Men opposing universal medical

so you have enough money to buy and sell property, yet feel that I should pony up my money as well so that we can have a government run (read that as crappy) insurance program? :palm:

The subsidies in the program would be paid for by a special millionaires tax or an excise tax. You're taxes aren't going to be effected no matter what.

It's also important to note that this bill is roughly the size of medicare part D.
Take away lesson from thread:

The black-hearted and souless depths of movement conservatism knows no bounds. My mellow is totally harshed!
Of course I know that. I live here.

For you to know that the prostitute is doing OK, you would need to have personal knowledge of how much she earns, how much her pimp allows her to keep, and whether this is something that she truly wants to do.

Are you proclaiming that you now have personal knowledge of the prostitute?
Hey, sweety. Get a grab on things and, no, I'm not talking about my testicles. :rofl:

Now that you're smiling every person I know, without exception, who complains about taxes are more than capable of paying them.

Let me tell you a little story. When I sold one of my revenue properties I had to pay capital gains tax. My "friends" all commented on the injustice of it. (They knew the selling price as it's public knowledge.)

So, the tax I paid could have put a new automobile in my driveway. So what. The land value increased. I did nothing, absolutely nothing, to cause that increase. Why would I object to paying taxes on money I didn't even work for?

Sanctimonious windbag? I'm sick of greedy people crying about helping others. I'm sick of greedy, selfish, egotistical a$$es who think they worked harder than anyone else, sacrificed more, struggled more, were more deserving. It becomes nauseous after a while.

But I still like you. :)

Since I don't have a pair of tweezers with me, at the moment, your request would be difficult to do.

I see you attempted to ignore what I was referring to; but then, that is how you normally spin things when you find out that you've hung your ass out to be kicked again.
Where is your sense of "community"?

Exactly....I'm talking care of MY community so don't expect me to take care of yours too.....everyone should do what they can right ?

But no, its not that we have half the population doing nothing while the rest of us see our burden only grow larger and larger...
What ever happened to everyone sharing the burden ?
For you to know that the prostitute is doing OK, you would need to have personal knowledge of how much she earns, how much her pimp allows her to keep, and whether this is something that she truly wants to do.

Are you proclaiming that you now have personal knowledge of the prostitute?

I'm saying there are social programs to help her. She does not have to be a prostitute. There are places for her to stay, courses for jobs, etc.
Since I don't have a pair of tweezers with me, at the moment, your request would be difficult to do.

I see you attempted to ignore what I was referring to; but then, that is how you normally spin things when you find out that you've hung your ass out to be kicked again.

You do have a vivid imagination.
Exactly....I'm talking care of MY community so don't expect me to take care of yours too.....everyone should do what they can right ?

But no, its not that we have half the population doing nothing while the rest of us see our burden only grow larger and larger...
What ever happened to everyone sharing the burden ?

Who is doing nothing? Why do people always think that if someone hits hard times it's because they're lazy?
Is there a point to this thread, other than a call to men to break out their paternalistic instincts over the issue of healthcare, and save all the damsels in distress?
Its good fun. But in truth, this man could really use a good woman to rescue him from his sad, pathetic life...

Your plight has come to our attention. We were discussing you in msg. 48 and 57. Never give up hope some lady poster will open up and offer comfort in your hour of need.
Dammit, I hate being used as a political wedge. I'm one of those dreamers who contemplates falling in love with the faire maiden (or venture capitalist, to update things a bit). For me, its more about the emotional connection and support, and less about the getting laid, since we can assume that a Shakespearean romance will get to that.

Meanwhile, my friend Sean is plotting another blind date for me. The last one hasn't really gone anywhere beyond friendship. Currently, my Facebook profile just says "Its Complicated," because that sounds badass, and its more or less true.