Men: to give space or NOT to give it

What do you guys need? Men say women are hard to read...well i think men are harder. Just say what you mean and quit sparing our feelings or being manly with us or whatever. Just say whats on your mind and be done with it. You'd be surprised at how similar women are to you...

For me if something is bothering me or im stressed id rather just try to let it go. But sometimes what happens is the woman sees the stress and pick at asking whats going on because thats how they would deal with it by talking it out. But the last thing i want to do is to go BACK to rehashing something thats already on its way off my shoulders.
That is why I will ask my hubby but I will back off when I know he cant go there right now.

Its a dance you do when you know someone well.

You give them the space they need to come to grips with it in their minds. I find when I do this he later comes to me and tells me on his own terms.

I would tell all women to give it a try but you have to be careful on that kind of advice because all couples have their own dance that works for them.
For me if something is bothering me or im stressed id rather just try to let it go. But sometimes what happens is the woman sees the stress and pick at asking whats going on because thats how they would deal with it by talking it out. But the last thing i want to do is to go BACK to rehashing something thats already on its way off my shoulders.

That is why I will ask my hubby but I will back off when I know he cant go there right now.

Its a dance you do when you know someone well.

You give them the space they need to come to grips with it in their minds. I find when I do this he later comes to me and tells me on his own terms.

I would tell all women to give it a try but you have to be careful on that kind of advice because all couples have their own dance that works for them.

yep sometimes i will bring it up after it doesn't really bother me anymore and in a situation where im more relaxed like after a drink. :shots:

But for example to have a bad day at work and then come home wanting to just chill and let it go.. aka leave the work at work.. but then having someone trying to get u to rehash it is wretched.
My Hubby will come forward when he needs my input or just to get something done about whatevers wrong.

Women find it hard not to try and fix it and or commiserate about it.

I do sugest to every woman who lives with a man to realize they are not an extension of you but a fully functioning being who does not want to brain meld with you.
My boyfriend is having an all out war with this woman at his job and has been complaining non stop. I don't blame him, she really is over the top and I've seen the emails, but I do try to but in and give him my advice on what he should and shouldn't do.

I feel like its harder to gage when men just want to vent and when they want actual advice on what to do. With women its easier.
Yeah our brains are wired more like each others.

Its a constant learning curve with guys for gals.

Guys need their egos stroked just like girls do but they need less commiserating.

You can give him ideas and stop when you sense he doesnt want it. I often say just a little bit of this stuff at a time and then drop it when I sense he wants me to drop it.

They often will think about what you said if you give it in very small doses. Another clue is to not insist on credit for the Idea if he does use it.
One suggestion for women, if you ask for honesty then don't remember something he said that pissed you off and bring it up over and over and over and over.

This is how we learn.
One suggestion for women, if you ask for honesty then don't remember something he said that pissed you off and bring it up over and over and over and over.

This is how we learn.

Yeah but a little common sense is needed here and honesty is overrated in my opinion.

Sometimes women will ask, "Do I look fat?" Even if you're girlfriend/wife has gained 50 lbs, the answer is always, "no, you look hot!"
Women: We are not women, don't try to read us. Most of the time, when you think we are trying to beat around the bush and have some alterior motive, we really don't. Most of the time we are telling you exactly how it is, you just can't believe we would be telling you exactly how it is because you don't understand how that works. When I tell you my balls itch, I am not telling you I have an STD, I am merely telling you my balls itch, and that is it. I usually warn you to let you know I am about to scratch them in public. It is up to you to step in front of me to block the view of the rest of the public, or if you could care less, let the whole world watch me scratch my nuts. If I have to argue with you about scratching my nuts, I will scratch them anyways because they just freakin itch. It isn't an STD, they just sweat... a lot!

I never got that. My balls just don't seem to itch much.
Ok, on the one hand we have "Be honest", and on the other hand we have "use common sense and lie if necessary".

I tell my wife she look hot when she first wakes up in the morning and anytime she says she looks fat, looks old, or complains abouther hair.

But Milady, there ARE some clothes that show weight gain more than others. If she wants to know which clothes show the weight gain more, wouldn't it be better to hear it at home? Before you get out in public and catch your reflection in a store window and think its a funhouse mirror?
My boyfriend is having an all out war with this woman at his job and has been complaining non stop. I don't blame him, she really is over the top and I've seen the emails, but I do try to but in and give him my advice on what he should and shouldn't do.

I feel like its harder to gage when men just want to vent and when they want actual advice on what to do. With women its easier.

Right!! That was the point of my rant last night.
I work about half the time outdoors. And most of my outdoors time is in the south. So itchy balls are something I sometimes have to deal with.

The trick is to be discreet. But when we are home alone, discretion falls behind comfort.

I don't think my wife thinks its an STD. I think she is just bothered by the look of bliss on my face. :chesh:
Ok, on the one hand we have "Be honest", and on the other hand we have "use common sense and lie if necessary".

I tell my wife she look hot when she first wakes up in the morning and anytime she says she looks fat, looks old, or complains abouther hair.

But Milady, there ARE some clothes that show weight gain more than others. If she wants to know which clothes show the weight gain more, wouldn't it be better to hear it at home? Before you get out in public and catch your reflection in a store window and think its a funhouse mirror

And I'm glad you bought this up. Usually if your significant other is armed with an alternative outfit, they want an honest opinion. But in general, its always safe to lead with, you good in both, but I like that one better.
Yeah but a little common sense is needed here and honesty is overrated in my opinion.

Sometimes women will ask, "Do I look fat?" Even if you're girlfriend/wife has gained 50 lbs, the answer is always, "no, you look hot!"

i say, 'yeah you're fat bith.'

and look at me. not a happy camper. never take after wm.