweety was not of the same mind.

It's just that the Liberal Left wants to decide who helps the most, HUH!!

What do her feelings have to do with this; unless you're gong to let her act selfish, while you try to hold everyone else to a higher degree??
I had a fair idea what her services cost and she was in a business district so it was the logical conclusion.

Your selfish conclusion maybe; but since you didn't bother to care about her, you really don't know.

Plus what does it matter how much money she may or may not be making??
Aren't you concerned that she's prostituting herself out, in order to survive??
I'm trying to find out how one can watch a video of a lady knowing she will die if she does not get proper medication and still oppose universal medical. Country of origin makes absolutely no difference.

In any case, the fact is most Americans voted for a President who campaigned on medical reform. I'm just trying to figure out what "ass" would be against it? :)

Since you allowed one other young lady to continue to prostitute herself, why shouldn't you allow this one to do the same??
Ahhh, but if the laws are not changed another person will require help and we would have to go through the same thing again. And again. And again.

And if we dont give away housing; someone will be homeless, again, and again, and again, etc.

And if we don't give away food; someone will be hungry, again, and again, and again, etc.

And if we don't give away money; someone will be poor, again, and again, and again, etc.

And if we don't give away cars; someone will have to walk, and walk, and walk, etc.

And if girls don't give away free sex; 3D will remain a virgin, for ever, and ever, and ever, etc.
That's another thing I learned. It's not good to just chat with a prostitute because time is money. While she's casually chatting with me she may miss a potential customer.

Since you support prostitution, then why are in such a huff over this other young lady making that choice??
"irrelevancy to the topic at hand" ???

I asked in the initial post, "please let me know your definition of a 'man'."

A few posters here talk about themselves being men. I find it puzzling, for lack of a better word, to see someone call themselves a man while opposing something that could save the life of a woman.

and again, in my case, it is irrelevant to the topic at hand. I'm completely comfortable in the knowledge of my being a man because I provide the best care I can for a woman who is dying and I do it with no other mans help, nor government.
"irrelevancy to the topic at hand" ???

I asked in the initial post, "please let me know your definition of a 'man'."

A few posters here talk about themselves being men. I find it puzzling, for lack of a better word, to see someone call themselves a man while opposing something that could save the life of a woman.

How could you call yourself a man and drive away, letting some poor girl remain a prositute??
One doesn't have to watch a video of a woman who will die without proper medication when one actually lives with a woman who will die without proper medication. The difference between me and you is I'm not expecting my neighbor to buy her medication, I go out and work for the money to do so....all without insurance.

First, most Americans voted for a president because he was a black man and they wanted anyone but mcsame. Second, being against it doesn't make one an 'ass', except in your delusional mind.

Then I wonder what word would be appropriate. You live with someone whose life depends on medication and the procurement of that medication rests solely on your ability to provide it, yet, you are against a universal medical plan.

You must have quite the ego, huh? You like having her life in your hands? A universal plan would bring closer the possibility of the government ensuring her medication and you are against that? If so, then you are correct. "Ass" isn't the appropriate word. I'm not sure what word would adequately fit the circumstances.
It's just that the Liberal Left wants to decide who helps the most, HUH!!

What do her feelings have to do with this; unless you're gong to let her act selfish, while you try to hold everyone else to a higher degree??

Those capable of helping the most would help the most. Anything else would be illogical.

Helping people does not have to be on a one-to-one basis. In fact, it's preferable if it's not because people tend to help "their own". Prejudice, attitude, degree of help's all arbitrary. That's why the government should handle it.
Then I wonder what word would be appropriate. You live with someone whose life depends on medication and the procurement of that medication rests solely on your ability to provide it, yet, you are against a universal medical plan.

You must have quite the ego, huh? You like having her life in your hands? A universal plan would bring closer the possibility of the government ensuring her medication and you are against that? If so, then you are correct. "Ass" isn't the appropriate word. I'm not sure what word would adequately fit the circumstances.

You just crossed a line, that you should have left alone, you sanctimonious windbag.
But rather then me pointing it out to you, I'll let him do it.
Your selfish conclusion maybe; but since you didn't bother to care about her, you really don't know.

Plus what does it matter how much money she may or may not be making??
Aren't you concerned that she's prostituting herself out, in order to survive??

No, she was not prostituting herself in order to survive. Where this was taking place there were/are social programs available contrary, BTW, to where the lady in the video resides.
And if we dont give away housing; someone will be homeless, again, and again, and again, etc.

And if we don't give away food; someone will be hungry, again, and again, and again, etc.

And if we don't give away money; someone will be poor, again, and again, and again, etc.

And if we don't give away cars; someone will have to walk, and walk, and walk, etc.

And if girls don't give away free sex; 3D will remain a virgin, for ever, and ever, and ever, etc.

Well, if you put it that way obviously 3D's needs should come first. Surely being "unsettled" and out of snacks can't be compared to the emotional crisis being endured by a young man having no sex.

Sometimes I wonder how people think.
No, she was not prostituting herself in order to survive. Where this was taking place there were/are social programs available contrary, BTW, to where the lady in the video resides.

You don't know that.
You're just attempting to justify your own behavior, that keeps yet another women in the grip of a pimp.
Then I wonder what word would be appropriate. You live with someone whose life depends on medication and the procurement of that medication rests solely on your ability to provide it, yet, you are against a universal medical plan.

You must have quite the ego, huh? You like having her life in your hands? A universal plan would bring closer the possibility of the government ensuring her medication and you are against that? If so, then you are correct. "Ass" isn't the appropriate word. I'm not sure what word would adequately fit the circumstances.

try 'Man!'

maybe you've never actually seen one before. That may be why it's so difficult for you to comprehend.

No, she was not prostituting herself in order to survive. Where this was taking place there were/are social programs available contrary, BTW, to where the lady in the video resides.

ah, i'm seeing it now. You don't have any idea what it's like to survive on your own or provide for yourself. Your parents did you a huge disservice by raising you to depend upon government assistance. What happens to you when government is not around to provide for you?
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