Men: to give space or NOT to give it


the observer
What do you guys need? Men say women are hard to read...well i think men are harder. Just say what you mean and quit sparing our feelings or being manly with us or whatever. Just say whats on your mind and be done with it. You'd be surprised at how similar women are to you...
What do you guys need? Men say women are hard to read...well i think men are harder. Just say what you mean and quit sparing our feelings or being manly with us or whatever. Just say whats on your mind and be done with it. You'd be surprised at how similar women are to you...

It has been my experience that women are far more likely to avoid saying exactly what they mean. Women, far more than men, expect the opposite gender to read hints, understand what is not said, and generally expect men to read minds.

We are far simpler than you think.
It has been my experience that women are far more likely to avoid saying exactly what they mean. Women, far more than men, expect the opposite gender to read hints, understand what is not said, and generally expect men to read minds.

We are far simpler than you think.

And what of us females who say exactly what we think all the time??? I tend to think men assume they are sparing our feelings. I just want truthful answers.
LOL Nice follow-up rant to all the gay guy posts, Kathy :)

Naw, I find women tend to be more complicated, because things like tact, wit and subtlety are part of their vocabulary, while men are taught that it is more hip to be unsophisticated and idiotic...
It has been my experience that women are far more likely to avoid saying exactly what they mean. Women, far more than men, expect the opposite gender to read hints, understand what is not said, and generally expect men to read minds.

We are far simpler than you think.

Men just say nothing at all or try to fix things, women just want you to listen, don't fix it; just say, "oh I am sorry you had a bad day, honey"

Words of wisdom from the decrepit in AK
What do you guys need? Men say women are hard to read...well i think men are harder. Just say what you mean and quit sparing our feelings or being manly with us or whatever. Just say whats on your mind and be done with it. You'd be surprised at how similar women are to you...

I dunno Meg. telling a woman what is on my mind has tended to get me in trouble with women. But based on empirical evidence I make poor choices with women.
I dunno Meg. telling a woman what is on my mind has tended to get me in trouble with women. But based on empirical evidence I make poor choices with women.

You too, USC? They seem so sweet at the beginning.

I don't think men are particularly good communicators. But I think we are more direct.
Women lie to make the other person feel better. Men lie to make themselves look better.

LOL I never thought about it that way.

And yes i decided this board needed a rant on the male gender to even the scales a little.

In all honesty I think when a man says drop it or I don't want to talk about it they usually mean it, whereas a woman usually means the opposite and needs to get it off her chest. Though as a favor to the fairer species, please don't bombard us with the weight of the world when you finally do decide to blow ;). Go punch a wall or squeal your tires's much more efficient :)
Women lie to make the other person feel better. Men lie to make themselves look better.

Very true and they both fear telling what they want out of fear of being hurt.

If you say directly what you want from someone and they still dont give it to you what does that say?
What do you guys need? Men say women are hard to read...well i think men are harder. Just say what you mean and quit sparing our feelings or being manly with us or whatever. Just say whats on your mind and be done with it. You'd be surprised at how similar women are to you...

Women: We are not women, don't try to read us. Most of the time, when you think we are trying to beat around the bush and have some alterior motive, we really don't. Most of the time we are telling you exactly how it is, you just can't believe we would be telling you exactly how it is because you don't understand how that works. When I tell you my balls itch, I am not telling you I have an STD, I am merely telling you my balls itch, and that is it. I usually warn you to let you know I am about to scratch them in public. It is up to you to step in front of me to block the view of the rest of the public, or if you could care less, let the whole world watch me scratch my nuts. If I have to argue with you about scratching my nuts, I will scratch them anyways because they just freakin itch. It isn't an STD, they just sweat... a lot!
The itchy sack theory of life?

I like it.

Yeah, it isn't too complicated, but pretty much states how a man thinks. The only thing we don't tell you directly is what we want you, as a woman, to do. We don't want advice, we don't want to argue, we usually just want you to be a problem solver on your own. The best thing a women can do for a man being direct and saying 'My nuts itch' is stand in front of him and say 'go ahead and scratch them dear, I will block the view'. Usually, a nice trip to the store will be the reward, and you can do it on our dime. Remember, we love you because you care ;)
Yes I value directness more than most humans no matter what body they inhabit. My Husband actually has a style of talking that involves alot of detail. I have to try and inhibit my tendancy to do the circular hand gesture to push him to the point. I will often just space out for a moment until he stops telling me which route he took and starts the part of where he went and what he got.

I love him dearly but when any two people get together there is always compromise. Im sure he could tell you the compromises he makes to coexsist with me. One of them Im sure is to listen to me spew any new political stuff I just discovered.